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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Nah, let's not try to scale them to one another.

Arcueid is by default stronger than your average TA since yunno, she's TA royalty and they didn't know what to do with her until they were like ... hey..she's fucking broken, let's have her hunt other TAs.

You could try something with 30% Arc, but her at 100% is out of the discussion when it comes to other TAs and Xians.
Okay yeah, went a little overboard there, just weird that they just pretend a Xian is a nobody.

fgo being the most subtle traced crossover, since a certain series, made by tracestar media :mjpls :mjlol

Mastar had to learn from the best :tupac


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
the final fight against goetia, is like some crazy 2D jrpg final boss fight

and solomon, endured all the attacks and solo'd with one final tech, which s class+ levels by fgo standards


sb tries to downplay fgo to casual mainstream shonen levels, yikes
the final fight against goetia, is like some crazy 2D jrpg final boss fight

and solomon, endured all the attacks and solo'd with one final tech, which s class+ levels by fgo standards


sb tries to downplay fgo to casual mainstream shonen levels, yikes

It's crazy right? Like it's fucking ridiculous because Goetia really was going massively overkill to the final point he was going to use AAS on him after all of that shit.


Man of Atom



You wouldn't even need Vegito for this, the fuck?!


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
I just realized that I havent found that manga that I wanna go to bat for. Yall have bleach and to aru and nasuverse stuff. But I haven't really found THAT manga for me

my series are feng shen ji, tekkaman blade, fog hill, vagabond and hnk, yet i dumb down my iq to those series except from no aru, cuz my fellow nakama are mainstream shonen tier levels :mjpls :mjlol


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
i can also add several mecha series too

but what can i say? we accept our nakama's with their ups and downs :wow and we all have those series, we mock yet keep watching :mjlol


It's fucking weird because Lostbelt 6 is hilariously thorough for how bullshit most of the characters there are(Woodwose canonically defeated the King of Mors, Vortigern's past reincarnation and the first Great Calamity and he only gets defeated because he got backstabbed).
Gilgamesh would only really defeat Barghest and that's it. Morgan would give him NO CHANCE to fuck her over as he would take her deathly serious but her 12 Rhongomyniads > Ea so...
Tbh, if this is Calamity Barghest, can't see.how Gil will defeat her either seeing he has no counter on her Mana Drain passive skill


Martyrs are the first to Die
V.I.P. Member
@Crimson Dragoon

Finally, Edgeburns time has come :mjlol

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
i mock touma, a lot, like a lot [including the whole verse]

but they really don't know what gary stu means = typical sb moments :mjlol


lol touma doesn't fit that role, at all
It seems to some people that being able to save people, is being a gary stu. This is just wrong cause it glosses over how much Touma suffers whenever he fights. Or Shirou, or literally any character.

Just because they can save and help people, doesn't mean they are gary stu's. Why should these characters be unable to save those they want to save? Just to be edgy?

Like, take Araragi from Monogatari, from a surface perspective he's the same as Touma running around and helping girls.

But watching the anime or reading the Light Novels, you see that it's much different than that. It's literally stated in the first episode of Bakemonogatari, "People can only save themselves" while Araragi does make an effort to help the girls he comes across it isn't just because of him they are saved, it's because they themself 'save' themself by opening up.

Araragi is only able to push them because in the end, only they can help themselves. Hell, he failed to 'save' Nadeko and Kaiki was the one who helped her.

That doesn't like a gary stu does it?

And this is overlooking the fact that Araragi, Touma, and Shirou all have flaws of their own.

Araragi has almost suicidal tendencies. Touma has massive imposter syndrome, Shirou has survivor's guilt. Just because they can save the girl, doesn't mean there gary stu's.


V.I.P. Member
Kamachi likes his protagonists “normal” and generally grounded to the setting their in so that they struggle a lot.

The only main character he’s written that’s a bit Gary Stu-ish is Shiroyama Kyousuke. And you have to be nothing short of one when your a normal human in a setting with a magic system so limited, it’s basically non-existent and the story is about him keeping an insane goddess that gives Othinus a run for her money at bay.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
I just realized that I havent found that manga that I wanna go to bat for. Yall have bleach and to aru and nasuverse stuff. But I haven't really found THAT manga for me
clearly your series is Solar :mjpls

it was historically jojo for me but explaining how GER works to people for 10 fucking years got old eventually and I actively avoid reading jojo threads now lkl

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Kamachi likes his protagonists “normal” and generally grounded to the setting their in so that they struggle a lot.
Personally, I feel like that's okay up to a point, cause if the setting is too stronk it makes a normal mc winning look like pis.

Like just take a look at Touma, u have people arguing that the entire series and him defeating Othinus is PIS cause "hurr durr Kamachi said he normal human."

This isn't a knock against Touma or Kamachi though, cause those who've actually read the novels know that Touma is the only one who calls himself normal. And every other character talks about how powerful Imagine Breaker is or how Touma is special in some way.


V.I.P. Member
Personally, I feel like that's okay up to a point, cause if the setting is too stronk it makes a normal mc winning look like pis.

Like just take a look at Touma, u have people arguing that the entire series and him defeating Othinus is PIS cause "hurr durr Kamachi said he normal human."

This isn't a knock against Touma or Kamachi though, cause those who've actually read the novels know that Touma is the only one who calls himself normal. And every other character talks about how powerful Imagine Breaker is or how Touma is special in some way.
Why do you think I put normal with quotation marks. Normal in the sense that besides possessing a neat all-around counter to anything supernatural, he’s otherwise a pretty limited main character that often needs to think outside the box to even survive most confrontations


He's also some kind of combat genius who was able to learn how to use IB in a very short time, and has a very high level of proficiency in using it. Touma is also some kind of combat genius who was able to learn how to use IB at an extremely high level in a very short time. The same Lessar considered Touma a much more terrifying monster than Accelerator. And how he still considers himself a regular high school student is unclear. If all high school students were like Touma, humanity would have taken over the universe long ago.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Why do you think I put normal with quotation marks. Normal in the sense that besides possessing a neat all-around counter to anything supernatural, he’s otherwise a pretty limited main character that often needs to think outside the box to even survive most confrontations
Disagree with that too, cause even without IB, he still isn't normal.

Like take away IB, Dragon, IT, and Kamijou No Touma and you still have shit like him reacting to lightning, or that time when he pulled a shaggy and jumped across falling rubble Tohno-style to save Kuroko.

And how he still considers himself a regular high school student is unclear.
I need to recheck the novels but I think there was a scene where Touma despite his insistence that he is normal, admits that he isnt.



One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

Yeah, this guy definitely hasn't read the series. :mjlol
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