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Game Unranked Archived Fairy Tail Mafia - The Dawn of Fiore [Main Game Thread] (Game Ended - Zeref Dragneel and Acnologia have won the game)

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You did not provide that information in D2. LM died in N1. So of course I'm gonna ask what you used when you seem sure you that you were not redirected. How can you be sure? The only way to find that out is if you claim the action you used on him. As you claim to use one invest action on Prof, it doesn't seem like another one. What is it then?
I had no reason to provide it Day 2. Me telling you what I used on him is irrelevant, because you can just turn around and say I'm lying and we haven't gotten anywhere. My point stands, you are dismissed.

Hans Tweetenberg

So if I duel someone, they flip at the end of the day, which means that the duel isn't helpful in unraveling this role stuff today at least

If people think one of them dudes is lying, ring me up


I mean you tell me how you meant it then, your post literally says that you think we need to resolve Ratchet today because he's about to become a 10-year mage or better
Err, have you seen his claims so far? He claims to have used two shots in N1, and self-aware on being shot while he is BP. By the rules of the game, of course I want to resolve his spot as he doesn't seem town-aligned.


Divine Departure
To be fair I don't think that part is an issue as it's a very weak investigative role by claim, but my issue is the usage actually is something I would expect of a team mate of Xadlin.
I know. Which begs the question why would she support Prof

Hans Tweetenberg

Err, have you seen his claims so far? He claims to have used two shots in N1, and self-aware on being shot while he is BP. By the rules of the game, of course I want to resolve his spot as he doesn't seem town-aligned.
Oh okay so your point is that you think having two shots of something and being BP and being aware of being shot is too powerful for a townie at SS-class or lower?


So if I duel someone, they flip at the end of the day, which means that the duel isn't helpful in unraveling this role stuff today at least

If people think one of them dudes is lying, ring me up
You can *maybe* duel Prof, but I wouldn't advise it out of hand. Probably go for a scum read of yours I guess, I don't think there will be a strong consensus for anything.


Oh okay so your point is that you think having two shots of something and being BP and being aware of being shot is too powerful for a townie at SS-class or lower?
Yes. He won two games back to back so you can see my argument that leaving him hang around even more can unlock his ultimate and be more troublesome. Plus, he is insisting on leaving him be until D5, which is even more sus.


Yes. He won two games back to back so you can see my argument that leaving him hang around even more can unlock his ultimate and be more troublesome. Plus, he is insisting on leaving him be until D5, which is even more sus.
Well potentially Day 4 will be enough, it really depends on if Scum feel like wasting another kill to delay me further.

Hans Tweetenberg

Yes. He won two games back to back so you can see my argument that leaving him hang around even more can unlock his ultimate and be more troublesome. Plus, he is insisting on leaving him be until D5, which is even more sus.
I can at least better understand your point now but still think it's junk science tbh


To summarize what Ratchet has said so far:

- Targeted Prof in N1 and got Aurelian as result. (Claimed in D3)
- Targeted Melkor in N1 with another ability (doesn't claim what it is) and based on the result doesn't think he was redirected that night (Claimed in D3)
- Says he was shot in N1 and survived the shot and gave a list of Red Mafia + Zeref/Acnologia for potential candidates who might have shot him (Claimed in D2)
- Says he was shot again in N2 and survived the shot (Claimed D3)


Vote Lynch John Wayne

dont like the way his only contribution today was to get his rolls in for his upgrade and to interject flavor spec with no other relevant input


I mean IG it would look bad if they were protected but not being protected shouldnt make you so certain they're town lol
true but i doubt she is aligned with xadlin
she participated in the games dp1 and i feel that is moreso bc of her teammates telling her to do that so that she at least has the chance of lvling up so im ruling out hostile indie scum

xadlin flipped a protect for purple so i have reason to believe red has one too
hence y i checked if psychic was targeted by a protect
unless there was a scummier player on red team, i felt as though psychic would be most likely to be targeted by a protect if she were scum
obvi this isnt 100% but i feel she is more likely town than not


true but i doubt she is aligned with xadlin
she participated in the games dp1 and i feel that is moreso bc of her teammates telling her to do that so that she at least has the chance of lvling up so im ruling out hostile indie scum

xadlin flipped a protect for purple so i have reason to believe red has one too
hence y i checked if psychic was targeted by a protect
unless there was a scummier player on red team, i felt as though psychic would be most likely to be targeted by a protect if she were scum
obvi this isnt 100% but i feel she is more likely town than not
didn't notice the protect was unlimited so yeah chuck would have had to protect his teammate, guess it just depends how many of those there are as to how helpful it is to clearing psychic from red


I kinda liked him so far on the previous days
anything in particular? I have missed some big portions of the game so maybe missed stuff but in general I haven't been massively impressed with any of his posts and don't think he has anything mech or association wise in his favor
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