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Game Death Note Mafia

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Given this, @Poyser I will keep him as null. Opportunistic vote change and a one-track tunnel isn't swinging me to either alignment

Well Pein isn't happening (why I'll never know)


Vote: Evans

Null, but you want to lynch me?

Why would you want to lynch someone who you're unsure of a read on instead of trying to force through T-Pein when there are people who would take that lynch too?


Null, but you want to lynch me?

Why would you want to lynch someone who you're unsure of a read on instead of trying to force through T-Pein when there are people who would take that lynch too?
Hey evans

why don’t you try reading context instead of using every post to shade him to justify your shite tunnel



Null, but you want to lynch me?

Why would you want to lynch someone who you're unsure of a read on instead of trying to force through T-Pein when there are people who would take that lynch too?

Pein isn't going to happen. He has too many defenders. I wonder why his wagon stalled huh?

It was you or me. Tribe went me.

Big Man

This town Lethal tbhtbb
the change in read from scum to null back to scum on ultra for the same initial reason reads like wanting to have a scum read.
also do you believe he laughed when you said you read him scummy? for someone who apparently reads him well I'd have thought he would have a reaction to you misreading him.


Lethal > BPD > Lethal > T-Pein > Evans
Tiara > Ultra > None > Doddsy > None > Poyser > T-Pein > Evans > Lethal > None > T-Pein > Lethal
Poyser > Ultra > None > Psychic > Ekko > T-Pein > Evans > T-Pein > Evans
Ultra > Psychic > Grammaton > T-Pein > None > Craig > Tiara > Lethal > T-Pein > None > Evans > Lethal
BPD > BPD > Grammaton > None > Grammaton > Lethal
Craig > Ekko > Psychic > Grammaton > None > Ekko > Tiara
Psychic > Poyser > Ekko
Evans > Grammaton > Psychic > Lethal
T-Pein > Poyser > Lethal
Grammaton > Evans > None > Ekko > Evans > Tiara > Evans > T-Pein > Evans
Ekko > Grammaton > Tiara > Evans > Lethal
Big Man > Lethal > None

Vote Count - Day 1

Evans - 3
(Lethal, Poyser, Grammaton) L-4
Lethal - 6 (Tiara, Ultra, Black Pegged Dragon, Evans, T-Pein, Ekko) L-1
Tiara - 1 (CraigPelton)
Ekko - 1 (Psychic)

There are 12 minutes remaining.


No I don’t really believe that he laughed me off, but I don’t think him saying that is scum motivated

his reads change all the time for little sense lol it’s Lethal. Logically sound reads aren’t gonna be how you solve him. He’s already admitted he lied cos he had pre written his reads list and didn’t wanna look bad. He has legit done that exact same thing before as town lol


Ignoring my 2 other scum leans. Cool and thanks for actually turning up to hit your 5 post quota after a 47 hour stall
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