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Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Granted, you could just be frustrated scum getting caught, but the arguments don't hold up so I want to try establishing something here that isn't connected to tinfoil


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
And EoD is at 10am my time. I can hammer later as well. Want everything on the table.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Fwiw aside from Alco my legacy (and maybe I'm here to push it, but just in case) is going to be hime, then Sky/Xadlin. For hime, I feel like if she comes in with this belief she probably just duels me to make it a thunderdome, I don't really see why she would be happy to compromise with me by voting a town read of hers. She could have at least asked for Tweet given I have him middle of the pack and she has him at scum.

fwiw ratchet and I actually discussed why the PoE is this way

He's also subtly and unintentionally implying that we are too retarded to work this out ourselves 😭 lmao

It was the compromise that was in the nail in the coffin for me

Would scum at this stagebe so blatant about throwing mates under the bus, or is the read on Xadlin simply just because there's a false sense of security there?
It's the PoE from hime that's tripping me up
Only thing I understand is she wouldn't get her Ratchet lynch, but the fact she isn't pressing for mine gives some minor plausibility and hints (fmpov) she is aware the flip from me would damn her for sure
Hime if you have me in your PoE, why are you dancing around it in this way? You've barely even touched the surface with my slot this phase, despite being certain my slot should be placed in there

It isn't from a place of paranoia, Im not scary, I am not a threat to you in any way beyond my vote and you haven't challenged me directly
You're just throwing out "Watson isn't someone I'm comfortable with town reading" and the reason given was because you don't know why

Yet you've built such an elaborate case for Ratchet, what's the hold up here?


I would actually be more favourable to an elaborate case because it would illustrate a level of analysis of my play beyond "you shouldn't be alive so you must be scum".

That's kind of the problem I have with her today so I don't know where you get that from at all.


Lord Melkor

I haven't seen Ratchet getting killed early as Town in a while now. This is so bad lol. Just can't see him making those kills as scum either. The scum Ratchet Ik would be delighted at Town Ultra Town reading him and torture him for a while until he crushes him.

You think scum could choose not to kill Ratchet to increase paranoia about him? Anyone among the players you think would use this tactic?

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
I don't agree that she has though - her argument is WIFOM. What case are you reading?

Not the way you're interpreting and it's doubly incorrect, weird that you'd assume that I meant elaborate = well driven case but whatever

by elaborate I mean she's doubling down, making very detailed analyses for your motives and how you're scum - I see none of that with my slot in particular, she's even gone as far as building a case on Luka
What I'm asking is, has she done this with my slot recently? would there be any reason to throw a player into a PoE and not fully examine the why's, how's, and what's from a time pov?

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
I would actually be more favourable to an elaborate case because it would illustrate a level of analysis of my play beyond "you shouldn't be alive so you must be scum".

That's kind of the problem I have with her today so I don't know where you get that from at all.

Ratchet please I've absolutely synced with you on this and it was the first red flag, stop getting so defensive


Not the way you're interpreting and it's doubly incorrect, weird that you'd assume that I meant elaborate = well driven case but whatever

by elaborate I mean she's doubling down, making very detailed analyses for your motives and how you're scum - I see none of that with my slot in particular, she's even gone as far as building a case on Luka
What I'm asking is, has she done this with my slot recently? would there be any reason to throw a player into a PoE and not fully examine the why's, how's, and what's from a time pov?
I assumed you meant elaborate as in... well, elaborate, full of detail. That's my point, it's very level 1 and completely lacking in detail, because it sums up my whole game as my survival late game. I completely disagree that she's given detailed analyses of my motivations - in fact, I'd go further and say her argument completely removes "motivation" from the equation.


Lord Melkor

I hate games with a high number of walls and posts, but I'm ignoring to ignore all messages calling me evil, at least in terms of defending myself and try to play the game a tiny bit before I flip.

Do the games you usually play do not have that many posts? Those we played at WG together were not less active than this one.


Ratchet please I've absolutely synced with you on this and it was the first red flag, stop getting so defensive
I'm not getting defensive, I'm asking you why you come away with that thought about it because to me it's the exact opposite. What am I even supposedly defending to be defensive of?

Like what you're describing as having seen from hime was exactly what I was looking for from her and *didn't* see, so yeah I need to understand why you see it.


Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Which is also a huge reason why I'm not really keen or impressed with the "Deeptchet" theory fwiw @ Mel

Granted, most here including Flower aren't sure about my slot

that shit I pulled last game was straight up awful and so traditionally scummy Im still purging it from my system
(and now I have a horrific town game of mine to contrast, I too, am consistently terrible recently and no Luka this isn't a put down, I'm speaking purely objectively; my plays have left much to be desired)
I'm going to grab your asses when I roll scum again and it won't be what is expected out of me

I will forever be the null slot that even Ratchet loves sleep over
That is my ninja dream

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Not the way you're interpreting and it's doubly incorrect, weird that you'd assume that I meant elaborate = well driven case but whatever

by elaborate I mean she's doubling down, making very detailed analyses for your motives and how you're scum - I see none of that with my slot in particular, she's even gone as far as building a case on Luka
What I'm asking is, has she done this with my slot recently? would there be any reason to throw a player into a PoE and not fully examine the why's, how's, and what's from a time pov?

I'm not getting defensive, I'm asking you why you come away with that thought about it because to me it's the exact opposite. What am I even supposedly defending to be defensive of?

Like what you're describing as having seen from hime was exactly what I was looking for from her and *didn't* see, so yeah I need to understand why you see it.

[Sucks teeth]

Jesus Christ just read the above

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
I don't know how else to answer you aside from "me make word diffrunt but me not retard. i swur. me thinkies on this. me not impressed with scume basically bein "deep wolf ratchet go brr"

If you aren't being overly defensive, well whatever, but you seemed to have come to think I've reached some polar opposite conclusion and that I agree with hime despite, like, shutting it down at every turn

If you're trying to gather why I'm even giving her time to explain this, I want to see whether she has the ability to make a compelling case on me or not and a compelling case on you that isn't paranoia drivel that can easily be used to induce paranoia among town
I'm getting the vibe, at least to me, scum is hoping that it's a seed to sow that could at least gain some form of traction (hence why I'm stuck on Luka's slot, but him proving him being capable of deepwolfing toward endgame indirectly despite it not being the intention seems like a townie derp to me; he wouldn't blatantly offer his head up on a platter I'd hope. That said, the comparisons and links to reference points to determine what he does as scum is NAI as he's done it before as town so)
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