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The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The first indepth look into the Endless Archive! Even the very title of this article refers to Apocrypha as infinite via third person omniscient (again, with previous examples being other such articles and official promotional material for Necrom Online, as well as the Skyrim Prima; this is all good though, the more authorative sources confirm this the better).


The Endless Archive is one of infinite libraries within Apocrypha (and is in itself infinite), and one of Apocrypha's most mysterious secrets. However, a malevolent daedra now threatens the Endless Archive, and Master Malkhest (the custodian of the Archive), seeks your help that threatens the myriad halls of this library.
Of all the infinite libraries of Hermaeus Mora’s realm, the archive is one of Apocrypha’s most mysterious secrets. However, a malevolent Daedra now threatens to corrupt everything collected within its myriad halls, and Master Malkhest, its custodian, needs your help confronting this strange new foe.
Within the Endless Archive are monsters and bosses drawn from all over Nirn (and very likely beyond).
In the Endless Archive, you must battle your way through dynamic stages and untold dangers, including monsters and boss encounters drawn from all over Nirn.
As this trial is randomly generated, each cycle is different, with there being four cycles in an arc. Of course, the only limit to the number of arcs the player experiences is how far they get in, as each Arc gets harder and harder.
No two expeditions into the Archive will ever be the same, as each Stage and encounter is randomly generated. Complete four Cycles (each comprised of three Stages and a boss battle) and your fifth boss battle with be against a monster unique to the Endless Archive—thus completing an Arc!

Of course, after you defeat the corruption at the archive’s heart, your expedition doesn’t end there, as you can traverse ever deeper into more Stages, Cycles, and Arcs, with the difficulty gradually increasing as you do! How deep you delve into the Endless Archive is ultimately up to you.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
More information on the Endless Archive, and boy do we have some interesting information to go over... The threat to the Endless Archive is a powerful daedra by the name of Thuat Replicon (or at least that's how I heard her name), who is mixing up the fiction and fact in the Archive, and drawing forth these monsters from the books. The most fascinating part is how the threat involves blending fact and fiction (as we've had a threat to an infinite sized reality several times now).

Gina Bruno: So let's um- Let's provide a little bit of context for everybody. What's the story behind this place?

Mike Finnagan: So, you are- This is part of the Shadow Over Morrowind story arc. You are tasked by Hermaeus Mora to come in here, in the Endless Archive and there's chaos reigning in here. And Master Malkest, who is his chosen agent, uh, in here is going to give you a quest that- Uh- To track down the chaos causing entity, which is a daedra, a very powerful daedra by the name of (Thuat Replicon?). She is... Like I said, she's causing chaos. She's kind of delving into the books here and spreading the fiction around which is kind of the story behind why you're seeing all monsters from all over Tamriel. They're pulled from all of the different texts that Hermaeus Mora has gathered.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The Socerer-King Celemaril is immortal, and simply destroying his physical form is not enough to defeat him; he must also be bound. Celemaril also possesses the power to destroy the world.
The Warrior: You're the only one who can help.
Very well. Celemaril must not achieve his goals. The world cannot be destroyed just yet.
Know this: the Sorcerer-King is immortal. Simply destroying his physical form will not kill him.
The Warrior: So, he cannot be defeated?
Shulkunaak: You need to bind his spirit first. But that will not be easy to accomplish.
An Elder Scroll can be used to manipulate all possible futures. You must use the Elder Scroll to bind Celemaril to a future where he fails to escape being bound again.
Shulkunaak: Have you already found the Elder Scroll?
The Warrior: We have.
Shulkunaak: The Kel, the Elder Scroll, can affect all possible futures. you must bind the Sorcerer-King to the one where he fails to escape.

You will also need the incantation that was used to bind his spirit in ancient times.
Defeat Celemaril in combat. A pure heart must read the incantation while wearing his lost crown.
Celemaril's ancient crown is another matter. I do not know where it may now be found.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
So there is a new Elder Scrolls game...for android. Elder Scrolls Castles allows you to build a castle and control a dynasty over a small kingdom, and send out heroes to fight monsters. There doesn't seem to be much lore, but the introduction says that after Odar the Brave drove the Ogres from the land, the Dragon Emperor bestowed him with a small kingdom.





You can fight dragons in the game (though I've yet to find footage of it).

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
From Fallout Shelter, there was a crossover with The Elder Scrolls (if this is canon or not I have no idea, but probably not). Notable feats include being able to slice through the monsters of the Fallout series.




Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Once again, Rich Lambert confirms that Zenimax settled on the idea to set ESO in the second Era thanks to Todd Howard and Matt Firor.
“The hardest part was trying to figure out which era we were going to be in, so Todd and Matt settled on the second era, a thousand years before everything else.

“There wasn’t a lot of information about that period, the interregnum. There’s like a 400-year window where it was just chaos. And so we really started digging into what it could be and how.”
Rich Lambert had been working on TES (and other Bethesda) games for two decades, starting with Oblivion. After suggesting an online TES game to Todd, Todd later called him in to talk about what would eventually become ESO.
Closing in on two decades of experience at Bethesda, Lambert was a pioneer for the multiplayer Elder Scrolls experience, pushing the concept from the get-go. However, the journey to getting the game up and running was one years in the making.

“My first game there was Oblivion and I would go pretty regularly into [Todd Howard’s] office and just say, ‘Hey, we need to make an online version of this.’ Then one day he called me into his office. Matt Firor was there… to basically make an online studio and make ESO.”

As one of the first to voice this idea and concept, Lambert was an obvious choice to work on Elder Scrolls Online. “Todd pleaded with him to take me because I think he was a little tired of me going in saying, hey, we should make this an online game. Matt and I chatted for like four hours that day and he hired me and the rest is history.”
There might be announcements for ESO's 10th anniversary next month, and the 10th anniversary will be celebrated in a big way.
As mentioned above, Elder Scrolls Online is nearing the 10-year mark in its lifespan. For Lambert and the rest of the devs, this milestone is an important moment. One that will be celebrated in a big way.

“We might hear something in November. It’s a celebration of the game, it’s been live for 10 years. There’s a bunch of people on the team that have been working on it since the early days, you know, in 2007.

“So we want this to be a celebration of the game, the community. It’s pretty rare in this day and age for a team to be working on a game as long as we have. There aren’t too many games that have hit the 10-year mark. Many games have just shut down and they didn’t even make it to the 10-year thing, so it’s pretty special.”

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
I've returned to my Skyrim game again (as I always do)! Outside Rebel's Cairn, there is a sword embedded into stone. Note this isn't a dragonbone sword or an ebony sword or even and enchanted sword, but an ordinary steel sword. As such, someone was strong enough to stab a rock with a sword.



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Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Wujeeta is an Argonian who's unfortunately addled on skooma. Fortunately though, all she needs to rid herself of the poison in her body is to have a heal potion.
Dovahkiin: You might lose your job?
Wujeeta: My job at the Riften Fishery is in danger. The owner, Bolli, said that if I show up for work in this condition one more time, then I'm out.
I don't mean to do this to myself, but I can't help it. I tried some skooma a year ago, and ever since then, I can't stop!
If you could give me a healing potion, I could cleanse this poison from my body and get back to my life.
Sure. Here you are.
Your kindness will never be forgotten.
Here, take this. It's all I can offer for what you've given me.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The Skyrim Prima confirms that a common sword is embedded into the stone outside Rebel's Cairn, meaning for superhuman feats in a fantasy world it doesn't matter what the make up of the weapon that did the feat is, as the feat still happened.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
The Skyrim Prima confirms that a common sword is embedded into the stone outside Rebel's Cairn, meaning for superhuman feats in a fantasy world it doesn't matter what the make up of the weapon that did the feat is, as the feat still happened.
That random Whiterun child with a knife that Mook mentioned must be shaking in their boots rn

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Hermaus Mora uses the unfathomably endless number of books of mortals 'coupling' as structual girdings in his Endless Library.
Sallymen @ESO_Sallymen: How does one become an Arcanist, oh great and powerful all-knower?
Hermaeus Mora @TESOnline: How does one learn to breath? To speak? Some mortals align with my realm in such a way as to make secrets drip from your lips as pages from a tome. The why and the how are up to you to discover.
Hermaeus Mora @TESOnline: Your mortal functions are only of a passing interest to me... though the endless piles of literature about your couplings do make for good structural girding in the Endless Library.
Mora implies there are multiple mortal planes ('this mortal plane,' not 'the mortal plane').
Hermaeus Mora @TESOnline: The threads of fate have led me to this strange, mortal realm. Come closer. Speak with Hermaeus Mora.

You may know me as the Prince of Fate. Lord of Secrets. The riddle unsolvable. I know why I am here. I wonder if you understand your place here.
Hermaeus Mora @TESOnline: This mortal plane, while peculiar, has proven useful in searching for a mortal proxy. I have found what I seek. More will be revealed when the fates align, and I require use of your kind.
The structures of Apocrypha only manifest as books to mortal eyes, brought into existence by the wills of those who enter the Realm, as they are conceptual constructs.
SynGaming @ValkyriesChild: Oh Great Eye of Forbidden Knowledge, I have but a single question. Why do your servants build houses out of books, is it not disrespectful to the knowledge they claim to covet to fashion books into floors and pillars which must surely damage their contents?
Hermaeus Mora @TESOnline: The structures of Apocrypha may appear as books to your mortal eyes, but they are conceptual constructs. Things imagined into existence by the minds that stray into my realm. Most of the books of Apocrypha come into existence through will. Not printing presses.
Although Mora most often takes the form of a grotesque mass of tentacles and eyes, he also claims to have wandered in human forms, often as a beggar, and perhaps more esoteric forms in the dark woods.

ヘイヘイを @heyheyeso: I've been curious why you don't have a human form like other Daedric Princes. If you were to have one, what kind of person would you be?
Hermaeus Mora @TESOnline: Who is to say that I have not walked among you mortals in your clumsy bipedal forms? I have huddled under rotten blankets, observing from the gutter. I have roamed the lonely stacks of your pitiful libraries, mocking those who deem themselves wise. I have tutored you in the dark woods, sharing secrets you should not know.
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Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Continuing my Skyrim game, and Cicero says a very curious line...
Cicero: Hmm... That's like telling you about the cold of space, or terror of midnight. Sithis is all those things. He is... the Void.
Of course, Sithis being the Void is well known, but the more overlooked part is the comparison with 'the cold of space.' This means that the residents of Tamriel know about the cold of space beyond the confines of Nirn (as a reminder, there are multiple interdimensional space stations such as the Battlespire). Also of note; Lorkhan was created by Sithis, and Lorkhan embodies space.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Dwemer Ballistia can cause some small explosions (these ones are found in Raldbthar, and can be used during the Dark Brotherhood quest Mourning Never Comes).



Might as well drop this .

So , and old codger named Chimere thought he could fuck with Dagon and get away with it.


"Chimere Graegyn was a retainer of the ambitious Direnni clan. The Direnni derived the bulk of their power from their traffickings with Daedra, a very profitable but risky path to success. Chimere was perhaps the cleverest and most ambitious of the Direnni summoners. He dared to scheme against Lord Dagon, and won. When his trick succeeded, Dagon was cast into Oblivion. However, in the instant of his betrayal, Dagon struck out against the mortal who tricked him. Chimere's pact assured that he would live forever in his home town among the happy voices of his friends and countrymen. Twisting the literal words of Chimere's pact, Dagon scooped up tiny Caecilly Island (a small island off the coast of Northmoor) and hurled in into the void. All Chimere's friends and countrymen were instantly killed, though the sounds of their voices remained to torment Chimere's memory. Chimere was condemned to live forever, to grow progressively old and crippled with arthritis, and to contemplate the tragic consequences of his defiance of fate and fortune in cheating a Daedra Lord."

Sorry if it has been posted before but i figured i was the only masochistic enough soul who would play through Battlespire

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Your Mysticism has increased! I have the Skyrim Tarot cards, which comes with a book that talks about the subjects of the cards and their significance. There's nothing really new that I can spot, or big, but it's told via third person omniscient, and the more confirmation we get the better I say. Anyway, let's look into these, starting with the Major Arcana...

Strength (Ulfric Stormcloak)
The most interesting revelation isn't one of ancient cosmic destiny, but regarding the Skyrim Civil War; it seems to imply that Ulfric Stormcloak won the Skyrim Civil War (this could be talking about the Markarth Incident, but the way it's worded makes it sound like Skyrim as a whole). Of course, there would be millions of timelines where Ulfric won (going by the millions of people and million more playthroughs of Skyrimn where Dovahkiin sided with the Stormcloaks).
The Hierophant (Julianos)
Julianos is the god of many things, such as law, history, literature and contradiction.
Death (Sithis)
Sithis is neither Aedra nor Daedra, nor good nor evil, but simply the Void from which all things come and all things will eventually return.
The World (Nirn/Akatosh)
Akatosh embodies time, invincibility, endurance and everlasting legitimacy, and he has a deep understanding of the universe. The art of card is represented by a manifestation of Akatosh circling Nirn.
The Star (Azura)
Azura is the Lady of Dusk and Dawn, who guides heroes and through whom entire races are born (such as the Dunmer and the Khajiit).
The Sun (Meridia)
The Sun is filled with life and energy, which is the purview of Meridia. Meridia takes joy in rewarding mortals who protect the realm of man (by 'man,' I wonder if this is refering to people as a whole or just humans).
Justice (Talos)
Talos is said to embody the ideas of balance, equality and fair rule.
Temperance (Sotha Sil)
Sotha Sil keeps a balance between the material and the spiritual as he adapts, and takes this to a godly level,adapting through both magic and technology.
The Moon (Nocturnal)
Nocturnal is a tricky mistress, and has powers over darkness and luck.
The Hermit (Paarthunax)
Paarthunax guides the Dragonborn on their journey to master their powers and defeat Alduin, and works to guide the Greybeards as he teaches the Way of the Voice.
The Wheel of Fortune (Olava)
Olava can see the future, although she cannot change it.
The Devil (Mephala)
Mephala holds dominion over lies, sex secrets and murder.
The Tower (Sheogorath)
Sheogoraths realm of the Shivering Isles embodies (among other things) hardships that can fall upon even the mightiest of souls, and being chosen by Sheogorath is 'never a good thing.'
The Chariot (Arvak)
Arvak is an undead horse from the Soul Cairn, who can be summoned endlessly, and runs endlessly and tirelessly towards an unknown destination.
The High Priestess (Slave Queen Alessia)
Slave Queen Saint Alessia liberated mankind (from the Aylieds) and founded the Temple of the Divines.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
During the quest The Wolf Queen Awakened, the priest of Arkay Styrr notes one of Potema's followers burst through a wall at the Temple of the Divines.
Styrr: Summoned in spirit form is not raised from the dead. She'll need help before she can return to the living. For the moment, the Wolf Queen has retreated to a place filled with dead eager to serve her. She has gone to her old Catacombs. A few days ago, one of her servants busted through a wall into the Temple of Divines. We'll need you to go into the Catacombs themselves.
The wall in question.

Styrr also says that as you were at Potemas summoning, and thus now have a connection with her.
Styrr: I had Falk call you back because you were at the summoning, you have a connection to Potema now.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Mirabelle Ervine says there's lots of new students joining the Mages College of Winterhold recently.
Mirabelle Ervine: Another new student... I'm surprised at how many of you there are lately. Well, first you'll need these. While you're not required to wear them, you may find them more to your liking than your current clothes. I'll give you a brief tour, and then we'll get you to your first class. Are you ready to begin?"