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OBD Convo #19: Everything is Energy

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Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
So, playing with Stable Diffusion on dreamstudio, the new AI art tech which as the name suggests is supposed to be more 'stable' than Disco Diffusion and VQGAN+Clip.

Touma Kamijou By Yusuke Murata


Touma Kamijou by Yusuke Murata


Touma Kamijou Yusuke Murata style


Touma Kamijou by Yusuke Murata


Guts in Hirohiko Araki Style



V.I.P. Member
Just imagine if they made us go through this convoluted, intelligence-insulting story to give Moxley his first clean loss only for Punk to injure himself AGAIN. If it's really true Tony needs to do the only decent thing and resign from his booking and talent roles, but he won't, because his ego is just as big as Vince's, only he has much worse instincts.

Yeah, Vince went senile in his last 10-15 years but we know what he did over the course of his career, making multiple transcendent megastars and building a global empire.
Just imagine if they made us go through this convoluted, intelligence-insulting story to give Moxley his first clean loss only for Punk to injure himself AGAIN. If it's really true Tony needs to do the only decent thing and resign from his booking and talent roles, but he won't, because his ego is just as big as Vince's, only he has much worse instincts.

Yeah, Vince went senile in his last 10-15 years but we know what he did over the course of his career, making multiple transcendent megastars and building a global empire.

Shit, I would, honest to god, say that Dixie Carter had a better head on her shoulders than Tony Khan and that... that is something I would not ever say lightly.

The sheer fact you can say this without even realizing how petty, pathetic and plain fucking stupid you sound while thinking you are coming off like a badass? Because WWE only had 2 Events happen BEFORE All Out happened? When they had PPV Saturday's before and NXT Events?

Yeah, maybe you should touch some grass.


V.I.P. Member
Oh and let's add that if Punk really is injured, they need to go through the interim title bullshit again, and the only logical choice would be MJF since he already has rights to a title shot.

Which means they either need to insult our intelligence more and make the interim champion somebody else, or deflate MJF's first title win by making it an interim one. Yet another example of how stupid this interim title idea is in a pro wrestling setting.

Resign, Tony.


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Just imagine if they made us go through this convoluted, intelligence-insulting story to give Moxley his first clean loss only for Punk to injure himself AGAIN. If it's really true Tony needs to do the only decent thing and resign from his booking and talent roles, but he won't, because his ego is just as big as Vince's, only he has much worse instincts.

Yeah, Vince went senile in his last 10-15 years but we know what he did over the course of his career, making multiple transcendent megastars and building a global empire.
Technically speaking, Vince didn't create any transcendent megastars at all. Those guys were already established, like Hulk Hogan and Andre. What Vince did do, however, which Tony could never do, is take a guy that has any kind of steam behind him, and make his stock shoot the fuck up. Vince made Hulkamania bigger. He made Andre even more of the 'eighth wonder of the world' then he already was.

Tony? He's squandering MJF, the only guy worth a shit in that company, something fierce. Prime Vince would've murdered Tony when it comes to booking and promoting. It wouldn't even be close.


V.I.P. Member
That is true, Hogan was already big. But then he had Austin, Rock, Cena, and FINALLY, when he got out of his own way with him, Reigns. Lesnar kind of but he wasn't a draw in his first run. He did make Lesnar a bigger star after he came back from the UFC though. Not to mention the guys beneath them like Undertaker, Triple H, Michaels, etc.

Tony has MJF and Wardlow. He's botching Wardlow. We will see with MJF.
Tony has MJF and Wardlow. He's botching Wardlow. We will see with MJF.

Honest to god, he could have easily fixed both of them with just All Out:

Have CM Punk beat Moxley or Moxley beat CM Punk, MJF comes out, cashes in and basically beats them clean.
Spend the next few months of him basically beating anyone from the Top 5 rankings through various means while establishing him as a Mega-Heel meanwhile you build up Wardlow during those months to finally have a Mega-Face that represents the AEW Originals.

After the PPV after that, THEN have MJF and Wardlow start their feud and end it at that PPV and have Wardlow go over but not without a fight(showing MJF has improved but Wardlow... is still Wardlow).
Boom, you officially made 2 AEW Originals become the face of AEW and established them as Stars.


V.I.P. Member
Honest to god, he could have easily fixed both of them with just All Out:

Have CM Punk beat Moxley or Moxley beat CM Punk, MJF comes out, cashes in and basically beats them clean.
Spend the next few months of him basically beating anyone from the Top 5 rankings through various means while establishing him as a Mega-Heel meanwhile you build up Wardlow during those months to finally have a Mega-Face that represents the AEW Originals.

After the PPV after that, THEN have MJF and Wardlow start their feud and end it at that PPV and have Wardlow go over but not without a fight(showing MJF has improved but Wardlow... is still Wardlow).
Boom, you officially made 2 AEW Originals become the face of AEW and established them as Stars.
You could do a WrestleMania VI style title unification match as well with that story.


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
Bought a bunch of GameCube games recently from some retro game store

Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Resident Evil Zero
DBZ Budokai 1
Finding Nemo
Yugioh Falsebound Kingdom

the last two……I don’t even wanna discuss lmao

let me rec some other great gcube games:

- mg twin snakes
- re4 is the best re4 version from that era, cuz it og made in gcube, and later a ps2 etc ports were made
- spiderman 2
- viewtiful joe
- ssx3
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