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Game Ranked OLF Members Mafia

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Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
The holdup for a lynch like this one points to a more positive sign for me that we're going the right direction at the very least

Scum seems to be in no hurry to flip Hime

Don't think anyone would make the 5D unconventional play where they'd stall just to give a false sense of security (props to anyone who does in the future tho)

Yeah, plenty of time


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I should act more like the true alpha I could be and start getting more patient, but the entire Luka posting thing feels like it‘s going nowhere.


The holdup for a lynch like this one points to a more positive sign for me that we're going the right direction at the very least

Scum seems to be in no hurry to flip Hime

Don't think anyone would make the 5D unconventional play where they'd stall just to give a false sense of security (props to anyone who does in the future tho)

Yeah, plenty of time
the holdup is cuz of ratchet who wants to give more time for his scummate luka to establish himself in the thread so that ratchet can more "organically" come to a townread on him and he can push xadlin next day with ease and town will dick ride him to a loss


the holdup is cuz of ratchet who wants to give more time for his scummate luka to establish himself in the thread so that ratchet can more "organically" come to a townread on him and he can push xadlin next day with ease and town will dick ride him to a loss
I don't think you believe this to be honest.



No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
the holdup is cuz of ratchet who wants to give more time for his scummate luka to establish himself in the thread so that ratchet can more "organically" come to a townread on him and he can push xadlin next day with ease and town will dick ride him to a loss
Why are you letting them take control of the thread, then?

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
I don't have a better answer to your question watson because I haven't really given any thought to what if I'm wrong. I don't think along those lines, after those 4 I'm least confident in Luka and Tweet, that's all I have currently


Hang fire for now please. I want Luka/Xadlin to take the point here, I can explain why after


Sky. I am admittedly getting nervous of the prospect of having Luka/Xadlin around for endgame as we are going to need to rely on their votes, but that can be sorted through tomorrow. Between the two I'm more confident hime is town than Sky, mainly Sky has repeatedly at crucial moments defended scum in Alco and to a lesser extent around CP which is the main issue I have between the two. Hime, at least, has her pushing Aurelian to shoot CP in her favour.

I don't know if I'll be here tomorrow, but all I can stress is focus on making the game simple rather than trying to solve with everything at once. Boil it down to as few tells and important moments as possible and I think we have a solid PoE in place.


Strictly on an individual basis, this is what I've got:

Scum - Xadlin, Luka, hime
Town - Flower, Melkor, T-Pein

That leaves Tweet, Retro, Lethal.

Of those 3, I think Lethal is most likely to be town.

I'd like everyone to do something similar to the above to establish a consensus - my consideration today is twofold. A scum flip is obviously ideal, but I'm also trying to consider what a playable LyLo would look like, because we should be 7v3 today. At worst, 6v3v1 but I think Sky not being Indie more or less puts that to bed.

Need to try and make the PoE take the lead today to an extent, don't throw any votes around yet please.


So my consideration with Luka is that I've seen him as scum before and this game he's nothing like that. He was similarly low energy to start, but as the game went on he started posting big ISO's and made a show of doing "townie things". There is none of that here.

I don't think it's clearing for him. But I am struggling to get to him being my primary scum read because of that. I'm starting to reach the point though where I think we basically have to clear these slots in some way so yeah I don't hate it.


They've voted scum and co-operated, Melkor especially. I don't know why you think, after basically not playing the game, that you can just insist we lynch someone without any real case behind it and that it will ever go over? Like what games are you used to that that actually flies?


The emotional response to what I said felt townie to me but if town, it's so selfish it beggars belief.


Vote: Hime

This is the best compromise I have today. I think her play today especially has been pretty weak too - she's almost exclusively just defended herself rather than finding a proper alternative, and her decision to put Luka down as her choice over Retro doesn't sit well with me. Pretty sure she had him at "probably town" a few days ago and I don't really see why that has been reversed.


I rest my case to be honest.

Anyway I was thinking over the numbers and the thing I mentioned earlier actually doesn't apply as much because of MyLo vs LyLo. It's still kind of relevant because it would mean we'd have to no lynch tomorrow but I'd like to avoid it. Basically, if hime is town we can't have her and T-Pein around in LyLo because he's going to vote her and that will be the end of it. I was hoping to see some urgency from her because she's surely aware of his position and the game likely will hinge on her convincing him otherwise, I've seen none of that so she can go.

I think the correct lynch today is hime. There is the conflict with X's role, she's in everyone's PoE and someone we can assume is town is tunnelling her to death anyway. If I were to go for my preferred lynch I would pick Xadlin. If I'm dead tomorrow please respect that part of my legacy.

Best case is hime flips scum and we have more wiggle room but we don't have much left as is and it's only getting smaller. Basically half of you just haven't played today and it's getting pretty annoying. Like can you at least try



Pretty organic already, no?


I don't think you believe this to be honest.

i dont really care what u do or dont think ratchet
more ppl prefer luka today and thats a fact
i said i have finals today and tmrw morning
i will be free to do isos and stuff in like 19 hrs from now

the amount of patience being extended to a guy who cant seem to make up his mind and is content with holding the day hostage is beyond me
he said me and LM r his only scumreads yet cant even qualify that nor is he willing to vote me today??
that is such a turn from yesterday
also he is literally doing what u said he does as scum with the grand big acts of towniness randomly
yet u r completely entertaining it and even coming around to him being town

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Scum wouldn't waffle like this with this amount of uncertainty, I guarantee someone like Ratchet would be ready to flip Luka and establish he's definitive scum way, wayyy before your flip

And it'd be particularly easy to do


So my consideration with Luka is that I've seen him as scum before and this game he's nothing like that. He was similarly low energy to start, but as the game went on he started posting big ISO's and made a show of doing "townie things". There is none of that here.
@Dr. Watson
id like for u to read this in ratchets own words and tell me what u think luka is doing

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
To be fair, she doesn't exactly have pull given the heat she's under so it's not like even without finals she could do much beyond what she's doing now

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
@Dr. Watson
id like for u to read this in ratchets own words and tell me what u think luka is doing
I was the one that brought the ISO speed race up to begin with in contrast to Fuji's game

Let's say you have equity with Luka - if you're mates, you're either trying to stew over this in scum chat to make a clearing for him to muddy the waters and reads on him

If you're time, you're just doubling down and this isn't agenda driven

Like I said, Ratchet and scum in general would have more consistency on a slot like this - there would be less room for backpedaling, not more

Inconsistency over reading a slot like this is a general townie trait to me but we can agree to disagree

Like, scum is literally in the perfect position to seal the deal. Why would they wobble in and out over a slot that's already a delicious snack?

Have you also explained why you haven't elaborated on why I'm in our PoE? You've made your case for Lu and Ratchet, but me?


i dont really care what u do or dont think ratchet
more ppl prefer luka today and thats a fact
i said i have finals today and tmrw morning
i will be free to do isos and stuff in like 19 hrs from now

the amount of patience being extended to a guy who cant seem to make up his mind and is content with holding the day hostage is beyond me
he said me and LM r his only scumreads yet cant even qualify that nor is he willing to vote me today??
that is such a turn from yesterday
also he is literally doing what u said he does as scum with the grand big acts of towniness randomly
yet u r completely entertaining it and even coming around to him being town
I mean that's just not true. Literally every single player has you in their PoE, either an interchangeable slot or not. Again this whole thing is reading more to ke like frustration than any solving - your progression on me has gone from "I'm paranoid again" to "lock scum" because I'm saying we should lynch you. There is no consideration for my wider play all game at all. In fact, that seems to be the case for most of your reads.

I'm bei g patient with him because there is no reason not to be - he basically hasn't played all game so I want to see what he has. I've extended the same to you and what you kiss in all this is you also could be spending your time solving, instead you spend your time on posts like this.

Agreed on the big ISO things, by the way - though I will note he started doing them *after* I said "this is what he does".

Let me get to brass tacks here. Your argument reads more as frustration for being lynched before him which lean scummy to me.

Now consider my perspective on this. You've known for days that I've had you and Xadlin as scum. We come into today and you vote for Luka. That's fine, whatever. Then Xadlin comes and votes Luka based on something that's demonstratably not true. Then he vanishes into the aether again. It's at that point that I insist on lynching you - because I don't like the direction it's going in.

Is my read on Luka weak? Yes, yes it is - look at what I have to work with. For 5 cycles he basically did nothing, and this cycle his go-to was two options that I think are both very likely town. None of it is very good or compelling, but beyond all that, I need to be *right* about him. You characterise it as scummy without even considering my position. Like what do you want me to do with this?



Day 6 Vote Count

Luka (1) - Hime
Hime (5) - T-Pein, Melkor, Ratchet, Retro, Flower
Tweet (1) - Lethal
Melkor (1) - Luka

With 10 alive, it's 6 to lynch. You have a little under 10 hours remaining.


Like it's pretty fucking silly to say "Ratchet isn't looking to get me hammered early, it must be because he wants Luka to clear himself for tomorrow" while also acknowledging that Luka is presenting what Ratchet himself identified as his scum play. Like what's the play here exactly?

The fact you keep asking me these questions tells me you do on some level think I'm town - I'm telling you that these arguments themselves are just bad and not helping me find you. It's so agenda-laden hime, like you argue the scum motivation while ignoring crucial details (like the fact it's essentially self-owning in this context) and then push that, if you're expecting me to get you as town from that then there is no chance.

In spite of all this I've told you that if you want to work with me today, your lynch aside, I'm happy to do that, and you basically haven't done that at all, so yeah I've seen enough.



I was the one that brought the ISO speed race up to begin with in contrast to Fuji's game

Let's say you have equity with Luka - if you're mates, you're either trying to stew over this in scum chat to make a clearing for him to muddy the waters and reads on him

If you're time, you're just doubling down and this isn't agenda driven

Like I said, Ratchet and scum in general would have more consistency on a slot like this - there would be less room for backpedaling, not more

Inconsistency over reading a slot like this is a general townie trait to me but we can agree to disagree

Like, scum is literally in the perfect position to seal the deal. Why would they wobble in and out over a slot that's already a delicious snack?

Have you also explained why you haven't elaborated on why I'm in our PoE? You've made your case for Lu and Ratchet, but me?
i dont really have a case for u
the only reason u make my poe list is bc idk how to town read u this game
and then for today its bc rdk died wanting to lynch u today
u being there is more like a "idk where else to put u that really feels right so im just going to have u float around in poe"
tho i will admit, the fact that ur at least willing to hear me out unlike the majority here makes me feel a bit better abt ur slot
u and lethal can switch places on my legacy reads

T1: T-Pein, Lord Melkor, Flower
T2: Xadlin, Watson
T3: Tweet, Lethal
T4: Luka, Ratchet
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