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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

This has basically been 3 pages of one person arguing against the fucking World as he clearly shows he didn't read a single freaking chapter of F/SN and pulling shit out of his ass.

Ah yes, Kojirou Sasaki, Sword Autism Extraordinaire who not only had the battlefield basically converted that you MUST fight him on his terms but his skills explicitly has him read your entire style/gameplan in a few hits, you can't remember how he fights if you leave and you can't mentally screw with him and his biggest accomplishment is literally telling reality to fuck off so hard, he can manifest multiple attacks at different angles at once.
I wonder why Archer would lose that one when his Swordsmanship is ultimately his weaker point than his actual Archery as Nasu stated on multiple occasions...
Fucking Artoria had difficulty against Sasaki and was going to resort to Excalibur before Sasaki told her to stop to prevent the "cowardly" Medusa from seeing it, no shit EMIYA is gonna lose in a battle of swordsmanship with him.
That's not how outliers work. Was the battle offscreen? Yes but Archer explicitly killed him 6 times and that's how Shirou and Artoria killed him with a single TNR Caliburn otherwise. This also doesn't make sense being an outlier considering EMIYA was able to fight well against Cu, Artoria and Medusa(before she finally got full strength) without being immediately mulched either.
No one tell this dude that match-ups and locations actually matter in this series, it's not just a matter of raw stats and power. I think that might break his little mind. :maybe
Because Cu isn't suffering from a horrible case of being under so much Madness Enhancement, he literally cannot even try and perform his actual combat skills or even advanced motor skills which is why Nine Lives is explicitly lost from him:
Like it's hard to miss this when Heracles himself bemoans this exact detail.

If not for this, it would be nearly impossible for any Servant in this war to even fight him at all, let alone take lives off him.
Cu still has complete access to his motor functions, skills and abilities, that's why EMIYA was stuck on the backfoot so hard against Cu once he got truly serious and out for blood.
Not to mention how difficult it is to make any kind of stronger Noble Phantasm to counter an opponent whose so ridiculously fast. EMIYA can do little more than defend himself against Cu once the latter stops playing.
When the fuck is Cu Chulainn, the son of Lugh, the Child of Light, the literal Irish Heracles and someone who can clash evenly with both Artoria and Heracles with a simple environment change mediocre?!
The dude in Nasuverse lore has a better Noble Phantasm in what it does mechanically than FUCKING ODIN DOES WITH GUNGNIR!

You gotta be fucking kidding me...
Better question, since when the fuck is ANY SERVANT involved in the 5th Grail War a MEDIOCRE HERO in the first place? :breh


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Who actually is the the strongest Servant in the 5th Holy Grail War (that's FSN right) at their peak?

Is it Artoria?
Like it's hard to miss this when Heracles himself bemoans this exact detail.

If not for this, it would be nearly impossible for any Servant in this war to even fight him at all, let along take lives off him.

Even Alcides, whose basically a gimped Heracles that's a little more versatile utterly shows us how bullshit a Heracles that actually has access to his combat capabilities and his actual reasoning is...
He's the same guy Gilgamesh has to go the hardest he has to outside of just throwing out Enuma Elish on him.

Not to mention how difficult it is to make any kind of stronger Noble Phantasm to counter an opponent whose so ridiculously fast. EMIYA can do little more than defend himself against Cu once the latter stops playing.

Cu and Medusa are the fastest Servants in the HGW. Cu literally can outspeed the fuck out of EMIYA to the point he couldn't even see his attacks... despite EMIYA having the eyesight to see attacks coming in at the last second from other Servants.

Better question, since when the fuck is ANY SERVANT involved in the 5th Grail War a MEDIOCRE HERO in the first place?

Cursed Arm Hassan? :skully

Who actually is the the strongest Servant in the 5th Holy Grail War (that's FSN right) at their peak?

Is it Artoria?

Not gimped? Artoria easily(Not counting Gilgamesh as he isn't actually a part of the war there), when she isn't gimped, she basically wages a one woman war in Extella and basically takes down everyone who has entire Armies, have access to 1/3rd of the Regalia and the strongest Servants around.
Extella Link has EVERYONE in Karl De Grobe's camp so absolutely terrified of her, they left the instant she appeared in the zone(Except Gilles, but he's crazy). Charlemagne, who despite being weakened is canonically a Top Class Servant(Exceptional as hell) who can even clash with Vasavi Shakti and LIVE TO TELL THE TALE, can't even make Artoria BUDGE an inch when she has a rageout in Extella Link.
Gimped? EMIYA(it's that bad).

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Who actually is the the strongest Servant in the 5th Holy Grail War (that's FSN right) at their peak?

Is it Artoria?

Artoria with Avalon is broken as fuck, it neged the fuck out of Enuma Elish and pretty much makes her immortal.
Nasu had to make sure it was stolen from her in her lore for her to even have the potential to lose a fight at all here.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

That's not what happened in the slightest.
Is this guy serious?

It literally WAS about him losing his cool. Accelerator "couldn't react" my ass.
Using Touma to downplay someone is absolutely moronic for very obvious reasons that I shouldn't have to explain.

It's like this guy is the Siriel equivalent for To Aru :mjlol



That's not what happened in the slightest.
Is this guy serious?

It literally WAS about him losing his cool. Accelerator "couldn't react" my ass.
Using Touma to downplay someone is absolutely moronic for very obvious reasons that I shouldn't have to explain.

It's like this guy is the Siriel equivalent for To Aru :mjlol
This guy also doesn't believe in "increasing Touma's reliance on the medium."


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

There's also the issue of him having (assuming at least 50% of his alternate possibilities are similar enough to his main body in capability) about 500 million 1-ups. With all of his stats being exponentially buffed along the way.

Kind of a big deal.

Hell, if they have any sort of analyzing capability (which most of them do last I checked) that's even WORSE.
Because then Blasting Rod just keeps on buffing him while they're checking his capabilities out.

It's like trying to forget the phrase "purple glass" when someone tells you to. You can't.
Or something like that, I forgot the exact analogy Kamachi used.
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One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
@Mr.OMG Aleister releasing all of the "what-ifs" contained in his body is a specific thing he chooses to do right?

And not just something that happens when the main body dies?


@Mr.OMG Aleister releasing all of the "what-ifs" contained in his body is a specific thing he chooses to do right?

And not just something that happens when the main body dies.
Yes, it looks like Fiamma was fought by a parallel version of him. In short, when he finds himself in several places at once, it is his parallel versions that are in different places. And he can't let everyone and everything out at the same time in a normal situation, after all they are Aleister Crowley from other worlds, so they won't cooperate with each other, which is why Beast666 had to put them all in the same coordinate.



Vampires humiliate the BNHA. They actually have Hax on like Obito's intangibility, ignoring intangibility, incredible regeneration, and real lightning speed. There's more, but I don't remember everything.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Yes, it looks like Fiamma was fought by a parallel version of him. In short, when he finds himself in several places at once, it is his parallel versions that are in different places. And he can't let everyone and everything out at the same time in a normal situation, after all they are Aleister Crowley from other worlds, so they won't cooperate with each other, which is why Beast666 had to put them all in the same coordinate.
Huh. I guess that begs the question of "what happened to the alternate timelines" or "why don't any alternate timelines currently exist".
Food for thought I suppose.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member


Huh. I guess that begs the question of "what happened to the alternate timelines" or "why don't any alternate timelines currently exist".
Food for thought I suppose.
What do you mean, they're there, what could have happened to them at all.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Ukitake carried Shunsui during that fight by Absorbing Yamamoto flames, otherwise they would’ve been dead
Yes let's just ignore the fact they're both wounded, showing they each took at least one hit from Yamamoto.
Sure, but ukitakes shikai is the perfect counter to Yamamoto.
Even assuming that Ukitake can absorb Yamamoto's flames, that's a feat for him given it's all but stated the sword's limited to Ukitake's power level by Stark.
So again if you want to say Ukitake can neg Yamamoto's flames with this, that's a feat for him.
Delete Ukitake shikai from that equation and it would be a slaughter.
> Both blatantly took direct hits at one point, showing Yamamoto can bypass Ukitake's sword.
> Without Ukitake's sword, it would have been a slaughter.
Two completely different scenarios. Stark had an attack that can spam 1000 ceros at a single point. It was not about the power, it was about how fast Ukitake could absorb before he would be overwhelmed. Yamamoto doesn’t have spam despite him being stronger than stark.
Stark: "So there must be a limit to HOW MUCH it can absorb."

Emphasis on HOW MUCH. It was not a question of speed, it was a question of overwhelming it with sheer power.
So Ukitake absorbed some flames, while some side flames leaked through? That seems about right.
Those aren't burn wounds dipshit.
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