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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Well, it kind of depends. If the Virtual-On events are true, then there are an infinite number of infinite multiverse, and if, then there is only one.
I mean, it's a crossover. I don't think that's canon. I'm pretty sure there's only one "timeline".

Megaversal+ To Aru? :mjlol If only.

Let's focus on getting those multiversal+ feats first. :maybe


I mean, it's a crossover. I don't think that's canon. I'm pretty sure there's only one "timeline".

Megaversal+ To Aru? :mjlol
Well, actually, this "one time line" is kind of hot. It can be compressed and stretched in different directions. If you stretch the timeline horizontally, you can find another universe(well it's not really used information), and if you stretch the timeline vertically,... you'll still find other worlds. Well, if I understand correctly, you need to control an infinite number of infinite multiverse for megaverse, then in idea Tangram falls into the category.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Well, actually, this "one time line" is kind of hot. It can be compressed and stretched in different directions. If you stretch the timeline horizontally, you can find another universe(well it's not really used information), and if you stretch the timeline vertically,... you'll still find other worlds. Well, if I understand correctly, you need to control an infinite number of infinite multiverse for megaverse, then in idea Tangram falls into the category.
Actually, would it be accurate to say that Aleister merely brought in potential "what-ifs" rather than dragging them from literally another timeline that they were living in?

And that "other timelines" or "other worlds" aren't necessarily "parallel"?

At least, I'd hope that's the case. This stuff is already confusing enough without parallel world stuff added into the mix.

You should make a diagram explaining how the To Aru cosmology is structured :maybe


Actually, would it be accurate to say that Aleister merely brought in potential "what-ifs" rather than dragging them from literally another timeline that they were living in?

And that "other timelines" or "other worlds" aren't necessarily "parallel"?

At least, I'd hope that's the case. This stuff is already confusing enough without parallel world stuff added into the mix.

You should make a diagram explaining how the To Aru cosmology is structured :maybe
Nah, it looks like it was taken from other worlds. Well, there are no other timelines, there is only one timeline that creates parallel worlds because of distortions.
Well, if I do a compilation of the whole lore ToAru, I'm going to die. I'll have a stroke from brain activity.

One of the theories proposed by the Board of Directors is a parallel world, but this cannot be explained using our leading theory in which history acts like a rubber string.

The rubber string theory states that there is only one world and various parallel worlds are newly created when an alternate turn is taken at a branch. We picture it like placing pegs on a pinball or pachinko machine and passing the rubber string across the board so that it forms a single path even as the pegs bend it every which way, so it is much more like saying there is only one history and that it can be freely manipulated.

On the other hand, explaining the Blue Stalker requires a theory in which there are multiple worlds that exist literally parallel to each other.

The rubber string theory exists along a single line of history, but if we view that history as a flat rubber string, perhaps there is actually a bundle of countless strings. Or perhaps there is a reverse side to it like a storage tape.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Nah, it looks like it was taken from other worlds. Well, there are no other timelines, there is only one timeline that creates parallel worlds because of distortions.
Well, if I do a compilation of the whole lore ToAru, I'm going to die. I'll have a stroke from brain activity.

One of the theories proposed by the Board of Directors is a parallel world, but this cannot be explained using our leading theory in which history acts like a rubber string.

The rubber string theory states that there is only one world and various parallel worlds are newly created when an alternate turn is taken at a branch. We picture it like placing pegs on a pinball or pachinko machine and passing the rubber string across the board so that it forms a single path even as the pegs bend it every which way, so it is much more like saying there is only one history and that it can be freely manipulated.

On the other hand, explaining the Blue Stalker requires a theory in which there are multiple worlds that exist literally parallel to each other.

The rubber string theory exists along a single line of history, but if we view that history as a flat rubber string, perhaps there is actually a bundle of countless strings. Or perhaps there is a reverse side to it like a storage tape.
So it's more like timelines within a timeline?
Kind of like how DC works with the 52 "universes" iirc.


So it's more like timelines within a timeline?
Kind of like how DC works with the 52 "universes" iirc.
By the way, I found the quote you so desperately need.

Oh, Lola, you poor, entirely innocent girl.

The children of man cannot choose their parents no matter how hard they try. If you had never been involved with that magician, none of this would have happened.

"Bwah! Pant, ah, bwah!!"

Late that December night, darkness filled Academy City in the cold rain.

The hospital where that doctor worked would normally have been a symbol of rescue, but right in front of it, a woman with extremely long blonde hair lay on the wet asphalt, opening and closing her mouth and seeking air while sounding like she was drowning.

And that was not a figurative expression.

That Archbishop would normally wear a beige habit and it looked like she had collapsed face down. But in truth, half her body had sank into the parking lot. Just like she was sinking into the pitch-black ocean late at night.

And there was one other person there.

No sign of that magician's original form remained because he had transformed into a lovely girl with long silver hair, a blue blazer, a witch's hat, and a cape. He smiled thinly as she whispered to the woman.

In order to kill Aleister's baby girl Lilith, Mathers had indiscriminately sent modern Western magic into the world. That greedy man had summoned Coronzon and that Great Demon had possessed Aleister's other daughter: Lola.

"The world of magic emphasizes symbolism."

The Magician Aleister Crowley.

He – or in this case, she – provided a lecture, perhaps because she had sat in the seat of Academy City's Board Chairman for so long. Or perhaps this was her fatherly side showing through since she was in the presence of her daughter.

"And that does not just apply to special individuals, silver weapons protected by a tribe, and marble ruins. Wrapping a waist band, thrusting a spear, and other perfectly ordinary actions are given an extra value. And at this point, I am not going to explain what each individual thing means. What matters is that all phenomena have meaning, Coronzon. It was not there in the first place, but just as people used up all the available internet addresses, fools like us have left almost no empty space."

She pressed down.

Lola Stuart tried desperately to climb out of the dark and wet asphalt, but Aleister pressed down on her white forehead adorned with beautiful blonde bangs.

"Now, let us follow the story of St. Margaret who worshiped the cross. Because I know you loathe those morality plays as much as I do."

The father pressed her leather shoe's heel against the daughter's forehead.

"I will step on you."


"That is a symbol of stripping away a demon, stealing its power, removing the disaster, and retrieving peace, Great Demon Coronzon."

"Aleister Crowleyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!???"

Golden hair that symbolized devilishness wriggled after spending a very long time gathering power from the moonlight. It emitted a somewhat off-kilter fear that was different from that of a witch from the ancient past or an alien from the future. This was something outside the realm of imagination. If you faced this Great Demon while unprepared, your soul could be damaged and you could be forced to succumb no matter what your physical specs were.

But the magician who had created all of modern Western magic was different.

The silver crushed the gold.

The pressure from Aleister's foot grew as if to bury Lola's lovely face in the black asphalt. No, that was not just the silver witch's power. Academy City was that magician's holy ground. It was a reproduction of the Abbey of Thelema that had once stood on a small Italian island. She used all of that to apply a "seal" that resembled extreme gravity.

"How does it feel to be humiliatingly defeated by what is just? Now, let us move on from St. Margaret and discuss a clever little technique."

It came directly from Aleister Crowley.

"The Banner of the West. Those dual symbols and color layout will reject evil. I cannot eliminate all doubt from thy nature, so I shall protect thee by severing all ties. Furthermore, I am blameless and need not leave this location, so the evil one must remove herself in accordance with her sin!!"

Aleister Crowley had not designed Academy City for this purpose.

If she had known Lola Stuart was Great Demon Coronzon borrowing her daughter's flesh, her plan would not have taken this form from the very beginning.

But that was not what mattered.

That magician had defined what qualified as magic and controlled all that fell under that label. Even if it was a loathsome and cursed thing now, she would not allow that to hamper her skill. As much as she might hate and resent it, Aleister was still a true magician. And from that human's perspective, everything visible in the world was magic. Inhaling and exhaling, standing and sitting, walking and stopping, weeds growing from the cracks – it was all linked to the mystical.

"So you cannot escape the contract unless you complete your agreement with Mathers by killing me? I pity even you, Great Demon."


"Still, that is no reason to hold back."

Nothing special was needed.

Modern Western magic was a system of techniques set up to give everyone equal access to the mystical, no special talent required. And that was exactly what had torn apart a certain magician's family.

Aleister made an announcement to the Great Demon that could only continue following Mathers's orders even after his death.

"I will use everything I have built up to stop you, Coronzon."

She would not even let her opponent speak.

Even if she had been possessed for so long, what was in that father's heart as she stomped on her daughter's face?

"Even all this is no more than buying time. I cannot kill you the way things are. But how much can I do in the time this buys me? Give it some thought inside the seal. Just as every country and region in the world has used the exact same punishment since BCE times, having our time wasted is a burden for us all. Oh, but we know each other well enough that I am sure you will understand. And that is why this will fill you with more fear and suffering than anything else."

There was a sticky, muddy sound.

The pressure felt like an asteroid at this point. Aleister Crowley used her heel to shove the Great Demon into the dark wet asphalt.

Then, with an odd sound reminiscent of a punishing lightning strike from heaven, an unnatural light flashed through several of the roads that acted as Academy City's arteries.

That light drew a giant equilateral triangle with a cross carved into the center.

Anyone who knew anything about modern Western magic would immediately recognize it as the Banner of the West. That symbol of exorcism was one of the most convenient Symbolic Weapons that protected the spell user by monitoring and rejecting the approach of evil power on the ceremonial grounds – for example, something resembling Telesma that was out to get humans. The banner was so useful because good and useful powers would remain unmolested while only the evil and useless powers were affected.

It only took an instant.

Once the light vanished, nothing remained.

Not even the golden demon sinking into the asphalt.

Aleister spoke as if spitting a curse down at the wet road surface.

"…It all begins here. I will use this time to its fullest."

Yes, this was only the preliminary round. It only treated the symptoms. That silver girl was a skilled enough magician to fully know this was no time to be optimistic. A seal that used an entire city and measured dozens of kilometers across might sound nice, but the city had not been designed for use against Coronzon. She had only connected the spider web of roads in a meaningful way. It was a makeshift method that took inspiration from the giant circle Karasuma Fran had used in her attempt to summon Kamisato Kakeru.

That Great Demon would tear through something on this level.

After all, if Aleister's predictions were correct, Coronzon had enough direct firepower to push back Holy Guardian Angel Aiwass.

Currently, the human race had no real method of fighting back.

If she learned how to fight this makeshift delaying tactic, it was all over. The next time Lola Stuart made an appearance, no one would be able to stop her.


The silver girl could be heard coughing up blood.

This was not the conflict between scientific esper powers and occult magic. Before even getting to that, magic was a dangerous thing in and of itself. So much so that the person using it could take someone's life without even realizing it.

She could not allow the negative effects of her magic to be released into the wide world.

She ensured the recoil of her magic was sent back to her own body. The girl held a hand to her mouth but still smiled thinly. As if to say this was the proper form of a magician. Even as the midwinter rain struck her, that human looked down at the empty ground and spoke.

"…I will take it all back, Coronzon. Along with my second daughter."

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Not vs related, but RWBY being considered adult animation is certainly humorous.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member

@Thegoldenboy2188 :maybe
Daewi doesn't even need his king powers, he beats knockoff Satan with karate. Clappedrou can copy all he wants. He ain't beating daewi.

@Xhominid The Fool @Mr.OMG uh oh

>A "Dragon" that can operate independently of Oberon Vortigern, whose simple wingbeats and strength can wipe entire countries off the map, whose basically "An even worse Black Hole"(You CANNOT leave it under any means once you are inside as it's conceptually "An endless Pit you fall into", even Teleporting out won't work. You need someone very strong to open a tear to get you out from the outside and falling down too far will ultimately start dissolving you) that can easily devour a Nasuverse Planet.

No one outside of the most powerful is gonna make him even sweat.

Okay what is with this sudden reversal of people believing Danmachi Adventurers are going to do anything here because of a few higher levels being here?
Looking at a good bit of the series, there's nothing majorly special about them that would have any of the OG 7 Servants sweat at all. Even the Gods themselves aren't that special either and saying "They are equal to Divine Spirits" is a HEAVY thing to just throw out considering Divine Spirits can, you know, wreck the Planet something fierce.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Strongest Espada... By a landslide, and it's not even debatable.
Really? Why exactly is it so not debatable might I ask?
The only Arrancar who was strong enough to achieve that 2nd stage Ressurection
Achieving Segunda Etapa isn't strength based, considering his pre-R2 forms are blatantly weaker than several Espada who do not have it.

And merely having it doesn't mean much either unless you're assuming the gap between him and Stark is small, which it isn't at all.
and he kept his regenerative powers instead of trading them for higher power like all the other Arrancars.
Okay how exactly is that a point FOR HIM and not AGAINST HIM, considering the Espada above him did get that power boost, on top of being stronger than him to begin with.

All this does is clearly illustrate that there IS a power-gap that needs to be bridged there before you can even try and say he's the strongest Espada.
Whoever thinks his 2nd form doesn't outright outclass all the other Espadas is so far out of reality (in this case, fiction lol) that he shouldn't even post at all in these types of threads.
Says the guy whose SOLE argument for why he's the strongest is that "he has a transformation they don't have" and who has a known habit of OUTRIGHT IGNORING feats when they lead to conclusions you don't like. :maybe
As far as endgame goes, he's still stronger than a lot of others aside from the following which are either outright stronger without debate or are arguably stronger:
So for the record he believes at least SOME of the following are only ARGUABLY stronger than R2 Ulquiorra. :mjpls
Yhwack, Ichigo, Aizen, Ichibei, Ouetsu, Shunsui, Kenpachi, Gerard, Gremmy, Lille, Askin, Pernida, Urahara and Mayuri (the later two with prep and knowledge taken into account).
Absolutely fucking NO ONE on that list isn't stomping R2 Ulquiorra with hilarious ease. :hestonpls

And no, Urahara and Mayuri DO NOT need prep against fucking Ulquiorra.
It's not like Ulquiorra had feats against your irrelevant mid-tier character, but against something that made Ichigo stomp Aizen and actually be relevant against Soul King absorbed Almighty Yhwack, the two strongest characters in the series alongside Ichigo himself.
What fucking feats? He got completely plastered by H2 Ichigo. 🤣

And no H2 is NOT what allowed those things. Several weeks of training in the Dangai and later, in the Royal Palace, COUPLED with the COMBINED might of his Soul Reaper and Hollow (Aizen) AND later Quincy powers (Yhwach) allowed him to fuck them up.

H2 is not HALF of fucking anything. It's debatably Soul Reaper Aizen level, if not a bit stronger and that's the most you can reasonably argue for it without just straight making shit up.
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