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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

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bayverse tfs are like minimum city block level too, at least the stronger ones like Megatron would be

the comic spinoffs are actually way the fuck stronger but iirc those are canonically parallel universes to the movies themselves

Well considering what Megatron did in Revenge of The Fallen with that Sub while he was Underwater, I'm pretty sure he's well beyond Yang's paygrade for this dude to even make that claim.

Yes, I can see their feats, none of them are as impressive as any of the better durability and strength feats in RWBY.
And yet every time I see these feats in RWBY, it's usually outside of Volumes 1-3 which usually have such terrible scaling, it would actually heavily weaken the series rather than make it look better.

Like, it's a submarine that got knocked upwards by a giant robot at an okay-ish speed, who gives a shit when RWBY characters can carve through a fuck huge super heavy robot that can jump at stupidly fast speeds without its legs exploding like if it were made out of any real metal because the metal it's made of is stupidly strong. That's still just a a middling RWBY feat, but I guess it fits thematically.

Seriously? They are using the absolutely shitty Robot fight to pretend it's stronger than Megatron? That thing has no feats worth a damn and if anything, it's a gold mine of Anti-Feats for RWBY the whole 9 yards over.
And I like how he's trying to pretend RWBY Metals > Real Life Metals with no proof and ignore what Transformers are made of is explicitly better and stronger than our Metals by such a fuck ton, that was the entire point of the 4th Movie and how Megatron became Galvatron.

The issue is while Bayformers are pretty tough (though do have low-ends like Blackout being taken out with an RPG), the speed difference means team RWBY can hit the same spots repeatedly until they chip away at it. Also hit weak points like eyes, guns, and so on.

If we are going to go by this logic, most of the RWBY cast would be knocked out falling from 3 stories and their Aura would be shattered. Let's not throw stones at glass houses.

Team RWBY did fight the 30 meter Colossus mecha. Fighting something much bigger than them isn't rare, and the mechs in RWBY like Paladins are also much tougher than real-life metal- the Paladin rammed Yang through multiple concrete highway overpass supports, which is a lot more impressive than even plowing through a building, and when Weiss gets summons she can slice right through them.

1. Again where is the proof that RWBY, the extremely technologically deficient RWBY has Metals tougher than ours? This keeps constantly being used with no proof behind it at all.

2. This is completely false as stated by MANY people and is one of the biggest issues of Tifa vs. Yang. Highway Overpass Supports are strong... AT THE TOP AND BOTTOM! Not at the sides. Hell, it's easier to destroy them that way then literally smashing them from top to bottom. The feat is far less of a feat when you realize that's how Support Columns work.

Damn. That RedBoi guy seems to actually have some common sense. Something most SBers lack :mjlol

I'll give him that on actually being fair but that's more on him not basically trying to go with Turtle Speed Servants like some SB'ers do. He still sadly drinks the Kool-Aid when it comes to believing the High End Servant feats.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member

Damn. That RedBoi guy seems to actually have some common sense. Something most SBers lack :mjlol
That’s because most of the Fate community on SB isn’t Garbs and Siriel. It’s just that most of them don’t like vs debating so downplay is rampant there.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
It's still funny because I honestly wonder how they believe Guts is on the level with Shirou Emiya at all.

Shirou Emiya vs Gilgamesh
Here, Gilgamesh begins his attack against Shirou with Merodach/Gram's version of Caliburn's attack again. Here, as Gilgamesh's attack is in transit, Shirou projects Avalon and Saber joins hands with him to further increase its power.

Shirou Emiya vs Herakles
Here, Shirou eats a hit from Herakles frozen Axe-sword, Shirou managed to block with his bow, but it broke from the impact. One of Shirou's arms was bent like a spider's from the impact and breathing hurts him now. Here, Shirou partially dodges a strike from Herakles, it breaks his leg. Here, Herakles starts to swing at Shirou. Shirou picks up and reinforces the durability of a piece of his broken bow, he blocks Herakles strike with it. The piece of bow breaks. His body collapses from the impact.

Here, Herakles begins to swing his Axe-Sword at Shirou, the sword is swung with the intention to really kill Shirou this time. Here, Herakles attack in transit, Shirou uses a partially formed Projection of Caliburn, Shirou proves able to block Herakles strikes.

Shirou Emiya vs Medusa (Shinji Matou)
Here, Shinji commands Medusa to kill Shirou, Shirou can't dodge the attack aimed at his head, but moves enough to have her not inflict a fatal wound. Here, Shirou is able to avoid the strike from Medusa due to Artoria's warning.

Shirou Emiya vs Medea
Here, Shirou reacts to and charges after Artoria's dash towards Medea before she can strike at her. Here, in the time it takes Medea to swing her arm, Shirou is able to place his body between the attack and Artoria.

These are all from Heaven's Feel, aka, the WEAKEST Shirou Emiya available. And for people to forget, Medea, even being canonically stated to be the weakest Heroic Spirit in the 5th Grail War is able to straight up lop off someone's arm(her own lol) with her Noble Phantasm which is a literal ceremonial dagger(thus terrible to use close range)
Who's All Fictions?

If I remember correctly, All Fictions is one of the bigger known Fate people in SB. But as SB Fate guys usually stay the hell away from VS. debates at all times(to the point of even frowning on people even hinting at it), they usually keep to themselves.

But yeah, there are plenty of guys who are there who wouldn't deal with the downplay for even a moment if they wanted to.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Who's All Fictions?
One of the most knowledgable dudes on Fate, he’s on SB, SV and Beast’s Lair. He’s second in knowledge in my ranking system to Ryuugi. A man knowledgable enough on not just fate but actual mythology. And knowledgable enough to literally make a connection between DDD’s Marine Origa to Olga Animusphere and demons. Then use said knowledge to write fanfiction.


If I remember correctly, All Fictions is one of the bigger known Fate people in SB. But as SB Fate guys usually stay the hell away from VS. debates at all times(to the point of even frowning on people even hinting at it), they usually keep to themselves.

But yeah, there are plenty of guys who are there who wouldn't deal with the downplay for even a moment if they wanted to.
I will say more, he is one of the most famous Toaru fans.

Flowering Knight

V.I.P. Member
There's alot of "Weak" characters that can defeat Garou precisely due to hax, it's just funny that SB is basically not even trying outside of the wankest of wanks.

Honestly for as much as I rag on the Bleach Wank, Ichigo and Yhwach would defeat Garou absolutely.
Garou has no answer to the X-Axis or The Miracle either(and even the Compulsory would spell his doom if it gets him clean).
It's just funny they always do this with every new OPM Manga Chapter, every. Single. TIME
I might be forgetting something, but while I understand Yhwach, how does Ichigo beat Garou? Or rather, how does he not get speedblitzed immediately.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Would any of you happen to have the quotes of the what the Bleach world was like before the separation of the realms and the quote(s) regarding said separation by the way?
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