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Game Unranked Archived Fairy Tail Mafia - The Dawn of Fiore [Main Game Thread] (Game Ended - Zeref Dragneel and Acnologia have won the game)

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Hans Tweetenberg

anything in particular? I have missed some big portions of the game so maybe missed stuff but in general I haven't been massively impressed with any of his posts and don't think he has anything mech or association wise in his favor
Just his general demeanor, the posts themselves weren't anything special tbh


i could probably iso him too since i'm probably being a bit unfair just voting him predominantly based off the last small portion of the game :garrett


The Nexus

Charlie dying and flipping scum kinda sus.
He prevented RDK from leveling up so RDK not team with the reds.
TAT was red.


RDK lowkey town .
He was trying to Lynch Purple instead of Red.
And red prevented him from ranking up.
Too advanced for mafia to do this just to trick me fr....


You do your thing, but you have to admit it’s incredibly *convenient*
call it what u want but i am not against a prof lynch here anyway
either ratchet is lying or hes not
if he is, we lynch ratchet next phase
if he isnt, we can trust what hes said so far and potentially have scum waste kills on him and/or trust his invest results

[Vote lynch Prof]


call it what u want but i am not against a prof lynch here anyway
either ratchet is lying or hes not
if he is, we lynch ratchet next phase
if he isnt, we can trust what hes said so far and potentially have scum waste kills on him and/or trust his invest results

[Vote lynch Prof]
Wait, talk me through how either I am lying or he is? You havn't given this any real thought, have you?


@hime I've claimed the busdrive thing - nothing Prof has said has contradicted that, and with you watching Xadlin, him being busdriven is still in play (as you noted yourself). So where do you come to the conclusion that one of us must be lying?


Wait, talk me through how either I am lying or he is? You havn't given this any real thought, have you?
ur either lying abt the aurelian thing or ur not
unless ur saying prof is red scum and busdrived himself with aurelian


ur either lying abt the aurelian thing or ur not
unless ur saying prof is red scum and busdrived himself with aurelian
So where do you conclude that one of Prof and I *must* be lying from? Town could have busdrive him, *or*, scum busdrove him with another townie (this is considerably less likely, but not impossible). Lay out your reasoning, because so far it appears to be hasty to me.


Professional Troll
call it what u want but i am not against a prof lynch here anyway
either ratchet is lying or hes not
if he is, we lynch ratchet next phase
if he isnt, we can trust what hes said so far and potentially have scum waste kills on him and/or trust his invest results

[Vote lynch Prof]
This looks like a good way to get two lynches.

Lynch me, I flip Town, then say “see Ratchet was lying” and lynch Ratchet. Denied.

If I get lynched, I’d rather them lynch you before Ratchet. Especially since your choice to target to watch was very odd


So where do you conclude that one of Prof and I *must* be lying from? Town could have busdrive him, *or*, scum busdrove him with another townie (this is considerably less likely, but not impossible). Lay out your reasoning, because so far it appears to be hasty to me.
is town busdriver even a thing? ive only ever seen that role as scum tbh plus y would town busdrive aure and prof in this case? we can wait for someone to claim but it feels unlikely
as for scum busdriving 2 townies, personally i just dont see it happening
if i were scum, i would use busdrives for investigation scans, vig shots, or protects


This looks like a good way to get two lynches.

Lynch me, I flip Town, then say “see Ratchet was lying” and lynch Ratchet. Denied.

If I get lynched, I’d rather them lynch you before Ratchet. Especially since your choice to target to watch was very odd
how was it odd?
tbh i thought it was good and still do 💀
not sure y everyone is on my case for it


is town busdriver even a thing? ive only ever seen that role as scum tbh plus y would town busdrive aure and prof in this case? we can wait for someone to claim but it feels unlikely
as for scum busdriving 2 townies, personally i just dont see it happening
if i were scum, i would use busdrives for investigation scans, vig shots, or protects
1 - Is Town busdriver a thing?
2 - Would a town player busdrive them?
Unknown, need to see if one claims!

I agree with the other part, but the problem is you've quickly determined one of us must be lying without really giving this due consideration. In fact you almost seem to expect Prof to flip town. At the same time, there isn't really any incentive for me as scum to fake information knowing after a lynch it will be rendered suspect anyway. Motive is actually important here.


is town busdriver even a thing? ive only ever seen that role as scum tbh plus y would town busdrive aure and prof in this case? we can wait for someone to claim but it feels unlikely
as for scum busdriving 2 townies, personally i just dont see it happening
if i were scum, i would use busdrives for investigation scans, vig shots, or protects
Yes tbh my game last month had a town bus driver

Good use might be to just to drive the suspected kill shot with a scum read you have

Nobody is driving aurelian lol

Prof more likely as he's a strong town player but still probably nah
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