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Game Unranked Archived Fairy Tail Mafia - The Dawn of Fiore [Main Game Thread] (Game Ended - Zeref Dragneel and Acnologia have won the game)

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Raem could you read some of my posts jn the recent pages as well as the quotes in them and give some thoughts. I'd also recommend reading Day 1 eod if you have time.
When Unger home in about an hour. At work and sleepy -_-


^also not great.

I think there's a clear picture of who who is likely purple based on Day 2 so if anyone is ever unsure go back and look. It isn't that it's wrong to look for tats teammates. It's the lack of acknowledgment of xaldins wagon when it was the biggest.
Tbh d1 I sort of dismissed his wagon because I think of Xadlin as LHF, I think I mentioned that day 1. I wasn’t a fan of the TAT wagon either lmao? Never voted for either of them. I guess I could see how it’s weird I didn’t really mention him in that post you quoted, but I was only skimming and didn’t see a vote count at the time to know who was even in the lead, I just read the posts on the case for RDK/Tweet likely being scummates with Tat and it made sense to rest my vote on one of them before I had to disappear for the rest of the dp.


Divine Departure
When you are claiming that I'm triggered by your post, you seemed to take offense. My tone has always been neutral.

Let's get down to business. Will you continue to deflect, or follow up on the posts before you?
Are you going to continue answering my questions with another question or? Follow up on what?


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Are you preparing for your retirement, Flower? You seem like you lost the motivation after Chucky was killed.
Vote Lynch Kobe.

Enough of your bullshit. Idec if you‘re Town atp, you‘re hurting the thread state with your nonsense. Get out.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Surely the one player who only lynched scum so far and CFD‘d members of both Mafia is scum, am I right? Fucking ridiculous.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Are you finally hunting scum after 400 posts of coasting?
Lynched both teams and never mislynched once. That‘s more than anyone else has done so far. It‘s not like anyone is willing to help me with my duel either which could also produce more info. But nooo, FLoWeR iS sCum. Let‘s not help her because we‘re biased! Hooray!
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