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Game Ranked Darkest Dungeon Mafia - Game Thread Day 6

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Lonely at the top
Ekko is hard defending Ratchet and I dont see him doing that of they were mates tbh. Also I weirdly town read him because his reads coincide with min. Since I town read Ratchet as well I feel like its town defending a town read of theirs here.

I did read your points but they can be chalked up to Ratchet being his old grumpy self.

The X

But when I bring up you possibly bussing Psychic you decide to ignore me. Doesn't make a lot of sense.



It reads as a shit post to me, but who knows with her. Bottom line, I don't feel comfortable parking it on her, especially with an information role. Would like some claims from other players to evaluate. CP, Lethal, Tweet all come to mind personally.


This is exactly what I said. Ha.
No, it isn't - you tried to claim I was arguing that Ultra was following me. I never argued this, by design he would have to be pre-empting that as scum. Essentially the argument was that Ultra, after early distancing with Psychic, saw I was reading her scum and decided to cash in on said distancing with a vote, to maximise his credit. It would require him to give up on her early, but I think that's possible.

Anyway that's all I wanted to say on this part - feel free to continue your tiresome tunnel in peace.


Lonely at the top
It reads as a shit post to me, but who knows with her. Bottom line, I don't feel comfortable parking it on her, especially with an information role. Would like some claims from other players to evaluate. CP, Lethal, Tweet all come to mind personally.
I agree on Lethal but why do you want a claim from Tweet?

The X

Yes, I do believe that can be the case with Ratchet, which is why I'm not really pushing him, just bringing up issues I have with his slot and letting others take note and think about it.

I don't think reads coinciding should be why you town read someone. I think Ekko is full of it this game. Bro has admitted he hasn't even read most of D1 so not sure why you are putting any stock into his reads.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I don't follow.
like vinegar town, dalton scum
similar to alco town, magic scum

wud mean alco/vinergar started with some early posts onto magic/dalton that didnt gain any attention from the magic/dalton side respectively

The X

I'm not even tunneling, I'm raising issues with your slot that I have.

It'd be great for you to get off your high horse for even a second. Not sure why you're being like this.
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