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Game Unranked Archived Fairy Tail Mafia - The Dawn of Fiore [Main Game Thread] (Game Ended - Zeref Dragneel and Acnologia have won the game)

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If I didn't think it was suspicious I wouldn't have claimed it, so I'm not too concerned with having Prof as a lynch option. I just think it needs to be duly considered, certainly no need to rush to judgements before we even have established it isn't coming from town.


1 - Is Town busdriver a thing?
2 - Would a town player busdrive them?
Unknown, need to see if one claims!

I agree with the other part, but the problem is you've quickly determined one of us must be lying without really giving this due consideration. In fact you almost seem to expect Prof to flip town. At the same time, there isn't really any incentive for me as scum to fake information knowing after a lynch it will be rendered suspect anyway. Motive is actually important here.
i agree, which is y im more inclined to believe u than not here

anyway i can wait for busdrive claims, but how do u plan on saying whether the busdrive is from town or scum in the case that someone claims? r u just going to go based on reads? bc u do realize its possible for prof to be red scum and have his teammate verify the busdrive


Yes tbh my game last month had a town bus driver

Good use might be to just to drive the suspected kill shot with a scum read you have

Nobody is driving aurelian lol

Prof more likely as he's a strong town player but still probably nah
i feel like thats annoyingly confusing tbh, im never putting a town busdrive if i host :dead


i agree, which is y im more inclined to believe u than not here

anyway i can wait for busdrive claims, but how do u plan on saying whether the busdrive is from town or scum in the case that someone claims? r u just going to go based on reads? bc u do realize its possible for prof to be red scum and have his teammate verify the busdrive
A scum busdriver claiming busdriver to save Prof is playing a very dangerous game. Unlikely.

The problem I have here hime is that your conclusion is happy to make a lot of assumptions when we just don't know enough. I think a vote on Prof should be reconciled with his play - the information I've presented isn't enough by itself.


A scum busdriver claiming busdriver to save Prof is playing a very dangerous game. Unlikely.

The problem I have here hime is that your conclusion is happy to make a lot of assumptions when we just don't know enough. I think a vote on Prof should be reconciled with his play - the information I've presented isn't enough by itself.
if no one claims to have busdrived prof and aure, what would ur play here be?


if no one claims to have busdrived prof and aure, what would ur play here be?
I'd probably be inclined to look into who was trying to set up mislynches from it, as I've quite liked Prof's responses to it. He's probably have to be lynched/investigated at some point soon, but I don't think I'd be in full support of it.


A scum busdriver claiming busdriver to save Prof is playing a very dangerous game. Unlikely.

The problem I have here hime is that your conclusion is happy to make a lot of assumptions when we just don't know enough. I think a vote on Prof should be reconciled with his play - the information I've presented isn't enough by itself.
Do the due diligence and share information on what you targeted with Melkor then.


Do the due diligence and share information on what you targeted with Melkor then.
That has nothing to do with my information on Prof, for the reasons I've already outlined to you. Also, I've obviously *done* my due diligence, any more information would be exclusively to your benefit, not mine.


That has nothing to do with my information on Prof, for the reasons I've already outlined to you. Also, I've obviously *done* my due diligence, any more information would be exclusively to your benefit, not mine.
It would not be exclusively to my benefit. It is who are complaining about the lack of information. So you can do the due diligence by sharing us what you targeted Melkor with and how that supports your claim that you were not redirected that night.


It would not be exclusively to my benefit. It is who are complaining about the lack of information. So you can do the due diligence by sharing us what you targeted Melkor with and how that supports your claim that you were not redirected that night.
It is you*


It would not be exclusively to my benefit. It is who are complaining about the lack of information. So you can do the due diligence by sharing us what you targeted Melkor with and how that supports your claim that you were not redirected that night.
I'm not complaining about anything lol, but moreover, me claiming isn't going to give me more information, for obvious reasons. You don't need to know what I targeted Melkor with, because you either accept that my action was veritable enough to me to know I wasn't redirected, or you think I'm lying about the whole thing anyway. Your fishing attempt is, duly, denied.


You have a lot of holes in your self-theory, Ratchet. Anyone who is experienced enough can see that all your claims only benefit you while not possible to be double-checked for verification. You don't normally get 5 days to prove yourself in mafia games. It is Day 3 already, it is weird that you as an experienced player are delaying the verification when you, yourself, was asking for claims in other games for immediate verification.


You have a lot of holes in your self-theory, Ratchet. Anyone who is experienced enough can see that all your claims only benefit you while not possible to be double-checked for verification. You don't normally get 5 days to prove yourself in mafia games. It is Day 3 already, it is weird that you as an experienced player are delaying the verification when you, yourself, was asking for claims in other games for immediate verification.
Well, I do have threadplay to work with, too - which serves to evidence me not being on either Mafia team. These aren't holes you're poking, it's shade, and shade easily reconciled with frustrated scum having wasted resources.


Well, I do have threadplay to work with, too - which serves to evidence me not being on either Mafia team. These aren't holes you're poking, it's shade, and shade easily reconciled with frustrated scum having wasted resources.
If I was scum who targeted you, there would be more people pushing you now. You are the one throwing shade with OMGUS vote, and absolutely refuse to withold information that can help resolve what happened with Hime, you, Prof and Aurelian. The thread work is that you lynched Xadlin? That is it? How does that clear you from being red mafia or hostile indie?


If I was scum who targeted you, there would be more people pushing you now. You are the one throwing shade with OMGUS vote, and absolutely refuse to withold information that can help resolve what happened with Hime, you, Prof and Aurelian. The thread work is that you lynched Xadlin? That is it? How does that clear you from being red mafia or hostile indie?


If I was scum who targeted you, there would be more people pushing you now. You are the one throwing shade with OMGUS vote, and absolutely refuse to withold information that can help resolve what happened with Hime, you, Prof and Aurelian. The thread work is that you lynched Xadlin? That is it? How does that clear you from being red mafia or hostile indie?
I don't believe you can evidence the first line, and any further information I have to give does nothing to resolve the information on the table. I think this is going in circles at this stage - I'm pretty satisfied my point stands.

The X

I think Mango, T-Pein and BPD are top of the pops in my scum read list atm, I already can't remember their interactions with the flipped players though so idk if some of them don't fit as scum (except Mango who I know doesn't fit on one of the two teams but also can't remember which)
I did flip flop between you and Xadlin and ended up on the last push that lynched Xadlin. I'd say I'm red at worst, town at best.
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