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Game Ranked OLF Members Mafia

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Yes. They do.
They make reads with TMI, They make reads with ulterior motives, but they make reads. I'm really not in the mood to play 5d chess on the definition of reads(Its 1:30 help)

Those aren’t reads because they aren’t READING the player, are they

You know, the fabricated bullshit I was referring to that you felt the need to take issue with despite apparently not wanting a conversation


Polarized Noob
The fact you felt the need to question it suggests you didn’t understand it
The ? is very obviously a rheotorical question. I'm saying that's not a good mindset to have.
Can you post a read list, don't care if the reads are in depth or not. ATP it feels like you're lurking alot / refusing to make reads.


Polarized Noob
Those aren’t reads because they aren’t READING the player, are they

You know, the fabricated bullshit I was referring to that you felt the need to take issue with despite apparently not wanting a conversation
I'm not going to play 5d chess with the definition of reads, sorry.


The ? is very obviously a rheotorical question. I'm saying that's not a good mindset to have.
Can you post a read list, don't care if the reads are in depth or not. ATP it feels like you're lurking alot / refusing to make reads.

Nah ill just take the inevitable ‘scum read’ thx


Polarized Noob
Well then off you fuck :)
Nevermind, this post suddenly very much got me in the mood.
To read something is just the act of looking at words and absorbing the information. "Reoading a player" is technically speaking just reading the messages, we use it to reffer to reading allignment when technically speaking its guessing the allignment, or making a informed guess on the playesr allignment.

Scum game reads by virtue of that; its just a shortner to "faking guessing an allignment", which is why whenever I say they could just be making a weak read, or this is a weak read, thats by no means me calling them town.



So yes, you agree that scum reads aren’t actual reads but fabricated bullshit. Good talk, let’s not do it again


The Nexus
No jfc

If you actually read my post, you’ll see I’m suspicious of the fact he outed it voluntarily with no prompting- you ever see polar be collaborative?

but the double voter just shows up as he votes.
he was never gonna be able to hide that...
if he tried it would just be obv scum


Are you seriously, without irony, asking me why two posts where I take a step back and think "this is a lot like town watson" factors in to my overall read? You keep latching onto that part as if it discredited everything else - it's nuance, I see something that gives me pause on my read and I bring it up, because that's how reads work.

I've already shown you the post, we had this discussion earlier. You're arguing in circles.


So unreliable.
I do find it interesting that Ratchet has wholly dropped any pretence of having a PR


I do find it interesting that Ratchet has wholly dropped any pretence of having a PR
No I just keep forgetting. Kweh
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