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Game Ranked EastEnders Mafia

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See, my problem with this is that you included me in the scum by virtue in part to Fang's flip - ignoring apparently that I spent quite a few posts asking you to look past your objections with Fang's play, and you'll have to take my word that I was saying the same to him in our Mason chat. I can take the Poyser thing, even though I do think you saw my points on him and found them agreeable, so it's not really fair to turn it on me now, but Fang flipping town should by no means be a referendum on my alignment for you. I think it's probably paranoia on your part, but I'd like you to talk me through it. You liked my post asking for this earlier but then ignored it.


I’d offer the same invitation to ekko but I’ve already
tanked tpein this game and he’s been copped so seems unfair

The X

I'm sorry it started at a bad time for you, I honestly am, but you can see how this doesn't really matter in regards to your alignment.

What I'm made of? What is that supposed to even mean?



how fakeable do you think BPDs bloody mindedness is?

The X

Asking for what?


I'm sorry it started at a bad time for you, I honestly am, but you can see how this doesn't really matter in regards to your alignment.

What I'm made of? What is that supposed to even mean?

the only sense in which it matters is because your accusation is that I’m demotivated or don’t care - im illustrating that’s inaccurate and I think you’re being very lazy towards my slot

how can I differentiate your play from scum who just piggyback on bad reads from dead town? Show me something

The X

You already called me hard town in D1, though.

The X

I will say I have some doubts over TAT's play and claim. If he's scum JOAT, easy enough to claim a kill attempt on xenos when there are no kills. And he claimed watcher on a dead player, so no way to prove that. The fact that he's putting xenos first and not even scum hunting is pretty weak. He also wants to go after anyone that said to keep xenos around, and considering no one has lynched the guy yet, that's kind of all of us.

The X

Oh dear, that’s a stinker
I know! You even asking if I could fake what I'm doing suggests to me even further that you still think I'm town. So you saying you want to see what I'm made of and that I need show you something is somewhat interesting!
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