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Hidan (Naruto) vs Buggy (One Piece)

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The Supreme King
And yet, paper bombs was never used against Sasori, I wonder why...

because sakura didt have any on hand

Why are you assuming it's because he can tank them, Why is that your conclusion

as said, you guys have your beliefs and dont really care about facts

I think your memory is shit mate.

already detailed why that was a shit argument
he won yea but that dont prove shit with regards to my comment

I just said he struggled nothing about who won or lost

Last I checked, Aaereneiro was beating Rukia's ass and outside of a few times she got over on him, he still had her dead to rights with only his cockiness and not realizing she had a 3rd Dance be why she won.

Aareniro is fodder
rukia didt need bankai to win


The Supreme King
Dude is trying to cover for Buggy beating Hidan's ass so bad, he went to lying about Sasori and trying to make him seem pathetic to cover for it.

I didt lie about shit

you 5 or 7 dudes on this forum all agree with each other on every issue

so you cant stand that im to disagree with you

wonder how this forum will ever get new members when it's fucking echo chamber


The Supreme King

still weaker then sakura

facts dont care about onelastforum's feelings or beliefs

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
Crocodile would have been a better match?

People inverse are saying current Croc can fight other Yonkou with Mihawk. :skully


Bob, you're trying to downplay a dude who beat the strongest Sand Kage in history up to that point and who was hyped as being stronger than Deidara by the man himself by his performance against a fucking analogue to a San-nin from the Sand village and a Kunoichi who inherited a San-nin's power.

Against Hidan, a mook with a schythe who can't die but can't do much else.

What in the holly mother of fuck ?


The Supreme King
Bet some guy here thinks im doing this to fight with people here or something

Ignoring ive long had these stances


The Supreme King
Bob, you're trying to downplay a dude who beat the strongest Sand Kage in history up to that point

only stronger then his two featless predecessors

and if my stance on arceus didt make it clear

I dont give a shit about statements if the feats are shit tier
sasori can claim he destroys universes and still wouldt care cause he lost to old hag and little girl


The Supreme King
the kazekage rescue arc had 4 akatsuki members show up and only one died, So great but they killed him off in his debut appearance yet gets wanked so much as if the writer intended great things for him, he's outshined by everyone with a name and dies embarrassingly, I get they had intel or whatever but they also had intel on itachi in that same arc and he beat all of their group whilie nerfed

With a singer finger mind you too


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Buggy can‘t kill Hidan, but Hidan lacks the skills to even make Buggy draw blood as he can‘t be cut. Stalemate or Buggy just puts Hidan in a sturdy treasure chest and locks him up.


The Supreme King
Also in case you are unware, poison is pretty fucking strong in an OBD setting since you need actual feats to resist it but i digress.
the demon brothers in the first few episodes had the same tactic

rush in, hit them and hope the poison kills

Sasori is literally, using ep 3 lv tactics

so not sure how bringing up poison helps

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
had a 3 minute long fight with the dude
Because he made a point of dismantling each puppet as Kankuro used them, to prove that he was the one who made them and let Kankuro realize who he was actually fighting.

Not because he was struggling in any way, dude was straight up toying with Kankuro the entire time.
and at the end of the fight, kankuro managed to hit a piece of sasori's cloth off but yea total annilation man
Because Sasori didn't bother to move because he knew it wouldn't do any actual damage.

Damaging cloth isn't equivalent to damaging Sasori himself dipshit.
it just took 3 minutes
To completely humiliate Kankuro in every way possible.
and he nearly got his head cut off
Never happened, Kankuro's attack literally hit him and did no damage,
yes you guys are jokes
Will say it everytime
And you'l be wrong, every time clown.
You guys all mindlessly agree with each other without a shred of crital thought
No we agree with each other because we have applied critical thought and come to a consensus.

You are the one coming in with nonsensical attempts at downplaying and then whining when people don't take your bullshit seriously.
and ignoring any actual evidence in favor of whatever typically retarded shit you buy into
Says the guy who has to outright lie and blatantly misrepresent feats in order to even try to pretend he has a point.
eg polemon universe lv
Such as this, which is supported by MULTIPLE feats across every single medium of the franchise.

Which you deliberately ignore so you can desperately cling to one low end, involving an explicitly weakened Arceus and try to apply it to him at full power, despite it being directly contradicted by numerous better feats from far weaker Pokemon than him.
or city lv daimao
It's almost like there's only TWO feats in the entirety of Dragon Ball Part 1 that go above this level, one from a MUCH stronger version of Piccolo and even that doesn't begin to approach Roshi's moon level feat and he's weaker than both.

If this were Pokemon, you'd be making an issue of it but because you have blatant double standards, it's somehow not a problem despite universal Pokemon being far more consistent than Moon Level Part 1 Dragon Ball.

You're not the victim Bob, you're just an idiot.
You know what? I want to entertain Bob for a second because let's honestly go with him saying that Hidan is basically stronger than Sasori because and I quote "He didn't lose to Sakura".

What would have Hidan done against Sakura that Sasori cannot?
Let's actually put this to rest because Bob can't fathom having his mind rocked that Buggy The Clown buries Hidan into the dirt so let's hop onto this.

Why is Hidan > Sakura and Sasori when Hidan lost to Shikamaru? Clean? By himself?
I want your answer on this.


only stronger then his two featless predecessors
I'll grant you that they are featless, however, Kage level is a high tier affair in Nardo, no matter how you cut it.

I dont give a shit about statements if the feats are shit tier
sasori can claim he destroys universes and still wouldt care cause he lost to old hag and little girl
Cool, again, Chiyo is literally an analogue to a Konoha San Nin and Sakura has Tsunade's strenght.

His other feats include killing a Kage level person and toying with one of the most powerful genins from part one. One who dealt with a Jounin + level Sound Four.

As opposed to Hidan who ... did what exactly ? Exchanged a couple of blows with Kakashi ? Good for him.
deidara lied
That's what you want to believe .

the demon brothers in the first few episodes had the same tactic

rush in, hit them and hope the poison kills

Sasori is literally, using ep 3 lv tactics

so not sure how bringing up poison helps
I just told you.
Not gonna repeat myself.

Also lol comparing a Kage lvl guy to mook chunins .
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The Supreme King
Because he made a point of dismantling each puppet as Kankuro used them, to prove that he was the one who made them and let Kankuro realize who he was actually fighting.

And that explains the cloth thing how

or needing a sand clone to avoid dying

Your coping hard over a character you like not being as strong in series as would be on this site

it's dialga and daimao all over again when you have to fdundamentally have to ignore the series and take this random forum as a superior source to the actual story

Im not doing that, you can use onelastforum's fan fiction versions of characters but im sticking to the official versions if that upsets you then good dont like you retards anyway

No we agree with each other because we have applied critical thought and come to a consensus.
you come to a consenus by reason of beliefs

there's no facts involved just you and your friend's shit takes that are given validity by virtue of there being more retards on average then smart people

It's why you guys have to resort to silencing because beyond there being a consenus, you guys are just dumb fucking retarded oafs

And you can have your consenus
but at the end of the day

you gonna think what you want regardless of reason

and im going to think what im to want

and there's nothing ether of us can do about it

Onlydifference between my opinhons and yours

im not full of shit and dont a mob of my dumbass retard friends to help me

Which you deliberately ignore this so you can desperately cling to one low end, involving an explicitly weakened Arceus and try to apply it to him at full power, despite it being directly contradicted by numerous better feats from far weaker Pokemon than him.

it's not one low end
i have a whole thread with like 20

and still going to say they are weaker

still gonna say sakura beat sasori

cause that's happened on screen, and there's nothing your fan consenus of randoms on the web

to change that fact

You are the one coming in with nonsensical attempts at downplaying and then whining when people don't take your bullshit seriously.

I dont give a shit what you bitches think

if im to care

I wouldt be holding half of my stances to begin with
Instead im to act entirely opposite to your friends and holding the same stances, I do on every other fucking site im on

almost like im saying as im to belilive regardless of how your friends feel about it

It's almost like there's only TWO feats in the entirety of Dragon Ball Part 1 that go above this level, one from a MUCH stronger version of Piccolo and even that doesn't begin to approach Roshi's moon level feat and he's weaker than both.

and this here

is why this group is entirely just your friends and you's echo chamber not any rational conclusion on anything

for daimao, it's not enough feats man

but when pokemon is brought up, feats be fucking damned

You're not the victim Bob, you're just an idiot.

your a retard
As opposed to Hidan who ... did what exactly ? Exchanged a couple of blows with Kakashi ? Good for him.

He did kill Asuma... but of course the obvious rebuttal to that is:

Who cares about Asuma? :jordangif

and still going to say they are weaker

still gonna say sakura beat sasori

cause that's happened on screen, and there's nothing your fan consenus of randoms on the web

to change that fact

So you are literally using your own headcanon rather than what the manga and the anime itself tells you?
I mean that speaks so much about you.
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