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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Certainly not from my ass, where you got your information from.

No he didn't

Being caught off guard and put in the gallows, is not a fight dipshit.

Dude holds him down once before the fight is interrupted, that's not a loss.

And the fact you have to try and count that to make Luffy look worse speaks volumes.

Then again your name is Captain Quincy so I shouldn't be surprised. :hestonpls

This BTW is the same dipshit who tried to blame Orihime hate on the ANIME for those wondering.

If you mean the mind control girl, just fucking stop.

There was NO fight there at all, her powers worked on him and she was promptly beat by weaker characters.
Whoop de fucking do.

Oh look there's two actual losses.

He never lost to Enel.

Four actual losses.

He never lost to Moria, he in fact defeated him outright.

There's six

You mean where he isn't even actually fighting them, he's just trying to run passed them and people are hitting him as a result.

Do you want me to bring up EoS Ichigo getting humiliated by Nazis due to the same exact thing.

Luffy beat Ceaser.

Luffy beat Doflamingo.






Oh look the count was right and you're full of shit, fancy that. :mjpls

Again he wasn't FIGHTING anyone in Marineford so counting that shit is disingenuous at best. Notice how you admit that it BLOATS the number, because that's all you're doing.

Trying to artifiially make Luffy seem worse by misrepresenting shit like you do all the time, although usually it's in favor of making something in bleach seem better than it is.

Except if you were applying the same standards for them, you're using for Luffy, their numbers would be a lot higher than that and you fucking know it. :breh

It's funny because yeah, Luffy has less losses than Naruto and Ichigo but he also gets embarrassed the LEAST in his losses.
Luffy only really got stomped hard like 3-4 times in the whole series:
Crocodile the first 2 times
Aokiji and Akainu
And then Kaidou
And because of how Oda writes, Luffy usually comes out of those looking far, far better by comparison.

Meanwhile, Kubo basically embarrasses Ichigo at times with how badly he gets demolished at times.
Aizen(Though that happened to everyone), Grimmjow(who he NEVER gives such an embarrassment back), Askin(It may make sense but come on) and Yhwach was just him being done seriously dirty.
It's why I hope the Anime dials that shit back with the final Arc because the dude shouldn't be getting embarrassed like that.

Though he's still ultimately not rendered a joke like Naruto is in Boruto...

Immortal Slaying Scythe, Harpe. It is described as a monster-killing holy sword with a special shape similar to a scythe, having the cutting edge on the inside of the blade, though it isn't actually an outstanding sword by itself. Its true strength is its trait of Refraction of Longevity, which is a divine ability that nullifies the "undying attribute" of immortals and inflicts wounds that cannot be restored by any methods other than healing in accordance to the natural laws. It is one of the five Noble Phantasms given to Perseus, the greatest amount of legendary artifacts given to a single person in Greek history, for his quest to slay Medusa.

What about this makes you think harpe wouldn‘t absolutely destroy Salem? The guy who discussed her left quiet a bit out… and ok you could say „yeah but her power comes from the brothers“, let’s be honest if mash a demiservant can block Tiamats Nega-Genisis than Harpe can absolutely kill Salem.

And if you say „but Tiamat was totally weakened“, Orion even if he is a grandservant still soloed Artemis. And I know what you say „but that was a specific power interaction“, I say so what? That’s what this whole thing is about let’s be true with ourselves when in fate sth says I can do that thing to that thing power levels stop to matter. So yeah I say little Medusa can totally kill Salem.

The sheer fact that this had to be said is fucking sad as hell and indicative of SB users wanking the shit out of RWBY despite none of the headcanon they are using is actually canon. The entire thing of Salem's Curse is not like Ozpin's Reincarnations whenever he dies, she literally regenerates her body because as the Brother God says "She will not know Death" meaning she's just undying.

For all of people's downplaying and ignoring the main part of Harpe, Gorgon HERSELF was Undying, that's why the Egyptian Pantheon even gave Perseus Harpe in Nasuverse canon, nothing else would kill her and Tiamat-Gorgon carried that same trait which means the same shit we've ALWAYS known about Divine Constructs or other Holy Weapons(Which aren't DC but damn close):

Divine Constructs are literally imbued with the power of the Gods or an equivalent(For Rhongomyniad and Excalibur) and Harpe is no different as it was also imbued for that purpose.
Salem would fucking die to it as how the Curse works has no failsafes, hell, it's one of the easiest curses to ever break, it probably would break from a simple nudge especially if the Pool of Destruction can alter her DNA, organs and make her into a Grimm composite otherwise.


@Mr.OMG Do you have the quote of Coronzon inducing madness on those that look at her (supposedly at a planetary scale) or the Abyss/Da'at/Ungrund containing all the negative emotion that the human race will ever experience?

Or at least the link to your SB respect thread.
You mean the evil influence of the Tree of Evil. Then it would be somewhere in the 19-22 NT



One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
You mean the evil influence of the Tree of Evil. Then it would be somewhere in the 19-22 NT

I was referring to a claim that someone made stating "Looking at Coronzon drives people insane (much like Qliphah), and Accelerator crossed the Abyss which is connected to every negative emotion of every human since the beginning of time".

Unless that IS what they were referring to, but I can't really find any quote regarding what they said.


I was referring to a claim that someone made stating "Looking at Coronzon drives people insane (much like Qliphah), and Accelerator crossed the Abyss which is connected to every negative emotion of every human since the beginning of time".

Unless that IS what they were referring to, but I can't really find any quote regarding what they said.
It could be, maybe I just don't remember it.


Bakugou died for your lmao's
V.I.P. Member
Also One Piece has been around and ongoing longer than Naruto and Bleach so that makes the records worse and idk how him losing to stronger characters is him jobbing and not just losing


V.I.P. Member
Also One Piece has been around and ongoing longer than Naruto and Bleach so that makes the records worse and idk how him losing to stronger characters is him jobbing and not just losing
Probably because One Piece is more about world-building and adventure than fights and power level. Basically every fan will say those are why the follow the series compared to Bleach and especially Naruto that just became terrible DBZ knock-offs


Bakugou died for your lmao's
V.I.P. Member
Also for the hax argument I feel like Black Clover and some Star Wars characters a great example you're talking about characters with subpar DC that can punch way out of their weight class with time manipulation, telepathy, telekinesis reality warping ect some abilities that have nothing or little to do with DC and Durability


Bakugou died for your lmao's
V.I.P. Member
Probably because One Piece is more about world-building and adventure than fights and power level. Basically every fan will say those are why the follow the series compared to Bleach and especially Naruto that just became terrible DBZ knock-offs
Yea I thought Oda said in an interview he's not overly interested in the fighting @El Hermano could probably correct me if I'm wrong


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Sock Puppet, Sock Account.
You got banned because they believed you are my sock account or someone I paid or something to represent me.
It's stupid as shit because you barely even used anything that I put up outside of me ranting about how stupid their arguments are.
That's weird. Because the same thing happened to Astaro(I don't know the context), but mine doesn't say "Sock".


Quite peculiar.
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Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
That's weird. Because the same thing happened to Astaro(I don't know the context), but mine doesn't say "Sock".


That just means you were normal banned.

Sockpuppeting is when you make another account, since your not allowed two accounts at once.

I actually was banned in the first place cuz of sockpuppeting


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
No you are right. Oda really doesn't like One Piece being a fighting manga which is why until recently, most of the training the SH did was offscreen.
It's honestly hilarious if you think about it.
tbh it makes sense
other than a handful of fights the action in OP isnt really the highlight, the adventure is

the fights are very straightforward and rely on emotional beats for the most part, compared to something like jojo or hxh, or even jjk
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