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Game Ranked Skyrim Mafia

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Oh my fucking god

If you flip scum, and it's a slip, then yes it's GG for me. That's why you go first.

If you flip me first, YOU can argue it's not a slip, and all you would need to do is evidence that the post can make sense on it's own as a genuine post in the thread. Hence, flipping you first is more optimal to establish whether it is a slip at all, if that's the logic under which the lynch is going to be based upon.

A town flip from either makes it not a slip of course, but a scum flip from me (which he apparently thinks will happen) will potentially condemn Innocent Magic which doesn't make sense.
If you flipping scum condemns innocent me how is it better to lynch innocent me first over you who he had as scum anyway. That's why I don't get what you're suggesting.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
My wagon is filled with your garbage on self serving thinking players. You got played last game so your Paranoia extended into this game. Aurelian never dropped the fact I reaction tested him in the beginning then answered for you. Tpein is a moron.

This is my growing wagon. There is nothing for.me to defend against as it's idiotic.
u can start by having a main push that isnt town


If you flipping scum condemns innocent me how is it better to lynch innocent me first over you who he had as scum anyway. That's why I don't get what you're suggesting.
Because if you're lynching over what you think is a slip it makes more sense to condemn the player who allegedly slipped...

The X

My vote is where currently? On Magic. You attributed Gramm'a CFD on her to me when I just explained how the heat on her came.
I don't know where your vote is. I asked for a case, you gave it to me, and I said double standards. If you don't believe in the case, that's fine, but since you provided me the case, you might see why I'd think you believe the case to be true, yeah?


I mean honestly Magic regardless of my alignment being up for a lynch Day 1 is very frustrating because I don't think it's at all earned. I don't think it's very arrogant of me to suggest that when Town I'm capable enough to be helpful to my alignment, so gambling on a Day 1 lynch for that just seems shit to me. Actually if you factor in that I've never been lynched as scum Day 1 I'd be even more frustrated over this. I don't know I don't think that's a good reason to read me as town here.

I mean it's the correct read but I'm not seeing where you get to alignment from that.
Yet you got frustrated over skittles


Anyway because I don't want to do this tomorrow, I'm also a tree stump so you can lynch me and not lose too much.

The problem is I become a post restricted tree stump so who knows what I can say, post restriction changes every day.
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