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Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia

Chairman Nibel

Breath of the Wild
V.I.P. Member
You can vote whicker, or do you think he is town? There's a chance we can get him over the line too.
I had nothing to say against him last time I have been reading. But if you can convaince of why he's scum, I may vote against him, but ngl, I had suspicions of you earlier


i did look. You have never once addressed it that I could find.

So quote it or you are a liar



Just vote Whicker. It’s taken far too long for him to be lynched. Never seen such staunch opposition to lynching someone so steadfastly against claiming in my life lol.


On one hand people are saying “we can’t no lynch twice”, but on the other refused to to pressure the dude who didn’t claim.

Eat your cake and have it amirite?


In the likely case I die tonight

@Chairman Nibel
@The Orca
@Polar Bear

poyser, rugrat, rdk, psychic, gad, yoho, nibel

All the scums should be within there^
Do not budge out of it

Feeling slightly better on psychic and rdk comparatively tbh tho also wary on rdk cuz he's good enough to distance from his mates as it feels he could be doing with poyser and rugrat
Yoho and nibel shoot straight down
Gad moves from slight scum to scum lean, feel pretty good on him

Chairman Nibel

Breath of the Wild
V.I.P. Member
Rugrat, Yoho and Psychic are in my POE and they're counter voting Whicker who's against Poyser. Poyser's also in my POE. What hurts me here is Polar Bear voting for Poyser and I have high suspicions on the guy...

Vote Lynch Poyser



I had nothing to say against him last time I have been reading. But if you can convaince of why he's scum, I may vote against him, but ngl, I had suspicions of you earlier
I quoted my few posts about him to yoho on the last page i think it is lol, if you want to check it out Basically nothing he says is backed up by his actions. When polar was being pushed earlier in day, he said he was super sure polar was scum, but he voted me instead. He said I was opportunistic based on "everything RDK said" (bare in mind whicker said I was opportunistic before RDK said anything) but then when i pressed him for an answer, he gave something different than what RDK said, and based on something that didn't even happen lol (I posted the quotes to show it). He also listed yoho as part of his scum team (with me and polar) and then when pressed, he said actually he didn't read yoho as scum and never did. Probably because someone in scum chat pointed out that it doesnt make sense to list me and yoho as a team together. Now he has no issues with polar. What changed? Oh, Polar said he thinks whicker is town Polar reads whicker as town based on being erratic, but as Fuji pointed out, whicker wasn't erratic at all on D1. He only started being erratic on D2 after it was pointed out that thats how he usually is. He then went completely over the top, even posting "haha i did this because im a loose cannon" or something stupid like that. In fact, RDK sums that up with his post about whicker on D1. After this post, whicker completely changed lol



I'm leaning town on poyser tho


You’re declaring an unmovable perfect solve way too early.


Rugrat, Yoho and Psychic are in my POE and they're counter voting Whicker who's against Poyser. Poyser's also in my POE. What hurts me here is Polar Bear voting for Poyser and I have high suspicions on the guy...

Vote Lynch Poyser

there will be people bussing him lol, theyre not going to want to put all their eggs in my basket in case they fail to get my lynch