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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

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@seth And like clockwork, the retardation is back in full fucking force...

They are actually trying to compare Animus fucking Animusphere, a Magecraft that is effectively worthless in anything but the Greek Lostbelt due to precisely how it works, needed to further get full into the Texture and Mystery that makes it truly potent and is on the fucking level of Lostbelt Fucking Zeus... to Overlord's Magic System and why Servants should be able to be affected by their magic.

Like holy shit, the game even points out how powerful he is consistently... and this dude has the BALLS to say that Overlord should be able to work..
...I am legit about to have an aneurysm from sheer stupidity.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Elsa isn't even slow considering she can react to the Water Spirit's attacks so (to my knowledge anyway) nothing in MHA has a snowball's chance in hell against her. Especially Ice Spirit Elsa who INSTANTLY flash froze a MASSIVE tidal wave, then dispersed it to nothing just as quickly.

Revenge would be a dish best served cold in this scenario.

Crimson Dragoon

@OtherGalaxy look what got bumped



ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member


I can't even read this shit anymore, this is legit insulting, like straight the fuck up insulting.
I have never seen so much blanket downplaying of Fate by people who should know better and the absolutely retarded wanking from Overlord.
Like I can't even say anything else but this is a fucking travesty and this should be used as a monument for how terrible at debating Spacebattles is.

Holmes needed his NP against the primordial death rune. We've also never seen normal runes, and given servants interactions with other ID stuff (e.g. Zabinya, Eresh, Benkei, etc) I doubt it's a "all servants can resist it gg".

I swear to God they better hope that topic gets closed before I get unbanned...

Yes, a "Defensive" Noble Phantasm that does absolutely nothing defensive and only buffs your strength... which he used AFTER he was already cut by Sigurd
Despite Holmes buffing Mash and Ritsuka with Elementary, My Dear(though not at full power) and Ritsuka's Command Spell(on top of all of their mana), Mash's strike ultimately did no serious damage to Sigurd Surtr. Full Video of the Second Battle here.

No fucking wonder people talk about "Flowery Language" if they can't even understand basic scene composition!

Ainz would still be dead before any of those even truly take effect because again Mordred and Artoria has Instinct... I love how this skill gets ignored despite it would blatantly tell them that Ainz is a major threat that needs to die now...
Overlord is just a bootleg D&D that wishes their characters were as strong high-level adventurers. Overlord might have similar spells and mechanics, but their feats are trash unless you use that crossover collaboration. If their "Nuclear Blast" 9th level spell that took out a quarter of a town is their best feat, that is pathetic for D&D standards. D&D has 7th level spells that can create gigantic temples and mansions, 8th level spells like Control Weather, Tsunami, and Earthquake. Even Re:Zero has better feats, like Reinhard in one of the bad ends destroying and recreating the entire world with a single swing of his sword.

Remember, that was AFTER the use of an Extra "Expand Radius" skill at that.
The spells in Overlord are honestly terrible and I say that as a fan of Season 1. They think because it has spells from D&D, they should 100% translate over despite the fact that in story, they very much don't.


Playing Devil's Advocate here, but are you guys absolutely certain that Overlord is really as unimpressive as you all say it is, or are you guys becoming just like SB when it comes to Fate? Yes especially you xhom. Something something, abyss staring back.


V.I.P. Member
Best feat I've been able to find skimming respect threads was freezing a 40 km in diameter lake to an unknown depth which was depicted as a shallow freeze in the anime. That was super tier magic, which apparently has a protracted casting time.

Can say this much, having watched the anime, nothing trumped him freezing the lake there. Unless volumes 10-14 cover something significant, that won't change.

It's not a matter of calling outlier on stronger shit and throwing it to the floor like they have a tendency to do, its that the ceiling presented is vastly lower than the ceiling presented in franchise they like to throw it against. The feat I mentioned above is dime a dozen megatons to maybe gigatons depending on actual depth. That's piss in Fate from even its middle end feats across the franchise.


V.I.P. Member

That's what I was able to find specifically for it.

He can only use a spell of this caliber 4 times a day too? Would have thought he'd have more MP than that.

Yeah, I'm absolutely certain of it as well. Alot of what they pluck from Overlord they try and specifically use from Dungeons and Dragons itself because the spells primarily come from Dungeons and Dragons(But we never see how they work because yeah, the story states that Ainz has over 700 spells and no author is gonna go that deep over it).
One of the "best feats" I heard was that a "Nuclear Explosion" spell that included an "Expand Radius" boost... either only wiped out an okay chunk of a town and not even the entire town at that.
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