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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Dio thinks about pursuing Tooru and The World muda rushes himself destroying his brain



One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Tell that to Josuke who was just chillin in a room waiting for his ass to show up
and his ass had to show up

Pretty sure that's because Josuke wasn't being focused by the flow of calamity at the time

he was in the back of the queue so to speak


Man of Atom
Pretty sure that's because Josuke wasn't being focused by the flow of calamity at the time

he was in the back of the queue so to speak
the entire time he was sitting there thinking about the head doctor and when he would show up
but because he was literally just chilling
The shit couldnt do anything so WoU had to come to him.

How to counter Wonder of U?
Dont Pursue, force it to come to you

Novel Kars baby shakes the entire Jojoverse anyway


V.I.P. Member
Novel Kars baby shakes the entire Jojoverse anyway
It’s sad for Dio because the only thing he got were the Rewrite punches

His speed, strength and durability are identical to what it was in Part 3, so anyone who could have always blitzed Dio before would blitz Heaven Dio again, even if he has the reality warping punches

Kars babyshakes that clown


Man of Atom
Even if he was faster

When your able to dodge attacks that happen during stopped time, what the fuck does being faster even mean


V.I.P. Member
Feels nice to be vindicated what I argued about Heaven DIO last year that went largely ignored
I’ve been arguing against his wank for years, people use to make up lies about him having infinite time stop when that was mentioned nowhere in the game

Part 6 even established that all stands have flaws/weaknesses that can be exploited and none are invincible, which is probably where the game was going when Heaven Dio said that about his own stand


V.I.P. Member
You had people here arguing he had literally Multiversal durability by posting gifs out of context and headcanoning Jotaro hit him with Multiversal punches when he got brained by just regular Star Platinum



V.I.P. Member
You had people here arguing he had literally Multiversal durability by posting gifs out of context and headcanoning Jotaro hit him with Multiversal punches when he got brained by just regular Star Platinum

Yeah that was always bullshit, I think people forgot that Jotaro himself said that he felt regular Star Platinum shatter Heaven Dio’s skull and is surprised to see he’s not down

Dio just rewrote the injury away when he touched his skull. The game shows and states this


Man of Atom

What in the hell are yall even remembering

I was the main person in that entire shitshow and the entire point of that argument was how Dio would kill that whatever vampire chick because he drinks blood through his hands and using his hands he would reality overwrite the bullshit she does to people who drink her blood

dont get this shit twisted. WoH is still strong as fuck and to pretend otherwise is absolute nonsense
ESPECIALLY with how he was able to neg diff D4C with Love Train