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Game Unranked Archived Fairy Tail Mafia - The Dawn of Fiore [Main Game Thread] (Game Ended - Zeref Dragneel and Acnologia have won the game)

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this post right here actually reminds me of what he did in the game he quit as scum lmao:

i'd like everyone that has played with aurelian to tell me if this is actually shit he does as town because this list is just all over the place. first he has tat as a town lean, but he also has tweet. all both of them did was multiquote and honestly with the way tweet looks in regards to tat(ill get into that but it also isn't good) i can see some scum connection there. but maybe it isn't actually there. he went nowhere with hime or nat from what i saw and then with along with xadian, who looks like the counterwagon to tat to save tat as tweet switched onto it late.

what's more egregious is he called me out for two early town reads and the logic behind them, but he has so many listed town here and a lot of it is just leaving me like why.

based on his emotions he seemed town. based on his combativeness he seemed town. but some of this stuff is just hard to ignore.

id love to hear what others have to say about this as i am somewhat conflicted only due to the attitude he showed me seemed like town frustration, but there was definitely some scum on tat's team trying to save him using xadlin.

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The Nexus
juliet, prof, tweet all correctly shot tat's box.

teammate potential there. they all shot box 2 and i think that was his correct box. mafia could have shot at each other to improve their roles, guaranteeing advancement.

Juliet lowkey scummy for shooting at you too
And me cuz I copied your shots I assume....


i also thought ruffles looked bad

^why did ruffles think there were other reasons tat was busy when he never hinted at them.

ruffles also wanted to forego voting when there really was no reason necessary for that


i didn't write any notes on it, but i didn't like tweet's play around tat either. he never really gave me much of an impression of a genuine read on him.

tweet also voted him only to unvote towards the end of day and put it on xaldin after being on tat most of the day, which again doesn't look great. xaldin could also be scum for all we know, but there's teammate equity there in tweet and tat imo.


The Nexus

He is town.
Like I said.
He is cowardly scum.
Also he was the deciding vote on a wagon.
If tat had flipped town he wulda look terribad?
He not the type to try and talk himself out of something like that.


He is town.
Like I said.
He is cowardly scum.
Also he was the deciding vote on a wagon.
If tat had flipped town he wulda look terribad?
He not the type to try and talk himself out of something like that.

i mean tat gave up and could have asked people to buss him. i wouldn't put much stock in it as you want to due to that reason. he clearly no showed.


The Nexus
i hope you realize this is scummy lmao.

He was trying to save TAT.
Vote was literally 6 TAT and 5 and 4 on the others or something.
If scum is a team or 4 or 5 it makes no sense they just allow their mate to die like that.
Me and dr talked about how scum would try and derail and he just does it....
Classic too scummy to be scum move he likes doing.
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