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Game Ranked Hades Mafia - Game Thread


Question, why is Xad town again

Convenient timing for your activity tbh

Ares isn't Cthonic

This struck home

Didn't you play any game besides last one with a duelist?

This. For good reason.

Fair scenario. But, just between the two of us, read the message, as dumb and cryptic as it is, and see if you can find a possibility of any other roles that message might have indicated. Keep it to yourself tho

One more thing that's bothering me - you're very quick to advertise how important you are, but think that having your cake and eating it to by not claiming your role covers that. Which is hard for me to grasp.

Because if you are "Town MC", even without specifying that further, you should be averse to even claiming that, as it puts a target on your back

Not sure if I wanna press for full claim but just saying if you're town you could not have made this more confusing than you have lol


Basically if I am Gad, and I am town, and I have a super secret good role that I want to be discreet about as to not tip off scum, the last thing I wanna do is casually claim "I'm MC" at two votes

Because if I'm scum even if I don't know what exactly you're claiming I go "oh cool PR let me kill it"

So you happen to be giving out just enough info here to save your hide, but I also fail to see how your discretion is actually netting you anything at all


I’m not sure how you can say you don’t feel like orca is playing with any sort of agenda lol. It’s objectively not true. He started a serious push on me before I even posted, kept pushing me after I started posting (even tho his recent post I quoted seems to imply he thought my start was good) and now he’s still pushing me. His agenda is pretty clear, and considering it started before I even posted it doesn’t exactly appear genuine

why tho.

an agenda has a why. what's the agenda? just tunnel you, it makes him look bad, and so he keeps tunneling you?


I don’t really think I put that much effort into Watson getting lynched? I said i wanted to get her claim, but i think the majority of focus was on Ekko. Estp when he was trying to shade me for “dropping off” and then I pointed out his summary of my play was completely backwards and was an outright lie, and then pointed out how he completely dropped out of our interaction when I pointed out he was lying. I even told magic it was a smoking gun, making it obvious I had him as nailed scum no matter what

And btw I’m not saying you should read me town for Ekko. Plenty people were on Ekko before I was. But your summary of my play, just like Ekko’s yesterday, is completely false. So I struggle to see it as a real/genuine read
to add to this, as anyone reviewing that wagon should know, you need context.

a lot of people had ekko as scum and just didn't want to end the 48 hour phase in 20 hours. the wagon was at 8-10 the whole time, some people not voting were just avoiding a quick hammer. it isn't black and white.


I thought Magic was specifically asking if I had the same activity as town and scum like Flower...am I wrong or are you messed up here

No you're right. The point is Retro didn't actually pull up your scum game. So her input/read is shit, because she's not actually making a comparison

Chairman Nibel

Breath of the Wild
V.I.P. Member
One more thing that's bothering me - you're very quick to advertise how important you are, but think that having your cake and eating it to by not claiming your role covers that. Which is hard for me to grasp.

Because if you are "Town MC", even without specifying that further, you should be averse to even claiming that, as it puts a target on your back

Not sure if I wanna press for full claim but just saying if you're town you could not have made this more confusing than you have lol
Basically if I am Gad, and I am town, and I have a super secret good role that I want to be discreet about as to not tip off scum, the last thing I wanna do is casually claim "I'm MC" at two votes

Because if I'm scum even if I don't know what exactly you're claiming I go "oh cool PR let me kill it"

So you happen to be giving out just enough info here to save your hide, but I also fail to see how your discretion is actually netting you anything at all
Exactly what I thinking. At this rate, I think he should claim to avoid confusion.


The above were ones that were sticking out in my head, so no it wasn't the last 15, but unlike Ekko I'm willing to agree some things weren't accurate, doesn't make the characterization of your play incorrect imo. You did jump off of Ekko to Watson and then back on as 1 of the last votes I think. Also, the Ekko smoking gun seemed fake to me. Maybe by Ekko, maybe by you both who knows. Just seemed too obvious, but that's probably for later

What is your thought on Xadlin?

is your assumption watson is town and why are you so sure she's town? im not really following as the only way that looks particularly bad is if watson is town which im not really seeing at the moment.


i dont think anyone would come forward with that info the way they did
i dont see the reason to do that as any alignment so it doesnt really play a factor for me

if i take his claim at face value, it fits an sk

what i do find weird is the fact that he shared all this info, goes around saying its obvious af and anyone who doesnt get it is an idiot, then proceeds to not be willing to straight up claim it if its so obvi
i really dont see the point in all of this

as for retro, she feels more like her regular self today compared to yesterday
still personally feel that slot is scummy tho and honestly i could see the argument for her and ekko being mates as plausible
she wouldve seen ekko going down and tried hard bussing
retro tends to stay alive till endgame so this wouldve helped her thread position
then ekko chooses to push her over the easier wagon being dofla who was like a lhf last phase to further cement it
honestly fine with pushing that slot more today
we never even got an explanation as to her sudden interest in indie hunting yesterday

for town reads (no particular order):

someone offering info that looks weird and without reason tends to be town, not scum. scum act according to their teams wants and needs and unless luca is just some off-scripter, which i dont think he would be based on his personality exhibited thus far, i dont think it really makes sense to do as scum. even as indy it just brings unnecessary attention his way when a lot of people were town reading him and he wasn't really a target.

wdym retro tries staying alive for end game? like she busses to keep herself alive?

why do you have xaldin, polar, and aurelian as town?


I said in my vote on Watson that I wanted to get a claim, that was the reason of the vote. It's literally in the post you quoted. After she claimed, I said tweet summed it up well, indicating she isn't a priority because her claim means she's not long for this world either way.

What about the smoking gun on ekko "seems fake"? That's something that's so easy to say in general, so you need to qualify it. What specifically seemed fake about it? You think Ekko decided to, on purpose, half shade me based on a complete lie, just for me to call him out on it immediately, and then for him to avoid interacting with me about it altogether, for me to then call him out for interacting with me? Seems like theatre to you?

I think Xadlin is town
same to you, why xaldin as town?

i actually think you disagreed yesterday that he was town when i said he was town and that's when he was active and posting. since then he's barely been around so why did your read flip?

The Orca

No you're right. The point is Retro didn't actually pull up your scum game. So her input/read is shit, because she's not actually making a comparison
She did mention the Bloodbourne game where I barely posted. The only other scum game around these parts was Super Mario on that fan site. Had 141 posts in 5 days


Vote Orca

I haven't seen Magic play much cause he's been inactive/offed early all the time, but with how people call him a strong player, I agree with this post. His mistakes seem too silly and his stretches feel like Luffy

Why would he need Fang in particular?
your posts aren't focusing as much on your scum reads and quantifying them as much as id like. like you have scum reads but they're not the ones youre trying to queston or attack.

here you did question me on something but it was obviously, or at least i thought it was obviously, a joke at ultra as aurelian had already gotten in paragraph battles with me and i was suggesting he was going to use aurelian to fight his battle.

as for the bolded, which mistakes are you referring to and what am i stretching?


She did mention the Bloodbourne game where I barely posted. The only other scum game around these parts was Super Mario on that fan site. Had 141 posts in 5 days

Makes the comparison worse, she pointed it out as an anomaly with 0 basis

Don't know what she's doing this game but it ain't it.


Yes this is more believable to me then Ekko just throwing that out there and just sticking with/ignoring it as scum. When I've seen Ekko as scum he has never been so, ill call it lazy
he had the second most posts in the thread? i dont think he was being lazy as much as incapable of replicating his regular off the wall behaviour as town and instead came off as streamlined. this feels more agendy than other stuff tbh because youre basically making a crackpot theory to explain why you felt he was lazy when i dont think he was even being lazy.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Garbage, he town read him for activity, you tried tempering it down to "NAI" without actually providing evidence that contradicts his assumption

What you're supposed to do is look for his scum games and compare his activity

Otherwise how can you say it's NAI? If you're looking at only one alignment???
Yes, that's fair

But then find me a fucking scum game of his
how the hell am I supposed to know what other games I am looking for

If you have played with Orca more than me, you'd know the other games he's played as scum

Let's go, big boy
I'm not carrying all the weight, if you want to dismantle or disprove my NAI take then give me the links
I'm okay with being disproven, I'm not okay with you assuming I'm going to search all over the place for other samples to give you a satisfying enough answer

Your answer will be given if you fucking help me a bit here


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
One more thing that's bothering me - you're very quick to advertise how important you are, but think that having your cake and eating it to by not claiming your role covers that. Which is hard for me to grasp.

Because if you are "Town MC", even without specifying that further, you should be averse to even claiming that, as it puts a target on your back

Not sure if I wanna press for full claim but just saying if you're town you could not have made this more confusing than you have lol
You keep saying "if" but there's no way I'm anything but town boobies. Let me walk you through this. That character cannot be anything but town, and there's no way he's just a fake claim. Cause, you know, he's the one element that separates this game from just being a Greek mythology game. Every other major myth character can be excluded from this game.

If he IS mafia, and I'm mafia, I wouldn't just say "He's probably not a fake claim". Y'know, cause I'll know for sure if he is or not. I'm just saying, maybe what I meant by that was "There's no universe where Gramm would have him as a fake claim as opposed to an actual character". But that's all flavor, and while you claim that's irrelevant to this game, it's not in my case. Maybe I'm lucky.

Now for the confusion part. You know me. I like some spicy chaos. I thrive in it. Does it affect me badly? Sure, but it's fun. Will I cross a boundary and be fully "I'll get myself lynched just to have fun"? No. I'll still not fuck town up for it. If it makes me a target tho, it does. It'd be a waste of scum ability anyways. Worth it to me.
Basically if I am Gad, and I am town, and I have a super secret good role that I want to be discreet about as to not tip off scum, the last thing I wanna do is casually claim "I'm MC" at two votes

Because if I'm scum even if I don't know what exactly you're claiming I go "oh cool PR let me kill it"

So you happen to be giving out just enough info here to save your hide, but I also fail to see how your discretion is actually netting you anything at all
Nah my role sucks. I mean, it's not meaningless, but it ain't something good. I do have a vested interest in figuring out who the top dog olympians are tho
Exactly what I thinking. At this rate, I think he should claim to avoid confusion.
No. Bad Nipple. Bad.

No parroting. I thought you said new gameplay.