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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Man of Atom
I meant like, if it's done through raw power or the sheer fact of their existence it's still universe-busting (well it's technically more for Phase beings but that's besides the point).

The difference matters a lot in a fight obviously, but it's the same level of "strength" in effect.
Kinda. Like you could potentially have some wonky shit going on with your existence where you just delete stuff by your mere presence but then you could also be a fucking twig that gets folded by a strong punch the minute someone who can resist your power comes on by.

Kinda like accelerator and touma. The minute accelerator got Imagine Breaker'd he was just catching them fucking hands.


Man of Atom
people think Garou is going to be able to physically fight:
Derous - 4000m Tall, 80 Million Tons
Guinness - 55m Tall, 20 Thousand Tons
Crow King - 3000m Tall, 25 Million Tons
Mother Snake - 220000 Km Long, 15 Quadrillion Tons
Deer King - 10000m Tall, 8 Trillion Tons
Moon - 10000m Long, 1.5 Trillion Tons
Bambina - 150cm Talls, 25 Tons
Heracles - 22000m Tall, 2 Trillion Tons

Aint no way in fucking hell its gonna happen. just look at how much Guinness weights and he's the SECOND lightest!


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
i cant remember luffy jobbing besides during the Foxy fight, which was for comedic effect

you could argue he jobbed to Hody and Caesar Clown but that was more of a retcon because we found out he had gear 4 the entire time and was basically choosing not to use it


Man of Atom
i cant remember luffy jobbing besides during the Foxy fight, which was for comedic effect

you could argue he jobbed to Hody and Caesar Clown but that was more of a retcon because we found out he had gear 4 the entire time and was basically choosing not to use it
I dont really think he was jobbin to Hody. Hody just kept dopping the fuck up on drugs everytime he got his shit pushed in


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
I dont really think he was jobbin to Hody. Hody just kept dopping the fuck up on drugs everytime he got his shit pushed in
he literally could have one shotted him at any time because dressrosa said he learned gear 4 while training with rayleigh

if anything it just means he didn't take hody seriously though

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
i cant remember luffy jobbing besides during the Foxy fight, which was for comedic effect

you could argue he jobbed to Hody and Caesar Clown but that was more of a retcon because we found out he had gear 4 the entire time and was basically choosing not to use it
I think they're just counting ANY loss as jobbing, but even on those grounds, Luffy doesn't lose as much as EITHER Naruto or Ichigo.

So the fact that everyone is saying it's OBVIOUSLY Luffy, means some idiots be lying through their teeth.
luffy easily lol

he has to take an L or 2 every arc before winning

This only happens in a couple arcs, it's not a consistent thing at all.
Luffy by far
Luffy certainly
Outside of sheer fucking bias, there's no way you could be this certain that it's Luffy. 🤣


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
i cant remember luffy jobbing besides during the Foxy fight, which was for comedic effect

you could argue he jobbed to Hody and Caesar Clown but that was more of a retcon because we found out he had gear 4 the entire time and was basically choosing not to use it
Isn't that last part literally the definition of jobbing?


Man of Atom
I think they're just counting ANY loss as jobbing, but even on those grounds, Luffy doesn't lose as much as EITHER Naruto or Ichigo.

So the fact that everyone is saying it's OBVIOUSLY Luffy, means some idiots be lying through their teeth.


This only happens in a couple arcs, it's not a consistent thing at all.

Outside of sheer fucking bias, there's no way you could be this certain that it's Luffy. 🤣
Luffy - 9 Loses up to Kaido
Naruto - 10 Loses up to end of Shippuden
Ichigo - 10 loses up to end of Series
So if you are strong enough to create heat equal to the sun or survive in such conditions like Yamamoto from Bleach, it's safe to say he wouldn't be affected by a nuke either. Cause that kind of heat would already create a ton of radiation.

Don't let that take away from the fact that GaRbs is, AGAIN, leading this stupid charge because it's One Punch Man... for fuck's sake, at this point, I wish ONE never made that series and just stuck with Mob Psycho 100 because this is getting tedious.
It's probably why he and Murata is just going balls out in the Manga just to kill the fucking meme entirely.

The sheer fact they believe Issei has a chance against Romulus Quirinus is when SB needs a reality check.
The best we got for Issei is hype in terms of the powerlevel he has.
Quirinus explicitly doesn't have JUST hype, we KNOW he has the same level of Authorities as LB Zeus does and actually operates on that same level of scale and then some. This is before we get to "He is Rome and thus everyone and civilization comes from Rome" nonsense he can do.

Him and DDraig would get humbled real goddamned fast by a True God.

Sorry Nero... but you're deadweight.


V.I.P. Member
The heck is even the argument here? Hax is basically anything unfairly overpowered. Raw power or strength to where nothing else can challenge you would be hax too

Hax is "hacks". Basically anything that sidesteps a direct comparison of two entities.

So intangibility is hax because it doesn't matter how strong you are, if you can't counter that ability specifically you can't touch the other guy.

Whereas the ability to yeet a fireball at someone isn't (despite it obviously not being the result of physical strength most of the time) because it's something you can reasonably resist through physical strength or speed.


V.I.P. Member

The sheer fact they believe Issei has a chance against Romulus Quirinus is when SB needs a reality check.
The best we got for Issei is hype in terms of the powerlevel he has.
Quirinus explicitly doesn't have JUST hype, we KNOW he has the same level of Authorities as LB Zeus does and actually operates on that same level of scale and then some. This is before we get to "He is Rome and thus everyone and civilization comes from Rome" nonsense he can do.

Him and DDraig would get humbled real goddamned fast by a True God.

Kek. I'm the only guy on this site that actually likes Issei, and even the most wanked version of him doesn't have a chance against an enemy on that scale. Supposing you decide to ignore the "I can blow up the universe" shit Zeus is still at least star system level. Issei caps at planet level.
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