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Game Ranked OLF Members Mafia

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The Nexus

I won't let you down if you flip town hime chan.
But you have got to go.



I also dislike the way you've tried to play to my ego today as well - when you invoked my survival and told me my pushes must all be garbage. It's like you want me to reverse course and question myself just because I haven't died yet.


Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Oh, yes

What do I think Luka is doing?
I already noted this ISO stuff is NAI - if he's scum it's out of paranoid self-preservation in the attempt to clear himself before the tides turn (if you, for instance, flip town or something) like he did previously

If he's town, he's just trying to do what he does by gathering ISOs bit by bit

Here, he isn't necessarily on the chopping block per se (and Ratchet's clear if you flip scum probably alleviates that paranoia anyway) so it doesn't seem to be out of self-preservation or some level of panic, he's just vibing and taking advantage of the time given to him because he understands at this point in the game there needs to be some attempt at solving for people to coordinate with him
(This applies to how he's using his votes as well, but I digress as this is also NAI - he tends to just straight up stick to his guns regardless of majority opinion and takes)

His consistency over his read on Mel and Sky make me lean more toward him being town, but some of his quirks make me less willing to give a "blatant town do not touch" sticker to him


>Luka hasnt played all game with his nearly 400 posts my ass

and yes ofc im going to be frustrated being lynched before a scum read of mine that i feel confident on
like if we all decided to vote u up before giving u ur alco lynch, u would be upset (assuming u r town)


can i just hammer myself? i dont see this going any other way and poyser is awake now anyway

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Alright, that's fair - I actually was expecting you to double down but you admitting it's more of an abstraction rather than logistics is respectable

But if you have no idea what to do with my slot, or rather a slot like this in general, wouldn't this place me in null rather than PoE territory in your own eyes?

Next question: since I'm in PoE, let's make things less abstract for you.
Is there a world where me having equity with Ratchet have any sense to it?


It's not that I don't understand the frustration, it's actually that you don't seem to have even once considered my position on this.

Firstly, yes he has almost 400 posts. Have you read them? Almost all dreck. He hasn't pushed anything, he's barely given positions, he's completely vanished on several days. Yes that's barely playing. Put it this way - he has more posts than I do, do you think he's played more because of that?

It's funny you say the last part, hime, because that's exactly what you attempted to do Day 4. Based solely on the fact that Rugrat died instead of me. Again, I ask - what do you expect me to do with that? It's like you expect me to just roll over and town read you when you have, in my view, handled my slot in bad faith at several times these last few days.



I also dislike the way you've tried to play to my ego today as well - when you invoked my survival and told me my pushes must all be garbage. It's like you want me to reverse course and question myself just because I haven't died yet.

well yea thats exactly what i want u to do?
i think xadlin might be town esp after rdk brought up the way xadlin claimed in an excited way
and ik ur push on me is just wrong too


based on what i saw yes?
u should keep in mind that i havent read the majority of dp1 tho so idk much abt ur wagon


well yea thats exactly what i want u to do?
i think xadlin might be town esp after rdk brought up the way xadlin claimed in an excited way
and ik ur push on me is just wrong too
That doesn't mean I'm just completely wrong though? Like I'm not goi g to flip my reads because I haven't died.

If you think I'm just going to stubbornly stick to them independent of any flips then you're just being silly, what you could have done is address the considerations I've laid out with Xadlin instead of all this.


Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Gonna have to cook Ratchet kun if hime town ong.
yeah no

the solve is difficult to put into conclusive ideas that span beyond "this slot has got to be scum because of XYZ" so it could very well just genuinely be plain wrong, too

Hime, if she even is town, is seeing characteristics from Ratchet I don't see
I don't think those characteristics exist frankly

So either she's going insane with tinfoil (which I empathize with) or she's just trying to go down with a fight
Even if Ratchet is deepwolfing, game is done for and town is irrevocably fucked lol

If you allow this, you're going to open up a tremendous amount of window of paranoia that you shouldn't be inviting if Ratchet doesn't get killed
I don't see Ratchet getting killed frankly, regardless of hime's flip, precisely because slots like you are gobbling up the idea already

Which is not an optimal scenario


so where do u go once i flip town?


anyway luka disappeared
gonna just end this
Vote lynch hime
Like just why

I'm even telling you what you can spend your time doing and you'd rather throw your toys out of the pram.

I really don't know what more I could have done to facilitate co-operation here, pathetic.



The Nexus

Let's just wait for the flip.
This could be a last ditch effort by hime.
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