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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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V.I.P. Member

Yo, I got a question what's going on in this chapter? https://www.webtoons.com/en/action/the-god-of-high-school/ep-291/viewer?title_no=66&episode_no=293

I could never understand it. So Satan pulls the corona together to shoot the eyebeam, which Jin cut's through with a Jin Hwechook. After that, he borrows Hui's power and does something that causes the sun to light up which causes the sun's light to disappear a bit.

So what is he doing there? Is he kicking the sun again or is he doing something else.

He's not really "borrowing" Hui's power. Hui's just a clone of him. He's just using his technique (imoogi)

He pretty much just snuffs out the suns corona for a brief moment


V.I.P. Member
Dude I am so far behing in GoH I need a time machine to catch up, check Blade or Kurou
Don't bother

since the end of Ragnarok the shit has been ass for the last few years. Mans threw away most of his powerscaling and started retconning events left and right. Now he's wrote himself into a corner by making Mubong to strong and he's literally tossing every trope in the book he can to give himself time to find a way out of his narrative mess. And thats after taking a break for a few months lmao

The fights have also hella dipped in quality. Theres no fight choreography like early to mid GoH and everythings generic beams/blasts/punches ect. Dan also has to learn the same lesson about using MA to overcome his weaknesses EVERY FUCKING FIGHT

Its like watching Tsuna refuse to grow up all over again


Bakugou died for your lmao's
V.I.P. Member
Don't bother

since the end of Ragnarok the shit has been ass for the last few years. Mans threw away most of his powerscaling and started retconning events left and right. Now he's wrote himself into a corner by making Mubong to strong and he's literally tossing every trope in the book he can to give himself time to find a way out of his narrative mess. And thats after taking a break for a few months lmao

The fights have also hella dipped in quality. Theres no fight choreography like early to mid GoH and everythings generic beams/blasts/punches ect. Dan also has to learn the same lesson about using MA to overcome his weaknesses EVERY FUCKING FIGHT

Its like watching Tsuna refuse to grow up all over again
Why you gotta bring Tsuna into this :mjgrin


V.I.P. Member
Why you gotta bring Tsuna into this :mjgrin
Because thats who "Dan" is. Except he's still not as bad considering Tsuna had MULTIPLE people from the future, including his fucking self confirm he grow's up to be a mafioso but still spends the rest of the series denying it and we go through the same nonsense of him denying his destiny, to accepting it, to denying it again at the end of every arc.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Top59 is another one you need to ignore when it comes to GoH tbh

Its honestly not worth arguing with them half the time
Lmao, look at this.

Apparently cutting mercury in half is Galaxy level. And Top calc's it to star level, which I'm pretty sure is still an exaggeration
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