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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
Like we have had and seen Rangers fight and defeat MegaZord sized Monsters before(Eric Myers literally did that in Time Force), it's hilarious they think Rangers will lose to Muzan...

Oh wait, it's their headcanon Muzan, nevermind:skully

reminder that ''peak humans'' wes and eric in their human states, endured attacks from t-rex and fell from a large cliff and still survived, without any major damage, just stretched and back to action, lmao
reminder that ''peak humans'' wes and eric in their human states, endured attacks from t-rex and fell from a large cliff and still survived, without any major damage, just stretched and back to action, lmao

Tommy literally pulled a Jann Lee in the first episode of Dino Thunder and kicked a T-Rex in the face and made it recoil...

guy really though Garou would be able to beat emperor crow by, and I quote, "Outrunning his own shadow and then jumping on emperor crow and punching it in the heart"


Yeah good luck with that shit.
Considering Emperor Shadow lets Crow King make his shadow omnidirectional. i don't think luck is enough

Seriously, a new form and it's already the same shit all over again.
"Author has a statement about a Gamma Ray Burst?" GAROU IS STAR LEVEL BITCHES!!!
"Garou has a timer and moving really, really fast?" GAROU IS FTL BABY!!!!
"Garou did a Karate technique and bloated up a Continent from the other side of the Planet?" GAROU IS PLANETARY BITCHES!!!

Like seriously, it's like fucking clockwork every goddamned time.


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
had by far the coolest zords/aesthetic

it's absolutely insane to me that Toku artists create an entire new aesthetic every season, insane level of design they're ob

- og rangers
- dino thunder
- time force
- in space
- lost galaxy
- ninja storm
- rangers spd
- zeo rangers
- jungle fury
- rangers rpm

are my top 10 pr series

overall, almost every pr series is cool, except from the nickeloden/hasbro ones after 2010, lmao, they so bad

Nagant's annihilating them, her ability to hit shots is absurd.
She can literally accurately hit Izuku with curving bullets at night during a rainstorm from a kilometer away. (Her raw skill is literally said to be better than someone elses quirk, that is LITERALLY Homing.) Everyone, including the fliers, are getting pulverized.
Her regular bullets legit have enough power to literally shove Izuku backward several meters in the air, completely overpowering his own movement.

Everyone that isnt Thor or Hulk basically instantly dies since she can spam said bullets, can fly with Air Walk, and can also propel herself so hard she punches through concrete.


... So this is the logic that's supposed to be how she supposedly has BS feats... really?
And no, she gets murked by practically everyone in the MCU, come the fuck on.


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member


they mad


their fav series, never had an essay written by terry feleday
what an amazing "analysis" :mjlol


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
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