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Game Unranked Archived Fairy Tail Mafia - The Dawn of Fiore [Main Game Thread] (Game Ended - Zeref Dragneel and Acnologia have won the game)

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If there's a big bad indy it could.be psychic explaining her complete self pres combined with trying to and failing to rank her role. Ratchet also needed to rank his role.


And on play? Setup spec will lead to sidetracks. There's much more scum equity in others based on play.
Why didn't TAT defend himself then? Can you not see one of the reds being planted on his wagon early on? I think it is as plausible as a redirect.


The Nexus
If there's a big bad indy it could.be psychic explaining her complete self pres combined with trying to and failing to rank her role. Ratchet also needed to rank his role.

psychic does that regardless.
I said this.
last time she was scum she was killing inactive players that looked at her the wrong way....
Town was going nuts trying to figure out X person was killed and not the outed cop or whatever.
She was just killing people that slightly sussed her.
I heard she got a vig shot.
she gonna use it on flower.



Why didn't TAT defend himself then? Can you not see one of the reds being planted on his wagon early on? I think it is as plausible as a redirect.
Sure I could see that, but based on what I Just read from bpd and chuck it's more likely bpd than others

Also tat dipped both times in thread after pressure from me. He might just not have wanted to deal with me.


Sure I could see that, but based on what I Just read from bpd and chuck it's more likely bpd than others

Also tat dipped both times in thread after pressure from me. He might just not have wanted to deal with me.
or.. maybe you were distancing from each other.


Flower was also on my wagon in D1. How surprising. The wagon that developed in less than an hour.


The Nexus
we should discuss that Purple Mafia has been killing reds every night and Red Mafia has been shooting at Ratchet.

Shooting Chuck and Juliet.
I think they just assumed it was a safe kill and not mafia.
I dont think either of them were exceptionally susssed lowkey.

Trying to off Ratchet every other night probably means Ratchet was up to something or that they think he is scary.
Not sure who would fear Ratchet....
And I dont remember him pushing anyone in particular


I like your thinking here


Divine Departure
Why are you role fishing?
Also where was this energy when raem was literally gonna be lynched and refused to claim anything?
He rather die than claim.
Why yall let that slot live tho.

Tag him and ask him what he got for us.
Cant tag him

Why not miss nat.

Mr. Nat?

I believe you mixed me up with Flowa.

This is why I sus you. Why are you voting Tweet if you suspect Kobe?
That isn't a town mindset lol.
Outside of myself I think kobe is town too as stated above. Why do you think hayumi is scum? They have been largely absent since d1 I believe.
I addressed it on D1, he doesn’t say much even when he speaks, refer to post above

Why do you think rdk is town nata
Well, he helped me and Flower with an ability, I don’t think scum would do that. If he’s doing it to scam us, then he’d be on TAT’s team, but I doubt scum is wasting such a friendly ability on town in the state they’re in. So town
Why is your thinking so black and white.
We have to make some simple conclusions instead of believing everything is 3D chess. Usually the simplest solution is right; and in the case of the duel that is the case.

Hi nat.

We both look bad for not thinking xaldin was scum. Thoughts?
I was wrong. It is not rocket science

Did you suddenly start suspecting me cause I suspected you or?


Divine Departure
Lol I got lost in my posts

@T-Pein™ the same energy was there for Rem, we had begged for a claim, are you high? Claiming is part of mafia, don’t act like it’s a new thing.

@Magic I’m a woman


Divine Departure
For what reason do you believe scum did it? Prof is not the only vig in town, he is far too weak.
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