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Lord Melkor

1. > I actually do this as scum sometimes though. Besides it is not like you are bound entire game by your early town reads.
2. > You expect me to have strong reads on everyone already?
3. > My early reads are usually based on vibes. So justifying them in detail indeed may indeed come a bit clumsy.
4. > I have some impressions, but usually not a formed argument at this stage. Overall feeling I had from Gramm was not great and I tried to explain why.

5. > To be fair Ultra played more with me than you. I think I am regarded as acting more clumsy as town than scum.
> Do you have any thoughts how to diffretionate Watson's scum play from her town play?
> So what do you think of Ultra's position making sense in terms of both ours alingment then?

> I do not have Gram as town read, though as I said I saw some mitigating circumstances. Need to see if he moves past you and me ever and his reads on other players.
> Was CP active at this earlier stage though?

> Did Psychic even post so far? Any reasons for putting Rej and Magic as town reads? Otherwise quite a good list.
> I have better impression of Ultra than CP on the other hand. I have not seen strong reads from you so far. What do you think of Ultra's position compared to CP?
> I gave you a town read pretty early for starters. I think Grammaton did as well.
> @Ratchet those were my early town reads. I would also add Flower, Ultra and Tpein to town reads right now. On scum leans i have Ekko (no activity other than push on me, he should know better), Tweet (i do not recall any serious engagments from his other than weak push on Ultra), CP (weak...
I was going to color code all of these, then I realized that It's probably a waste when I could just be doing more >.<
Generally speaking, I'm going to address each of these posts for my case. If people want more they're welcome to ask. I ISOd Pages 10, 9, 8, and 7 of there ISO. There is no confirmation bias, or at least should't be.
Adressing all of the following:
1. First off, this is scummy self awareness in a sense. You're actively applying your meta to other players, which in term makes it much easier to scum read them. The read itself doesn't come from a place of well- safety, more a place of evo :o.

2. There absolutely misrepresenting what was said. The post itself had nothing to do with them "having strong reads on everybody", more so that there read on Ultra was super safe.

3. This post has nothing to do with the gamestate, in addition to that how would justiffying reads come off as clumsy? Early game reads arent expected to be strong which was addressed before, meanwhile here they're saying it comes off as "clumsy" instead of evil for some reason? Or weird? Eugh.

4. This post first off contradicts iwth both there second and first post of not having strong reads and it mostly being based off of gut. In addition to that, Gramm was completely LHF at the time given the thread wasn't super pro them. .

5. This just shows that they're aware of there own meta, and they said they were clumsly earlier in order to highlight that imo. Very not sure about this read.

The rest aren't elaborated on themselves, if you have any you can ask me ^^.
They just seem really weird. They seem riddled with TMI and a few of there call outs on scum also apply to other players they just ignored, IE: Call outs on Ekko. They don't seem to have a townie progression and they seem to be perfectly aware of what exactly they're saying and how itl impact thread state. I just really don't like there ISO, inconsistent with itself and my understanding of the thread.

So where exactly are you going with it? I am not sure what is "townie progression" in your eyes- I do not see how you tracked my progression at all - just a selection of early game posts. Seems like shading to me.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
I still dont follow but whatever

I take your point in regards to her treatment of your slot, Day 4 she had you as scum with me which told me she had no consideration for whether the team even fits together.

If it's time, only thing I can think of is it's purely on a psychological basis she's judging this from. Aka an imprint of our last game together she's not able to shake off, a subconcious process that she can't really articulate
Because I don't even see how in the world we could have potential equity

Scume reasoning was explained in the posts I just made


If you aren't being overly defensive, well whatever, but you seemed to have come to think I've reached some polar opposite conclusion and that I agree with hime despite, like, shutting it down at every turn
Let me stop you there. I'm not saying you agree with hime, you very clearly don't. I'm not objecting to it on that basis. I'm objecting to the characterisation because what you described was, to me, town indicative play I was looking for that I just haven't seen despite giving her days to do so. I get you were drawing a comparison between her treatment of me versus you, and that's okay, but if her posting was as you described it I wouldn't have any issue with her slot. Well, that's not quite accurate, but I'd have significantly less of one.


Lord Melkor

Which is also a huge reason why I'm not really keen or impressed with the "Deeptchet" theory fwiw @ Mel

Granted, most here including Flower aren't sure about my slot

that shit I pulled last game was straight up awful and so traditionally scummy Im still purging it from my system
(and now I have a horrific town game of mine to contrast, I too, am consistently terrible recently and no Luka this isn't a put down, I'm speaking purely objectively; my plays have left much to be desired)
I'm going to grab your asses when I roll scum again and it won't be what is expected out of me

I will forever be the null slot that even Ratchet loves sleep over
That is my ninja dream

Your posts are like always mostly confusing me.

Do you have any conclusions that are relevant for solving this game here and now?

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Let me stop you there. I'm not saying you agree with hime, you very clearly don't. I'm not objecting to it on that basis. I'm objecting to the characterisation because what you described was, to me, town indicative play I was looking for that I just haven't seen despite giving her days to do so. I get you were drawing a comparison between her treatment of me versus you, and that's okay, but if her posting was as you described it I wouldn't have any issue with her slot. Well, that's not quite accurate, but I'd have significantly less of one.

my bad, derp

I think the only way I can explain this is we have reverse perspectives?

Do you remember when we talked about the Sky/Xad PoE previously?
It's this, but purely based on defining characteristics from a player and not necessarily heavily involved with mechanical clearing

I think I'll probably meet you where you're at one day if I get enough exposure to hime and play with her more, so I'm basing this largely out of feeling out what scum in general would try to do out of self-preservation rather than Hime herself? :hm

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Welcome to One Last Forum Members Mafia!

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my bad, derp

I think the only way I can explain this is we have reverse perspectives?

Do you remember when we talked about the Sky/Xad PoE previously?
It's this, but purely based on defining characteristics from a player and not necessarily heavily involved with mechanical clearing

I think I'll probably meet you where you're at one day if I get enough exposure to hime and play with her more, so I'm basing this largely out of feeling out what scum in general would try to do out of self-preservation rather than Hime herself? :hm
We'll see. I'm not personally even really basing it on her specifically, my holistic point is that her reads have basically nothing to them. I think we more or less agree on that point.


Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Actually don't, they're long

Go play the game with someone else, you're not going to have enough patience forcing yourself to read my posts lol
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