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Game Unranked Archived Fairy Tail Mafia - The Dawn of Fiore [Main Game Thread] (Game Ended - Zeref Dragneel and Acnologia have won the game)

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For reasons already layed out, but mainly the the fact Juliet came and saved him from a lynch. Not sure how anyone’s believing that it was meant “to frame him” or was just a coincidence. Also don’t see the ability to cause a duel as inherently towny whatsoever.


I skimmed and I'm leaning town on Flower and Aurelian. Tsworder claimed he can revive which can be confirmed and he is probably town. I have alot of null reads.

I don't know how Kobe plays as town and I've only played 1 game with him when he was scum when he subbed in. In the beginning he didn't post much and in later day phases he posted more pretending to scum hunt and I thought he played good. I'm null on him.

Xadlin and TAT I've never played with. Xadlin's last few posts it looked like he started reading from page 1 and instead of giving reads he gave a summary which I didn't like. Tat's posts looked like they are suspecting Magic since they said Magic is encouraging suspicion for the sake of suspicion. He hasn't even come back afterwards and he still has his vote on Tsworder who claimed reviver which doesn't look good.
Vote Lynch TAT.

1 minute apart from Juliet's post and Flower's vote on TAT which led to CFD on TAT.


Divine Departure
For reasons already layed out, but mainly the the fact Juliet came and saved him from a lynch. Not sure how anyone’s believing that it was meant “to frame him” or was just a coincidence. Also don’t see the ability to cause a duel as inherently towny whatsoever.
At the moment Juliet did that, the votes were tied. IF they were two townies, wouldn’t scum prefer a lynch?

I think she just voted to vote, and everyone is reading too much into it.


At the moment Juliet did that, the votes were tied. IF they were two townies, wouldn’t scum prefer a lynch?

I think she just voted to vote, and everyone is reading too much into it.
Unless I’m confused, if she would have voted the other way, she would have caused a lynch on Tweet correct? She was the tie factor. Based on your own logic, why would scum not take the lynch rather than decide to save both? I highly doubt she “voted just to vote”?? Juliet is also the type to openly protect her mates so seems likely very intentional lol


Divine Departure
Prof = 7
(Dofla, Hayumi, Flower, JW, RAEM, Hime, Natalija)
JW = 7 (RDK, Tpein, BPD, Magic, Ratchet, Sworder, Juliet)
Ratchet = 2 (Kobe, Mango)
Kobe = 1 (Prof)
A lot of the JW voters jumped on cause they “did not know what to do”, in a day we had a claimfest.

The voters who did it following RDK were Pein, BPD, Magic (who called out Juliet or Hayumi (?) for voting despite not reading I think? Will find later), ofc Ratchet, Sworder and Juliet.

Now, there are lost townies there, and I think those are Pein and Sworder. At the same time as Ratchet, there was a jump from BPD and Magic onto the wagon. Must be reread, rip


It is funny how Flower conveniently avoids her D3 and D4 votes on Prof and continue to push Psychic while resting on D1/D2 lynches which are literal NAI.


Divine Departure
Unless I’m confused, if she would have voted the other way, she would have caused a lynch on Tweet correct? She was the tie factor. Based on your own logic, why would scum not take the lynch rather than decide to save both? I highly doubt she “voted just to vote”?? Juliet is also the type to openly protect her mates so seems likely very intentional lol
? She broke the tie to get a lynch. It’s highly unlikely one teammate is among the two.


The Nexus
A lot of the JW voters jumped on cause they “did not know what to do”, in a day we had a claimfest.

The voters who did it following RDK were Pein, BPD, Magic (who called out Juliet or Hayumi (?) for voting despite not reading I think? Will find later), ofc Ratchet, Sworder and Juliet.

Now, there are lost townies there, and I think those are Pein and Sworder. At the same time as Ratchet, there was a jump from BPD and Magic onto the wagon. Must be reread, rip

I think you are confused.
Juliet sus for the DUEL vote.
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