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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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This one panel makes me genuinely wonder what the fuck was going on in the writing room as Kishi was penning and drawing out the chapter. Like, how in the fuck did he ever think this was a good thing for Narutardo to say? :tupac After how emotional the guy got over his parents, in particular his mom and finally being able to meet her in a sense within his mind/soul and expressed his sadness over never having her in his life, you'd think Obito would forever be on Nardo's shitlist for being responsible for her and Minato's deaths.

But no, apparently, at some point, Obito became the 'coolest guy ever' in Narutardo's mind.:mjlol What, did he give Nardo the secret to gaining Sasgay's affection or some shit?:hestonpls

Remember that Obito also not just killed Neji but gloated about his death right infront of Naruto's face not even a few hours ago.
Neji's body was still warm when Naruto said that bullshit.

Go to hell man...



and people shit on luffy for how he cried when ace died

Yeah... that alone made me stop shitting on Oda's crying faces.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member


Slightly Above Average

"AIM particles" :hestonpls
A Reminder of the hypocrisy of a certain user:

Garou blitzes and one shots

Cosmic Fear Garou's Consecutive Normal Punches = Saitama's Consecutive Normal Punches > Monster Garou's Extreme Fajin

There are other feats close to it so I wouldn't say it's an outlier.

Boros kicking Saitama to the moon at near light speed.
Saitama jumping from the moon to the Earth.
Geryuganshoop throwing rocks at sub-light speed.
Sage Centipede extending himself to the Earth's orbit.

If anything Garou's feats just feels like the natural progression of the ones before it.

It's okay to do stacking when it comes to One Punch Man(even though alot of these DON'T stack to Garou of any kind normally) but when it comes to Fate? Nah man, that's just ridiculous, incredulous, stupid.

He's only lucky that I didn't really bother combing it further because he has been known to constantly do this for One Punch Man which hilariously shows his bias FYI.

And this is before we even begin to point out that stating CF Garou is faster than Chaos' Sunlight or Romulus Quirinus is such bullshit. Boy would be dealt harder than Saitama could ever do him.


Is there legit one sequel/spinoff of a long ass series ?

Don't know of any aside from obviously Jojo but that's structured that way on purpose and maybe Saint Seyia .
Saint Seiya is the one. In fact the spinoffs help with the fact that the original manga is pretty mediocre that manages to come together and work through its sheer ernesty and love. The spinoffs really helped improve and give life to SS.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
@OtherGalaxy You're getting called out :mjpls
it aint vague niggas just weren't looking hard enough :mjpls

transformers cosmology fr isn't actually that complex like something like elder scrolls is, the issue is the web of retcons and incredibly obscure pieces of information people just aren't aware of because TF spends very little time on cosmic stories


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
like to actually understand TF cosmology you have to pull from
-1 specific line in the Marvel G1 comic
-several pages from early on in the Transformers Collector's Club
-quotes from Ask Vector Prime, which is 500 pages of completely random Q&A trivia, most of which is irrelevant to powerscaling stuff
-some supporting info from the IDW comics
-the Alternity stories
-a dubiously canonical blog written by one of AVP's writers that explains most of the answers he gave

All of this was published decades apart and most of the information is buried in the middle of random stuff. However the actual information contained within isn't hard to understand

Also this isn't getting into the more obscure 3H comics stuff which I've only scratched the surface of so far, but had some pretty good supporting context and feats


Man of Atom

Doomslayer is gonna accidentaly get the halo ring set off somehow and end up killing himself


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

damn he's spitting



damn he's spitting
Mata hari doesn't even need brainwashing. Her presence concealment/espionage is more than enough. Unless Deku can for some reason read mind or something

damn he's spitting

He's not wrong, hell, it's pretty dumb how they just pretend that Servant Skills, Passives and abilities don't matter because "too fast" when that's not how that works.
In a VS. topic where she isn't alone, why WOULD Deku see Mata Hari as an enemy? Because that's not how Espionage works:
Espionage: A++
This Skill does not conceal one’s presence, but rather makes their very presence not feel like that of an opponent’s. It causes misunderstandings such as one being a familiar neighbour, a harmless pebble, a beloved person, and so forth.

Since it is at A++, as long as there is no indictment from her current ally faction, it is impossible to perceive any hostility from Mata Hari. However, the moment she starts to attack directly, this Skill loses its effects.

And for that matter, that's also how her Noble Phantasm works as we've seen her use it in hilariously out there fashions in Ooku(like getting the protagonist to feel the effects of being drunk without even touching Alcohol or hypnotizing Kasuga into believing she IS the Ooku completely with no false sincerity.
Then there's Sanson and his Extra Effectiveness against Humans... which Deku is and boom, he's dead and no one else needs to do shit.
Mata hari doesn't even need brainwashing. Her presence concealment is more than enough.

She doesn't have Presence Concealment, her Espionage works the other way around which is much worse for Deku.

And here's the funny part:
Servant Team

  • Shakespeare
  • Mata Hari
  • Hans Christian Anderson
  • Sasaki kojirou
  • Charles Henri Sanson
This isn't a battle, Deku is fucked. Shakespeare can literally make him cease to exist with his Noble Phantasm or basically break his mind so fiercely even the remnants are gonna feel it and Kojirou will just murder his ass.


He's not wrong, hell, it's pretty dumb how they just pretend that Servant Skills, Passives and abilities don't matter because "too fast" when that's not how that works.
In a VS. topic where she isn't alone, why WOULD Deku see Mata Hari as an enemy? Because that's not how Espionage works:
Espionage: A++

And for that matter, that's also how her Noble Phantasm works as we've seen her use it in hilariously out there fashions in Ooku(like getting the protagonist to feel the effects of being drunk without even touching Alcohol or hypnotizing Kasuga into believing she IS the Ooku completely with no false sincerity.
Then there's Sanson and his Extra Effectiveness against Humans... which Deku is and boom, he's dead and no one else needs to do shit.

She doesn't have Presence Concealment, her Espionage works the other way around which is much worse for Deku.

And here's the funny part:
Servant Team

  • Shakespeare
  • Mata Hari
  • Hans Christian Anderson
  • Sasaki kojirou
  • Charles Henri Sanson
This isn't a battle, Deku is fucked. Shakespeare can literally make him cease to exist with his Noble Phantasm or basically break his mind so fiercely even the remnants are gonna feel it and Kojirou will just murder his ass.
Yeah, just forgot the skill name.

And i'm pretty sure with the exception of Hans, each of them can solo. And even Hans can trash talk Deku lol
Yeah, just forgot the skill name.

And i'm pretty sure with the exception of Hans, each of them can solo. And even Hans can trash talk Deku lol

Nah even Hans can, hilariously enough after not instantly dying to an attack from Solomon/Goetia meant to kill Mordred(he did lose his legs though).
It doesn't help Hans usually says he's pathetic in the sense of other Servants, his Noble Phantasm is straight bullshit.
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