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Game Ranked OLF Members Mafia

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Actually wait, how do Hiders work in Poyser's games? Do they bypass GF passives?
I would assume not

Knowing it was a fake claim though, I don't have any stock within it. CP must have known he wasn't going to live all game so any "clearing" he does lasts up to the point of his death.

One thing that is bothering me and this has nothing to do with hider, is that CP was clearly very aware Day 2 that most of towns investigation was limited/weak which suggests to me that they had an investigative as a fake claim. I mean they must have, it doesn't make sense otherwise. It's my main point of contention against Xadlin because he's the only other one claiming.

I also dislike how he leveraged it against you when he said he saw actions on you- I don't believe for a second he was so clued into the thread that he understood exactly what the implications where, so why did he ask you to explain yourself?



Polarized Noob
> Sweet fuck 31 pages and I just logged on. I'll see what I can read before I go to sleep and TRY and play tomorrow during down time at work. Damn.
> Vanity search... You want to @ me next time, or continue taking your little shots? Make you feel big and strong does it? Needless post when threadmarks exist. Busy work nonsense.
> If anyone wants to be lad and shoot some cliff notes my way, that would be cool. 1500 posts and writing summaries isn't something I'm motivated to do atm.
> I don't care for your life story. It's busywork that anyone could do....you could've been ISO'ing posts, putting out reads, but no, a random post count for ?reasons. I asked for cliff notes, not a fake agenda vote count. Gum one. You always want to start shit with me.
> You claimed Fang's name. You've babbled on about reading back and excuses for inactivity. You state Gad is joking and not serious to bluff around with a vote on him. Just all screams FAKE.

> I think fang is lying fwiw. If he has a desperado shot and a vest, doesn’t that cancel out the risk v reward of his shot?
> Fishing much? This reaction seems forced and the jump for a blocker reasoning seems excessive. Desperation. Help us solve you as town as opposed to throwing your toys out of the cot Correct. Your first post this phase was fishing.... You town lean me? Based on what exactly?

> https://onelastforum.com/threads/i-think-you-should-leave-a-mafia-game-by-sky.4631/post-342873 Sky's game https://onelastforum.com/threads/all-of-us-are-dead-mafia.4602/post-330693 Hime's game Little ol' Flower had no issues claiming there like she has here. Just saying.
> If you're so good at having caught CP, and have all this evidence to show you're not linked to him (cos I think you could have bussed), then what links have you find between CP and other players to push this phase? Or did you just piggy back off of Ultra and now trying to steal his credit...

> Xadlin's sequence. Mentions someone, not multiple. Nibel hints at having shot her, but there's no way she survived on her own. @Xadlin what's your full flavour? Because I'm very confused by your claim. Especially when you said it can either be a killshot or other ability - yet you've not been...
> But you didn't start it...my point is proven. I'd kinda like the discussion solved so I can move on tbh. Xadlin saw someone visit her, Nible claims to have shot her way, the question I have is if Xadlin knows how many people visited since Flower mentioned she has no way to survive on her own...
> @RDK did you answer as to why you had that town read/lean on me on your previous list?
> Lmao this is complete horse shit What’s opportunistic about clarifying her? Not moving huh. Cotton pony early is it? Overreacting and FAKE. But you’re never moving from RDK. How do you know he was blocked???
> @Flower mind explaining why you pushed your vote off of RDK, in spite of going on and on and on about how you were NOT budging at all.

> So you trust Gram completely? Because I don't think you fully agree with your attack or malice directed towards RDK and were looking for a cheap 'out' and struck when the opportunity came up. You....are playing like a victim. Complains about insults but then calls people jerks :jerrykek...
> So sure on CP yet cannot provide links between he and his team mates. Just victim blaming, woe is me to RDK and then walking back her idle threats. yeah, I'd happily swing her. Also the complicated survival of the vig shot and numerous explanations.
> Actually fwiw I think Xadlin's claim is shit and his complicated nature around it suggests someone who fucked up a fake. Results convenient too.

This is only 3 pages. Suffice to say, I was pretty shocked at the content demonstrated here. It's extremely townie mostly? The posts I liked the least where posts focusing on there own slot. Why exactly am I scummy, which is possibly the most scummy thing you can do. They seem to be really focused on that; other than that I genuinly like there actual solving. Rechecking the Flower stuff they seem more like a confident smug townie as opposed to having an agenda. Things with Xadlin I really hated though, the shade they put on the slot without directly saying it. Might genuinly be town, which makes me utterly confused but w/e


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I would assume not

Knowing it was a fake claim though, I don't have any stock within it. CP must have known he wasn't going to live all game so any "clearing" he does lasts up to the point of his death.

One thing that is bothering me and this has nothing to do with hider, is that CP was clearly very aware Day 2 that most of towns investigation was limited/weak which suggests to me that they had an investigative as a fake claim. I mean they must have, it doesn't make sense otherwise. It's my main point of contention against Xadlin because he's the only other one claiming.

I also dislike how he leveraged it against you when he said he saw actions on you- I don't believe for a second he was so clued into the thread that he understood exactly what the implications where, so why did he ask you to explain yourself?

Yeah. But that's about the only weird thing I can find regarding him. Rest he's just Xadlin'ing. It sucks because the guy's posts are about as useful as a fridge on an Arctic island this game and don't help with reading him at all.


Yeah. But that's about the only weird thing I can find regarding him. Rest he's just Xadlin'ing. It sucks because the guy's posts are about as useful as a fridge on an Arctic island this game and don't help with reading him at all.
Right. I mean at some point these slots need to help themselves too

That's basically why I have him as scummier than Luka anyway. Factoring in what I think Gram was too, that's where my head is at.


Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Things with Xadlin I really hated though, the shade they put on the slot without directly saying it. Might genuinly be town, which makes me utterly confused but w/e
Alright, but was this shade you see unprompted or was it motivated by external factors (a strong town read of hers scumreading Xadlin)?

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Lu you did this ISO madness march the last time you rolled scum

Doesn't look particularly good on you given your thread standing is increasingly lowered by every second and will be completely shattered once Hime flips

I'll give lenience that you have shit to do and a life beyond this game (although 6 games at once is masochistic, are you okay) but wew boy


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Lu you did this ISO madness march the last time you rolled scum

Doesn't look particularly good on you given your thread standing is increasingly lowered by every second and will be completely shattered once Hime flips

I'll give lenience that you have shit to do and a life beyond this game (although 6 games at once is masochistic, are you okay) but wew boy
I agree with his current posts resembling his scum play.


Polarized Noob
Lu you did this ISO madness march the last time you rolled scum

Doesn't look particularly good on you given your thread standing is increasingly lowered by every second and will be completely shattered once Hime flips

I'll give lenience that you have shit to do and a life beyond this game (although 6 games at once is masochistic, are you okay) but wew boy
Yeah I also did it in 3 recent town games I can remember.
This is the most recent one I think.
(I was alting, I'm PrettyPrincess)

I'm barely okay! Hnaging in there!


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Hime should be 2 from hammer.


As far as Luka is concerned, yeah I agree this is similar to what he ended up doing in Fuji's game. Will need to compare directly but not impressed.
I'm just testing if Poyser is still awake lol.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Yeah I also did it in 3 recent town games I can remember.
This is the most recent one I think.
(I was alting, I'm PrettyPrincess)

I'm barely okay! Hnaging in there!
I'll try to read but

Were these ISOs unprompted? Were they born out of fear or felt the need to use it to persuade others to not chop you up into little pieces?
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