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OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome


V.I.P. Member

"Some people are saying this is the BEST fight scene Star Wars has EVER done." :heston

Some people are fucking huffing some serious copium, even just pretending this shit show isn't complete shit.

Shad: "This guy is LEAGUES stronger than Darth Maul because he stomped five Jedi Knights at once."

NOPE! Fighting multiple Jedi at the same time isn't that unheard of Shad. What General Grievous did in his debut put this travesty to shame 'cause he was fighting like five Jedi at the same time, including not just TWO MASTERS but COUNCIL MEMBERS.

Darth Maul at his best would body the fuck out of this bitch. At BEST he'd surprise him by turning of one of the blades on his lightsaber, at which point Maul force pulls his helmet and arm piece off (or Force crushes the helmet while he's wearing it) then stomps his ass.

Even Alec Guinness in his old age as Obi-Wan in the first Star Wars did more inspiring work in his fight with Vader then this shit


Darth Nihilus

V.I.P. Member

Bro, that woman on the left is Montel's daughter

Not his girlfriend :heston


V.I.P. Member

in concept and right execution its cool as hell
but given its done by disney its meh

Gunha did it better


And it’s beyond stupid. What even is there to headbutt? It’s a beam of plasma. It’s like headbutting an open flame

And this is a prequel to even the original trilogy? Where the fuck was this light saber deflecting armor ever seen again?


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
In Athens now(boat trip would've been better, if I didn't get seasick like a pussy and end up puking in the bathroom, but it is, what it is). Food was fantastic.(Will literally never be able to have a pork kebab at home again. Night and day difference.) We're right outside the Akropolis and Parthenon, and will have a guided tour tomorrow. Should also get to see the temple of Zeus, and a few other locations tomorrow, because I'm planning to go nuts.(Will also be possibly buying mini statues of larger statues that exist in Greece, like one of Athena, Herakles and Aphrodite, because I saw them on sale)

My inner Greek Myth nerd is out in full force. Best holiday I've been on, yet.:heston


In Athens now(boat trip would've been better, if I didn't get seasick like a pussy and end up puking in the bathroom, but it is, what it is). Food was fantastic.(Will literally never be able to have a pork kebab at home again. Night and day difference.) We're right outside the Akropolis and Parthenon, and will have a guided tour tomorrow. Should also get to see the temple of Zeus, and a few other locations tomorrow, because I'm planning to go nuts.(Will also be possibly buying mini statues of larger statues that exist in Greece, like one of Athena, Herakles and Aphrodite, because I saw them on sale)

My inner Greek Myth nerd is out in full force. Best holiday I've been on, yet.:heston
I hope you are enjoying your trip.
season 6 jealousy GIF by Will & Grace

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
In Athens now(boat trip would've been better, if I didn't get seasick like a pussy and end up puking in the bathroom, but it is, what it is). Food was fantastic.(Will literally never be able to have a pork kebab at home again. Night and day difference.) We're right outside the Akropolis and Parthenon, and will have a guided tour tomorrow. Should also get to see the temple of Zeus, and a few other locations tomorrow, because I'm planning to go nuts.(Will also be possibly buying mini statues of larger statues that exist in Greece, like one of Athena, Herakles and Aphrodite, because I saw them on sale)

My inner Greek Myth nerd is out in full force. Best holiday I've been on, yet.:heston
Sounds like your having a great time, unfortunately I can't go anywhere cause I got summer classes:catcry Hope the rest of your trip goes swell.