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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

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Huh, fgo manga be fgo manga.

Though I would note that the distance to the temple and the school isn't 4KM - it's about half that. And the time frame being vague renders an exact speed value hard to grasp. Though the supersonic shockwave around him is really apparent.

You can literally hear the whining of this post from someone DARING to link to the FGO Manga... despite the foundation of how the Nasuverse works, Multiverse Theory is canon and thus so is it's Adaptations...

This also ignores that EMIYA didn't jump straight to their location and jumped up real high at that too...


Man of Atom

Most of the folks in there basically calling it how it is. Jiren stomps the verse, lol. Only a few retards, who got called out for wanking, believe Gojo takes it. :mjlol

Yeah and it's the same stupid shit too:
"Jiren has no way to bypass Infinity" The fucking series has so many ways to bypass Infinity, it's legit absurd to say that. Jiren has actually no sold being frozen in time and weaker characters than him has destroyed Pocket Dimensions.
Infinity isn't stopping shit.
"Unlimited Void would stop him" And Jiren would have taken his head before he even tried.
Gojou is either Supersonic+ or Hypersonic+ and not major in either category at best or worst.
Jiren is effortlessly MFTL+, Gojou would be freaking dead.

-Victory by Death or Incapacitation.
-Both teams start 300 meters from each other in village Gyutaro and Tengen fought.
-Both teams are in-character but will work together.
-Archer and Lancer get feats from only the original Fate Stay/Night VN and the UBW Anime.
-Archer and Lancer both have the mana sources they had in UBW.
-Tengen and Gyutaro get anime and manga feats.
-Tengen and Gyutaro are both at their strongest.

You know? I have seen them ONLY use these as of late as they really don't want to deal with the later, obvious powerscaling... except the VN and UBW Anime already has those absurd feats of power in the first place...
So it really does get ridiculous that they still believe that they are on the level when either one would effortlessly solo.

Its literally sunlight that does it, wonky sword magic or whatever, but its a thing.
This is literally never mentioned other than him having divinity, Cu isn't going to dust demons or vampires because he walks past them due to his divinity. He has never done anything of the sort.

Last I checked he never warpspasmed period in Fate Stay/Night, in fact normal Cu has never done so. So even if it releases 'hero-light' and that means Demons just cease to be, Cu can't access it. Even more poignant is that Hero-light sure as hell aint Sunlight.

>Demons can't die from getting hit with Gae Bolg because they only die from Sunlight and Nichirin Blades

This is literally a NLF and it's fucking amazing they are actually arguing this unironically when they are the first to bitch about this even being applied to Fate.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
>composite transformers


I already have the feeling people are going to downplay the shit out of Vlov even after people are telling them how his ability works:

It's basically bullshit Heat Manipulation that primarily focuses on Cold(Basically near Absolute Zero levels if not Absolute Zero levels) but he can get to use Fire as a side effect of it(above 3000 Degree Celsius) and can even screw with Electrons and has the otherwise isn't actually at the level of a high end Dead Apostle despite being an Ancestor.

And yes, getting near him at the wrong time will instantly freeze your ass to death as he can snatch away heat if it's not active.

EDIT: And for anything thinking that their Domain Expansion will save them?
Tsukihime Material I - GLOSSARY: Hemonomic Principle, p.100
Hemonomic Principle
Idea Blood. The quality of the blood that makes the Ancestors what they are, and a foundational commandment etched on their soul.

The Dead Apostles who inherited this blood would always rise up to become Ancestors no matter their rank; Arcueid compared it to a "crown".

On the other hand, a millennium-class foundation is needed for the Hemonomic Principle to function, and even if a Dead Apostle with hundreds of years of activity were to inherit it they would be crushed by that curse. Properly speaking it was not something that Vlov could withstand, but thanks to a technique given to him by a certain Dead Apostle as well as his desire for revenge against that person he managed to retain his sanity until the end

A singularity that paints over the planet's physical laws just by circulating blood. Wherever an Ancestor asserts their Idea Blood becomes their territory, subject to the influence of their Principle curse.

Good luck with that.
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Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
My nigga Jinnobi coming in with that truly S-tier logic. :mjlol His debating skills are like that of a 5-D chess master, truly. I wonder why no one else ever thought to bring up how the comic book authors would write it for a versus debate? Oh wait...:russ


Man of Atom
My nigga Jinnobi coming in with that truly S-tier logic. :mjlol His debating skills are like that of a 5-D chess master, truly. I wonder why no one else ever thought to bring up how the comic book authors would write it for a versus debate? Oh wait...:russ
>not working on Superman


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Yea it did :kobeha

I just assume he knows nothing about Flash but what he was saying how DC would not want to do this to piss off their fanbase not like DC hasn't done that multiple times :mjlol
Extra funny considering how well-known DC's penchant for pissing off its fans has been the last number of years. Nigga had to have been living under a rock to have not seen any of it. Either that, or he was doing an awful job at trolling, which wouldn't surprise me either. :russ
When I keep thinking that we have seen the biggest amount of bullshit possible, SB keeps proving me wrong in how ridiculously hard they are wanking Demon Slayer... fucking Demon Slayer...

And what is the strength necessary exactly? Gyutaro and Tengen slamming into each other creates explosions that obliterate houses and the two of them are fine.

When in the fuck did they ever do this? I remember seeing their fight and they actually had issues wrecking just ONE house with those same bombs.

I mean, by any indication, Tengen and Gyutaro are more than capable of deflecting Archer's arrows and Cu's strikes, the thing that pulls the servants over Tengen and Gyutaro is solely that Gae Bolg being used is one shotting Tengen, or atleast it guarantees him dying.

Some somehow not a Fire Rune won't work or a Sunlight Rune or EMIYA's Anti-Regen weaponry will do it? Just Gae Bolg... potentially? You see what I'm talking about here with this bullshit?

And here's the video they believe has them equal Cu and EMIYA into strength... this...
Even though:
1. We clearly see that not ONE house is obliterated, only part of it's roof.
2. This is done through the latters' bombs, not their actual physical strength

They was described as "Tank Shells" and "be able to mow down houses" with just 8 of them:
Here, Herakles tanks 8 arrows from EMIYA suggested to be able to mow down houses. Here, an arrow from EMIYA with the power of a tankshell hits Herakles temple. Here, Herakles tanks 3 more of EMIYA's arrows to the forehead. Here, Herakles charges Artoria, both EMIYA's arrows and Rin's obsidian jewel magic attack fail to stop his charge or damage him through God Hand.

Not stating they win, but I dont think it will be at all easy for Cu and Emiya to somehow pull it off.

These are literally contradictory, you asshat. It's clearly obvious you are going all in on this DS Duo winning a battle they never have a chance in hell against because of some ridiculous nonsense that SB has against Fate in terms of most of it's feats.
Because let's keep ignoring the elephant in the room in that Muzan? The "Strongest Demon"? Nearly died to a Hillside Explosion that only destroyed the house:


But yeah sure, they are a "match" for the Servants, they aren't even a match for the typical Magus or even Dead Apostles.

My mistake, not more easily, but certainly not harder either. The twisting space just shreds defenses by warping them out of shape, but the blood slashes don't give a shit about that because they're just blood launched at high speeds. The space twisting also doesn't seem to apply in front of Caladbolg.

vs Medea

Here, EMIYA aims Caladbolg II at Medea, Medea hastily casts defensive magic, EMIYA fires Caladbolg II. Here, Caladbolg II distorts space as it travels, Caladbolg II easily penetrates Medea's defense. Even if she had tried to teleport, how Caladbolg II distorts space would have twisted her up anyway. Here, Medea uses all her magical energy to heal herself from the indirect hit she took from Caladbolg II. Both Medea and her protection were damaged by Caladbolg II's after-effects. Here, firing Caladbolg II leaves EMIYA with a weak magical energy. Here, Medea's left weak too as EMIYA's attack took away most of her body and magical energy.

There's a reason she casted a Barrier rather than just Teleport away from the extremely high speed attack...

As for why reacting to Uzui would let him do that, Uzui being a Pillar means that his strikes should be in the supersonic to low-hypersonic range. This is also consistent with Gyutaro being casually able to block Uzui and Tanjiro's swords when they were mere inches from his neck, even though he didn't even seem to move before they got close to his neck, and being able to rotate his head around fast enough to catch Uzui's stab with his teeth.

Based on what? This is the shit I'm talking about as there is no baseline on where their speed are past One is a Pillar and the other is a Hashira and one of the people isn't. There is no real true speed feat in Demon Slayer past the mother of all assumptions on how fast they actually are in relation to each other... but if we go like that:

Then we do feats like this(which CONSTANTLY pop up to show how fast they move) somehow doesn't count? Rin nor Kuzuki are slowpokes yet from Archer's perspective, they are slow as fucking turtles.

See, none of this is actually evidence. The first one is circular reasoning (Caladbolg is too strong for Gyutaro to block because only Salter and Herc blocked it, Herc is too strong because he blocked Caladbolg). The second isn't necessarily impressive considering that Saber was also seriously hurt by Kuzuki amped to 10x human strength and striking hard enough that Shirou was able to mitigate the force of his blows and not die. The part about the skyscraper destroying attack I want context on, because if it's a magical attack that might very well just be a matter of MR. The last one isn't as impressive as Rotating Circular Slashes.

Holy shit, this is the worst level of defense I have ever seen...
Has this dude never seen Salter vs. Heracles in Heaven's Feel II? Because I'm pretty sure no one in DS has even remotely effortlessly lifted a stone building and chunked it with ease multiple times, including easily kicking them as if they was soccer balls and batting them away like they was softballs.
The strength to block Caladbolg II is from the fact that even AFTER Heracles hit it, most of the energy from the attack escaped... and still did a massive explosion:

vs Herakles

Here, EMIYA is on a rooftop 100s of meters away readying Caladbolg II for attack. Here, EMIYA releases Caladbolg II, Herakles senses the danger it poses and attacks the arrow with all his might to defend against it. Here, Caladbolg II razed the cemetary, Herakles is left standing in a crater where the impact occurred. Here, having acted to counter Caladbolg II, the remaining energy that detonated on impact leaves Herakles unharmed for his efforts despite Caladbolg II being an A Rank Noble Phantasm (basically, he's able to survive a large fraction of Caladbolg II's impact, but were he not to counter the attack would take a life or 2). Here, Artoria suggests Caladbolg II would have inflicted her with a fatal wound had Shirou not rushed into save her (this is corroborated by Bad End 15 here [only difference between this ending and the fight where Shirou is there is that Shirou runs to save Artoria here, he has no interaction with the fight before that moment]).

But yeah, let's ignore that little detail to pretend it doesn't matter in the long run

Okay, now quantify the actual effects of this and explain to me how he'll know to use it.

The fact that Cu can use those Runes to enhance his Gae Bolg with? Or just inscribe it however he chooses for the same effect? Fucking Scathath Skadi shows how easy it is to inscribe a Rune in battle as does Brynhildr and Sigurd.


Apparently I'm a problem.
Rin nor Kuzuki are slowpokes yet from Archer's perspective, they are slow as fucking turtles.
I kinda have to just put this in here to be a nagging arse, but I hate when anime does the whole "uguhh" shit that Rin does in that scene before Archer slaps her away because it kinda breaks the this is how fast things are happening mood, because you wouldn't have the time to say "impossible", "So fast" or just random noises of shock/surprise because it's just gonna invite that one asshole who goes "well they can't be hypersonic because you wouldn't be able to say that in that timeframe".

:bruh Anime was a mistake.
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