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Final Fantasy XIV Mafia - Game Thread

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Leprous Monarch
Letha's flurry of 42 posts is actually pretty underwhelming, a lot of shallow parroting of Gram and Magic's pushes against Aurelian while also saying he doesn't want to read their argument. Seems like he has already resigned to supporting lynching Aurelian and doesn't care to actually give his alignment any serious consideration. I also don't think he mentioned me at all through the whole thing until he gave his reads list at the end and said he town leans me out of hope because he can't wolf read me, which is just bizarre and not something I've ever seen from him. a lot of cozying up to Gram and Magic too. wouldn't be surprised at all if he was mafia tbh.


Leprous Monarch
Your persistence in defending her and town reading her seems over the top relative to how far you tend to go for other town reads of yours. Why is psychic so special?
weird question. I don't agree with the premise. do you have any response to what I said?


Leprous Monarch
Could see Lethal being aligned with T-Pein too btw, his only comment around the slot is "forgettable slot, forgettable player" and he chides Evans for focusing on him kind of like I did. So his posts mostly amount to parroting me, Magic, and Gram basically. town read us all too lol, and really forced the read on me.


weird question. I don't agree with the premise. do you have any response to what I said?

I know I'm town and raem was most likely town. She has given no reason for her scum read then and afterwards when I started bringing her up my posts became odd.

The timeline doesn't matter to me as much as her bad reads list. I'm not going to get into points outside of this. It was very underwhelming relative to her actual posts.


Leprous Monarch

I know I'm town and raem was most likely town. She has given no reason for her scum read then and afterwards when I started bringing her up my posts became odd.

The timeline doesn't matter to me as much as her bad reads list. I'm not going to get into points outside of this. It was very underwhelming relative to her actual posts.
She already had you as a scum read before you so much as mentioned her so you're just not framing this truthfully at all. she clearly had something against your posts already. of course the timeline matters given your framing of it as omgus.


Just going back over some other posts from BPD but this caught my eye:

Why did BPD like this post

Why would someone who was so happy to have Grammaton and others hyper focused on having me lynched immediately like a post from Ekko again suggesting Craig as a viable alternative lynch/wagon?

There is precious little to nothing from BPD prior to my offensive against him that paints him being suspicious or overtly distrustful that he would point himself into agreeing with a lynch on Craig, so why like this post from Ekko trying to go against my wagon to push Craig?
Aurelian you're evading giving reads to continue tunneling bpd. What are your other reads


She already had you as a scum read before you so much as mentioned her so you're just not framing this truthfully at all. she clearly had something against your posts already. of course the timeline matters given your framing of it as omgus.
Again, you're side stepping the main point.

If this is the sword you want to fall on then go right ahead.


@Aurelian fill this list with all the players as much as u can pls. dont have to give reasoning for now

- Grammaton
- Ekko

lean town
- Craig (pre-ISO)
- Tweet (pre-ISO)

town side of null
- Evans (pre-ISO)
- Magic (pre-ISO)

- Psychic
- Natalija
- Melkor
- T-Pein
- Odd

scum side of null
- TSworder
- Xadlin

lean scum
- Lethal

Not included: Raem due to modkilling.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
If I was more paranoid about your slot I'd say you were trying in your eccentric way to play the distance game since you almost seem to be pre-determining that you know BPD will end up getting lynched and flipping as scum.

If you think I'm scum and I'm doing what my scummates are telling me what to do, why don't you further elaborate this with your top two or three players you'd associate with me being my teammates?

Anyone else?

I need to go over Evans and Craig's interactions, so not yet.

I'll do that.

Your kind of sending mix signals here Ekko. Your saying you aren't sure if I'm town or if I'm scum, but then you admit you want to give me at least another day to play around out of curiosity since you admit sometimes I'm hard to read but then the last game and earlier in this game you mentioned you felt confident you can read me as I have a certain "tell" that only you know and pick up. But then you were reading Grammaton for tunneling me as town because it was perfectly in sync with his past behavior and actions when he was town.

So what am I supposed to do with this information?

And on top of that you are more interested in the counter-lynch/wagon being Craig instead of BPD, a player who you've literally spent the last several posts of yours pointing out why he could be scummy; BPD that is.
i dont want to send mixed signals, thats not my intention

my stance on you is - i think you are town, but i will not oppose a lynch on you for sake of achieving lynch. i think a no lynch day 1 is net negative for town as opposed to a no lynch in like day 3 or day 4 (which can have some strategic advantages)

as of now i have other players i wanna pursue first, namely cp and to lesser extent xadlin.

as for BPD, you can see him as town but will require u to extend some good faith and give him some time. im not rly sold on him being scum. seems too casual playing at his own pace

what helps u read BPD usually?


Fuck the police
V.I.P. Member
Keep saying the word odd as a synonym for sus while I'm here, see where it gets you


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I feel decent about my reads on Tweet, Gram, Psychic, Melkor, Tsword, and Lethal.
where r u on the scum reads?

also lets cross check notes on town reads i guess. why do you town read tweet?
@Magic pls let me know as well given ur town read on tweet is strong

What town read on xaldin?
i interpret it as a town read but u essentially liked his entrance posts / tone / memes but i dont see much difference between it and fairy tail game. also seem to completely brush off my scum read off him multiple times


Psychic also had raem as scum and had no reaction to his modkill and moved on like it was nothing. Just an absent of a reaction.

Honestly likely want to lynch psychic at this point but want to see others weigh in. The content of her multi quotes were fine but the reads list is lacking compared to her recent town games. On top of thst I see heavy teammate equity with cp and I'm not feeling him either.
I will have a reaction when I see his flip. Why are you so confidant he is town? You obviously got TMI.
Her read list is weak but on top of that the way she talked about aurelian needing to be resolved felt weird. If aurelian is town scum would suggest that his lynch needs to go through but it's way too early to be suggesting that. The rest of her reads don't even come across as real reads.

His reaction to his own wagon is entirely nonchalant. He's not really going hard at defending or deterring people off the wagon and that would check out with the stump claim
How did it felt weird? He had votes on him and I didnt want to read another dayphase of Gram vs Aurelian. You also voted him at the time.
The reads list was in response to Ekko's question. It was intended to be blunt and only offer alternatives to the lynch, not meant to be an actual read list. Why are you panicking? Was your whole scum team on there?
It also isn't like her town games. The read list she produced is also more similar to her scum games as it has two omgus in there but unlike her town games she isn't phrasing it in a way where she says scum is coming after me to lynch me.
Who are the two omgus? I don't think anyone has sus me besides you. If anything, You and Ream omgus me!
eh maybe we just lynch t-pein here
I don't like the way he's been acting at all. Sure, his slot deserves pressure.

[Change vote lynch T-Pein]
seems like he's just in duck and cover mode while we push other people lol, hasn't done shit, wanted to lynch RAEM yesterday but didn't push it yet was adamantly against lynching Aurelian. I do think he's just scum again here
I concur.
Your persistence in defending her and town reading her seems over the top relative to how far you tend to go for other town reads of yours. Why is psychic so special?
This is absurd. How is CP stating his reads all of a sudden makes me special??? Why are you so confidant CP is town?

I know I'm town and raem was most likely town. She has given no reason for her scum read then and afterwards when I started bringing her up my posts became odd.

The timeline doesn't matter to me as much as her bad reads list. I'm not going to get into points outside of this. It was very underwhelming relative to her actual posts.
I scumread you from the start. You literally OMGUS me. I think you're mafia and I think you're scared. You're playing very similarly to your scum meta.

1. You flip flop votes,
2. You Omgus me for scumreading you
3. TMI
4. You literally making up shit for people to sus me
5. Townreading basically everyone

[Change vote lynch Magic]


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Not sure why you're trying to make this a thunderdome between you and me on D1, especially when your wolf read on me comes from out of nowhere.
X are u going anywhere with this? i feel like if ur strugging this much to have a slam dunk on fang then he's just town tbh
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