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Game Ranked Skyrim Mafia

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kekko I think Magic is scum now.
Even when he is scum he tries to town clear a lot of players and find town.
Here he is just shading people and calling them scum.
me thinks he is not bussing his mates like he always does so has no clue on what to do as scum.
Do you think I Haven't been trying to town cleat people?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
kekko I think Magic is scum now.
Even when he is scum he tries to town clear a lot of players and find town.
Here he is just shading people and calling them scum.
me thinks he is not bussing his mates like he always does so has no clue on what to do as scum.
been thinking it for awhile, the tunnel and ignoring everything else i say is ABNORMAL


The Nexus
been thinking it for awhile, the tunnel and ignoring everything else i say is ABNORMAL

As I said in this post #488 they seem to be pushing sus on others as a tactic to shift the focus away from themselves.
Does not seem like a genuine attempt at solving.
I was wondering if he could be SK?
Or he really not trying to bus his team like he always does...
Kinda lost to me.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Alco is voting ratchet. You are voting alco with ratchet.
i was voting ratchet with alco
okay now answer me this, whats ur read on both ratchet and alco? if u think both are town/town then why do i change my vote from a ratchet wagon to an alco one when lynching ratchet almost always gurantees an alco lynch afterward but the reverse is not true. also i already had a case and reason to vote ratchet, so have zero reason to reduce the possibility of lynching town ratchet day 1 as scum!ekko here

if u have ratchet as scum then u cant have me as one, you or cp stated that u dont think we both r scums, do u think hes indie then?

if u have alco as scum then im voting scum!

what is ur position exactly?

You are asking alco to finish ratchet off while being the reason there's any contention at all.
what u mean by bolded

You see how this is a tad baffling correct. I haven't put any words or thoughts in your mouth, you just spew a lot of shit and its hard to track as either you being scummy or just spewing shit as town because you play the game as if everyone needs to prove themselves to you.
they dont need to prove themselves TO ME, see again putting words in my mouth. they just need to play like normal human beings. asking for a policy lynch without explaining it and ignoring someone cuz they asked u a question is NOT how a normal human being play


The Nexus
I think the game would be much easier to solve if villagers played honestly.
Not a fan of the Disingenuous Villager


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
also ur arguing like i still have cp as scum when my read has long since progressed on him to more townside

gram im still conflicted on, thought he sounded townie when he started the wagon on ratchet, but after ratchet's defense and gram's continued tunnel and not looking at other directions its more conflicting

also had couple of posts stating that despite cp (and gram) playing ingenuine on purpose, it wont affect how i play, and i wont be childish about it. i'll try to read them fairly. a post i am sure u casually ignored to push ur narrative!! @Magic
i think CP is being ingenuine toward me, but its fine im not childish, i wont affect my play

i think cp's posts to magic were townie / read uninformed to me

his posts advocating for policy lynch if nothing better comes up however is like his posts about psychic in vegas mafia, where he said she shud be lynched if nothing better comes up


i was voting ratchet with alco
okay now answer me this, whats ur read on both ratchet and alco? if u think both are town/town then why do i change my vote from a ratchet wagon to an alco one when lynching ratchet almost always gurantees an alco lynch afterward but the reverse is not true. also i already had a case and reason to vote ratchet, so have zero reason to reduce the possibility of lynching town ratchet day 1 as scum!ekko here

if u have ratchet as scum then u cant have me as one, you or cp stated that u dont think we both r scums, do u think hes indie then?

if u have alco as scum then im voting scum!

what is ur position exactly?

what u mean by bolded

they dont need to prove themselves TO ME, see again putting words in my mouth. they just need to play like normal human beings. asking for a policy lynch without explaining it and ignoring someone cuz they asked u a question is NOT how a normal human being play
Are you reading my posts you Muppet?

I gave a reads list. I explained why I could see alco as town. I explained why I don't think ratchet is scum here. I've repeatedly.called you scum.

Scum changing a vote from one town to another means nothing. Like how is this how you think. Tell me why scum wouldn't go from town to town to fake progression or fake production.

And by the bolded I mean the alco wagon is a thing because of you. You're making the day out to be either alco or ratchet when it doesn't need to be. If you want the scum motivation for thst it ensures a mislynch on day 1.

I'm not putting words in your mouth. I'm thing you your behaviour. You play with this sense people need to prove themselves to you. Saying "no I dont" doesnt change that cause yes you do. This means as town you end up pushing a bunch of shit as they're doing inadequately in proving themselves to you and as scum you can hide behind the same shit. It makes you a frustrating slot to play with and deal.with especially.on day 1.


also had couple of posts stating that despite cp (and gram) playing ingenuine on purpose, it wont affect how i play, and i wont be childish about it. i'll try to read them fairly. a post i am sure u casually ignored to push ur narrative!! @Magic
I didn't ignore it. You're behaviour doesn't line up with you not being childish about it but again I don't think you're being childish as much as offering Copout reasons as to accuse people. And yes I know your reads progressed since then but it doesn't change the fact the initial accusation and shit you posted was shit.


I'm going to bed. I sincerely.ask everyone to read the ekkos shit on this page alone. Preaching to the choir with empty words without any action supporting said words.



Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Are you reading my posts you Muppet?

I gave a reads list. I explained why I could see alco as town. I explained why I don't think ratchet is scum here. I've repeatedly.called you scum.

Scum changing a vote from one town to another means nothing. Like how is this how you think. Tell me why scum wouldn't go from town to town to fake progression or fake production.
right, now i ask how did u tell this is fake? why can't it be real progression?

why not take a free ratchet lynch then when he flips town, lynch town alco

u r operating under the principle that im stupid now and keeping a town ratchet wagon out of reach for ??? reasons

also why exactly do u read alco town? and why is it impossible for alco to finish ratchet off here if he is scum OR to at the very least make ratchet see that he is town and have them both find a third direction? why r u being presumptuous?

And by the bolded I mean the alco wagon is a thing because of you. You're making the day out to be either alco or ratchet when it doesn't need to be. If you want the scum motivation for thst it ensures a mislynch on day 1.
it doesnt have to be, but thats gna need to come from alco. he needs to come here, respond to ratchet and if he sees ratchet as town and ratchet sees alco's replies as town we can move to another wagon!

I'm not putting words in your mouth. I'm thing you your behaviour. You play with this sense people need to prove themselves to you. Saying "no I dont" doesnt change that cause yes you do. This means as town you end up pushing a bunch of shit as they're doing inadequately in proving themselves to you and as scum you can hide behind the same shit. It makes you a frustrating slot to play with and deal.with especially.on day 1.
you are, entire game actually
im not asking for a miracle, i ask for ppl to play like humans. shud be very easy request to provide, but it will kill them to do it, likely out of ego issues.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
also nowhere did i say it has to be either of them, again... putting words in my mouth


Just woke up
...no? I have, like, 3 scum reads?

Completely missed other 2 reads i guess. Alco overall i'd say is scummy but if it's true he's playing like this regardless of alignment, then i Mango i agree came across weird af. Vinegar idk. I somehow missed/forgot 95% of his votes. He's meh, not terrible, but maybe i'm just trying to avoid being biased here.
i dont think we shud yeet ratchet before magic/alco btw. whats ur read on magic/alco?

Magic looked better as i was catching up. Tunneling too much imo. If s/he's scum i believe s/he believes you're scum of other faction/indie. My gth verdict rn is tunneling town. Wouldn't Lynch that


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I'm going to bed. I sincerely.ask everyone to read the ekkos shit on this page alone. Preaching to the choir with empty words without any action supporting said words.

all they will see is u reading my posts and twisting every single one of them, despite conceding some points earlier u still maintain ur read anyway. very scummy.



What are your thoughts other than Usopp's t vs t thing?

Can i get reads/thoughts from you about Lee/Muugen, Ratchet, Alco, Mango and Vinegar dude? And anyone who you think could be scum?
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