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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
>TFW people are asking me dimensional tiering questions about KLK


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member


Wait for it..... @Xhominid The Fool @Thegoldenboy2188

I was thinking that I could play a game, but that could be postponed for later.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

Wait for it..... @Xhominid The Fool @Thegoldenboy2188


He honestly would go pretty decently... maybe.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

..Excuse me?
"superior speed and radiation would net him a win against early versions of Accelerator"

That's not how this works.

Radiation very obviously moves and his ability has never once cared about the speed of an attack.
(ignoring the fact that Accelerator didn't go through a training arc of any kind, his reactions have always been that fast)


Nah, I'm serious. Relativistic combat speed, manipulation of probabilities through supernatural luck, precog, and hax ignoring enemy toughness.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

No one tell this guy that 50/50 Othinus doesn't have to use her Magic God powers in a fight.


FTL speed* the downplay smh
Did you know that, depending on the translation of the book, the Index beam could have the speed of light? One translation says that each photon has unique properties, and another translation says that each piece of light has unique properties


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Did you know that, depending on the translation of the book, the Index beam could have the speed of light? One translation says that each photon has unique properties, and another translation says that each piece of light has unique properties
And the beam that Elizard blocked, Mugino's beams (iffy), the sand in GT4, etc.

This has basically been 3 pages of one person arguing against the fucking World as he clearly shows he didn't read a single freaking chapter of F/SN and pulling shit out of his ass.
Dude. Read what you replied to.
Same dude who decided to run at Assassin with his 2 swords. He got his ass beat btw.

Ah yes, Kojirou Sasaki, Sword Autism Extraordinaire who not only had the battlefield basically converted that you MUST fight him on his terms but his skills explicitly has him read your entire style/gameplan in a few hits, you can't remember how he fights if you leave and you can't mentally screw with him and his biggest accomplishment is literally telling reality to fuck off so hard, he can manifest multiple attacks at different angles at once.
I wonder why Archer would lose that one when his Swordsmanship is ultimately his weaker point than his actual Archery as Nasu stated on multiple occasions...
Nasu-san CHECK! If it's a straight out death match, then Archer will win. But Assassin is an oddity that fights under different battle conditions from the other Servants. While many Servants are offensive, Assassin is defensive. At a Servant-killing battlefield like Ryuudou Temple and with Caster's anti-sorcery defensive barrier, sorcery and Noble Phantasm power is decreased significantly. As a result, if it's not a powerful Noble Phantasm, then he won't take a fatal wound. Which means that the battle between the two is clearly swordsmanship. With Archer having his sniping sealed off to him due to the terrain effect, could Archer actually lose...?

Says who? The abilities fundamentally don't work the same. How are you comparing these two, and why does this comparison of Mind's Eye skills matter?

While I won't agree that Archer's is better overall(Heracles has been shown to know EXACTLY when something will pierce God Hand and what won't and thus react accordingly among other things), it IS important considering Archer's Mind's Eye explicitly saves his ass on many occasions, including against Cu.

Your proof of showing me it's an outlier is to double down on the fact that it's an outlier. Try again.

That's not how outliers work. Was the battle offscreen? Yes but Archer explicitly killed him 6 times and that's how Shirou and Artoria killed him with a single TNR Caliburn otherwise. This also doesn't make sense being an outlier considering EMIYA was able to fight well against Cu, Artoria and Medusa(before she finally got full strength) without being immediately mulched either.

And? How does this make killing Berserker 6 times easier than killing Lancer once.

Because Cu isn't suffering from a horrible case of being under so much Madness Enhancement, he literally cannot even try and perform his actual combat skills or even advanced motor skills which is why Nine Lives is explicitly lost from him:
Nine Lives: The Shooting Hundred Heads
Rank: -
Type: -
Range: -
Maximum Targets: -
Among Hercules’Noble Phantasms, he trusted this one the most. It was the Noble Phantasm which Hercules used to slay the immortal nine-headed serpent Hydra once upon a time, taking the form of bow and arrow. After killing the Hydra, Hercules could even utilise techniques that emulate the ability of this Noble Phantasm when wielding other weapons. In essence, it is “a high speed attack consisting of nine consecutive strikes, as swift as if the attacks are overlapping”. Even when delivered via sword, spear, or axe, this technique still boasts power on the level of Noble Phantasms. Also, just like Cú Chulainn’s demonic spear Gae Bolg has a technique called “Gae Bolg – Piercing Death Thorn”, Hercules’ technique shares the “Nine Lives – Shooting of Hundred Heads” name with the Noble Phantasm.

Shirou projected this secret sword technique while projecting Hercules’ Axe Sword, thus annihilating the Blackened Hercules. While summoned as a Berserker, Hercules could not use Nine Lives.

Mad Enhancements: B
The Class Skill that characterizes Berserker, it reinforces ability at the cost of reason. As Heracles' possesses the skill at Rank B, in compensation for losing most of his sanity, the levels of all his abilities rise. Heracles beat his harp instructor to death when he was a child, and had many episodes when he killed people in his rage without even hearing them speak. It seems that for Heracles, Berserker that receives "Mad Enhancement" was an easy class to adapt to. Focusing on controllability when out of combat, the rank of "Mad Enhancement" is suppressed by Illya.

Being close to the strongest Heroic Spirit, even restricted to simple direct melee as consequence of Mad Enhancement, Heracles was undoubtedly the strongest among the Servants. However, because of Mad Enhancement, a variety of sword techniques and skills, and a part of his Noble Phantasms was lost. Having his emotions also sealed off and not able to perform any personally motivated actions, only the reason within his core was not lost, having occasions when he felt something like the will to protect Illya.

Cu still has complete access to his motor functions, skills and abilities, that's why EMIYA was stuck on the backfoot so hard against Cu once he got truly serious and out for blood.

Can you even name 6 ways Archer can kill Berserker?

What does this have to do with the overall discussion of the Danmachi adventurers? Do they have abilities on the level of God Hand for this comparison to make sense?

All you've been doing is saying "Lancer counters Berserker" to make the comparison non applicable, but Herc counters literally every mediocre hero.

When the fuck is Cu Chulainn, the son of Lugh, the Child of Light, the literal Irish Heracles and someone who can clash evenly with both Artoria and Heracles with a simple environment change mediocre?!
The dude in Nasuverse lore has a better Noble Phantasm in what it does mechanically than FUCKING ODIN DOES WITH GUNGNIR!
Here, Gae Bolg's power distorts space as Cu readies to throw it. Here, Cu throws Gae Bolg at EMIYA. Here, Exposition on Gae Bolg's function as the thrown spear. Here, Cu throws Gae Bolg by using all his magical energy. Here, Gae Bolg vs Rho Aias starts. Here, Rho Aias exposition. Here, thrown Gae Bolg easily pierces through 6 of Rho Aias' layers. Here, EMIYA puts his "all his magical energy" into Rho Aias' last layer. Here, EMIYA has wounds all over his body from the clash. Here, Rho Aias was entirely pierced, EMIYA muses Cu's thrown Gae Bolg surpasses the original Gungir. Here, Cu's pissed off Rho Aias was able to block his strongest attack. Here, EMIYA notes accomplishing this feat cost him most of his magical energy, destroyed one of his arms, and Rho Aias was still shattered.

You gotta be fucking kidding me...


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

This has basically been 3 pages of one person arguing against the fucking World as he clearly shows he didn't read a single freaking chapter of F/SN and pulling shit out of his ass.

Ah yes, Kojirou Sasaki, Sword Autism Extraordinaire who not only had the battlefield basically converted that you MUST fight him on his terms but his skills explicitly has him read your entire style/gameplan in a few hits, you can't remember how he fights if you leave and you can't mentally screw with him and his biggest accomplishment is literally telling reality to fuck off so hard, he can manifest multiple attacks at different angles at once.
I wonder why Archer would lose that one when his Swordsmanship is ultimately his weaker point than his actual Archery as Nasu stated on multiple occasions...

While I won't agree that Archer's is better overall(Heracles has been shown to know EXACTLY when something will pierce God Hand and what won't and thus react accordingly among other things), it IS important considering Archer's Mind's Eye explicitly saves his ass on many occasions, including against Cu.

That's not how outliers work. Was the battle offscreen? Yes but Archer explicitly killed him 6 times and that's how Shirou and Artoria killed him with a single TNR Caliburn otherwise. This also doesn't make sense being an outlier considering EMIYA was able to fight well against Cu, Artoria and Medusa(before she finally got full strength) without being immediately mulched either.

Because Cu isn't suffering from a horrible case of being under so much Madness Enhancement, he literally cannot even try and perform his actual combat skills or even advanced motor skills which is why Nine Lives is explicitly lost from him:
Nine Lives: The Shooting Hundred Heads
Rank: -
Type: -
Range: -
Maximum Targets: -

Mad Enhancements: B

Cu still has complete access to his motor functions, skills and abilities, that's why EMIYA was stuck on the backfoot so hard against Cu once he got truly serious and out for blood.

What does this have to do with the overall discussion of the Danmachi adventurers? Do they have abilities on the level of God Hand for this comparison to make sense?

When the fuck is Cu Chulainn, the son of Lugh, the Child of Light, the literal Irish Heracles and someone who can clash evenly with both Artoria and Heracles with a simple environment change mediocre?!
The dude in Nasuverse lore has a better Noble Phantasm in what it does mechanically than FUCKING ODIN DOES WITH GUNGNIR!

You gotta be fucking kidding me...
Odin/Gungnir huh? :maybe

Cu Chulainn > Othinus
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