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To Aru Majutsu No Index Feats/Discussion/Analysis Thread - One Othinus To Rule Them All

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member

I mean, Accelerator is about processing speed and not displacement so not everyone who has fought him should scale, especially those who are noticeably weaker than him or who took him by surprise and obvious outliers like Kihara...

But characters that have legitimately blitzed him and his vector field should theoretically outpace his processing power.

But I don't remember any character capable of doing that except a Magic God, but if I remember correctly, a grimoire also exceeds the calculation speed of Accelerator, but I don't know who exceeds the processing capacity of a grimoire, Aiwass? Anna? Ollerus? Coronzon?

I haven't thought carefully about it but it could be a starting point for a power scaling chain.
Mina Mathers was able to punch through NT 19 Accel's vector field simply by being faster than his subconscious calculation speed.


V.I.P. Member
Mina Mathers was able to punch through NT 19 Accel's vector field simply by being faster than his subconscious calculation speed.
By the time Accelerator saw her, he could already feel the pressure of the tightly clenched fist striking his entire face. The strength of the word “reflection” was entirely blown away.

It had not functioned at all.

The black cat witch’s right hook caught the #1’s cheekbone and she continued swinging with her entire body weight behind it. The great roar of impact only arrived after a short delay. When she saw the slender form quickly spin around, Mina Mathers whispered to him.

“Even the #1’s reflection is reliant on the calculations you use to control that power. Simply put, you cannot control any vectors with which your conscious and unconscious calculations cannot keep up. Of course, with the brain of Academy City’s #1 and the Misaka Network at your disposal, that would not normally present any kind of problem. …Yes, unless you began a benchmark test with a true processing device. And even if I have been freed from the bonds of that largescale parallel processing device, I am still doing the Thoth Tarot.”

Canonically Accelerator unconsciously reflects light.
So at the very least she would be FTL.

“This isn’t natural. It’s a side effect of my power or somethin’. I don’t know. The pigments in your skin and hair and eyes protect your body from UV rays, but I always just reflect all the extra shit anyway, so my body doesn’t need color. Somethin’ like that.”

But I calc the processing time of Accelerator in 10.4e-14 sec

And 9.3229728e+35 calc/s or 1.0726192e-36 sec


Mina speed (low end): >1c

Mina speed (Mid end):
1/10.4e-14 = 9.6153846e+12 m/s or 32073.4706c

Mina speed (High end):
1/1.0726192e-36 = 9.3229728e+35 m/s or 3.1octillions c

Most likely, Kamachi doesn't know the speed of moving faster than Accelerator's calculation speed, although it is also true that this happens with most authors.
I would go more for the mid end because it is conservative and that gains strength with Alice throwing her toys dozens of light years away, the high end, although the calculation I made that time was being quite conservative, perhaps because of the top it is taken as an outlier, At least until something else comes out besides the Tree Diagram with that level, at least that's what I think.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Canonically Accelerator unconsciously reflects light.
So at the very least she would be FTL.

But I calc the processing time of Accelerator in 10.4e-14 sec

And 9.3229728e+35 calc/s or 1.0726192e-36 sec


Mina speed (low end): >1c

Mina speed (Mid end):
1/10.4e-14 = 9.6153846e+12 m/s or 32073.4706c

Mina speed (High end):
1/1.0726192e-36 = 9.3229728e+35 m/s or 3.1octillions c

Most likely, Kamachi doesn't know the speed of moving faster than Accelerator's calculation speed, although it is also true that this happens with most authors.
I would go more for the mid end because it is conservative and that gains strength with Alice throwing her toys dozens of light years away, the high end, although the calculation I made that time was being quite conservative, perhaps because of the top it is taken as an outlier, At least until something else comes out besides the Tree Diagram with that level, at least that's what I think.
I mean... Othinus' crossbow shots are right there :mjpls

And even nerfed MGs should be >= to her (physically, anyway) I'd wager :hm


V.I.P. Member
I mean... Othinus' crossbow shots are right there :mjpls

And even nerfed MGs should be >= to her (physically, anyway) I'd wager :hm
Well, from Mina the ones that should scale are Mathers, Crowley, Coronzon, Nerfed Magic Gods, Anna, Alice and Post NT22 Accelerator, Aiwass etc.

Obviously Magic Gods prime, although I wouldn't use the High End as much because probably not many people accept it at the moment.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Canonically Accelerator unconsciously reflects light.
So at the very least she would be FTL.

But I calc the processing time of Accelerator in 10.4e-14 sec

And 9.3229728e+35 calc/s or 1.0726192e-36 sec


Mina speed (low end): >1c

Mina speed (Mid end):
1/10.4e-14 = 9.6153846e+12 m/s or 32073.4706c

Mina speed (High end):
1/1.0726192e-36 = 9.3229728e+35 m/s or 3.1octillions c

Most likely, Kamachi doesn't know the speed of moving faster than Accelerator's calculation speed, although it is also true that this happens with most authors.
I would go more for the mid end because it is conservative and that gains strength with Alice throwing her toys dozens of light years away, the high end, although the calculation I made that time was being quite conservative, perhaps because of the top it is taken as an outlier, At least until something else comes out besides the Tree Diagram with that level, at least that's what I think.
Yeah I would put it at low-mid end, most of accel's greatest feats are him consciously doing it, and I would think that is better than his unconscious calculations.


V.I.P. Member
I was thinking of calculating Maidono's telekinesis when she compressed a 50-story building.

I will use two methods, the first one would be by melting a building because the quote clarifies that the building melted when it was compressed and remained as the core of the planet, it is probably kilotons, and the second method I will use the compression method that someone implemented in FV to measure Pain's Chibaku, I don't know how the consensus of that is but it's worth trying.


V.I.P. Member
She only had to point her left index finger toward the building as well.

Maidono Hoshimi’s Telekinesis could crush that 50-story skyscraper to the size of a softball. The intense heat caused by the compression would make it glow like lava, but it would not even be allowed to drip down as a liquid. Just like the core of the earth was supposedly made of molten iron and nickel, yet it still managed to remain a solid.
First I need the average volume of a 50-story building since there are no images
https://buildingtheskyline.org/skyscraper-height-iv/#:~:text=So, for simplicity, assume that,high rise in the U.S.

So, for simplicity, assume that each floor in a skyscraper is fixed at 200’ x 100’=20,000 square feet (or about 1858 square meters), which is about the average floor size for a modern high rise in the U.S.

1858 m² for average floor

Now to know the height I used this calculator and it gave me 216 meters high

Volume: 1858 m² * 216 m = 401328 m³

But the buildings are 80% hollow so...

Volume: 0.2* 401328= 80265.6 m³

Volume: 80265.6 m³ or 80265600000 cc
Melting energy of cement = 12,232.65 J/cm³
Energy: 80265600000 cm³ * 12232.65 J/cm³ = 9.81860992e+14 J or 235 Kilotons of TNT

Inspired by this calc




The first things I should find are Young's Modulus and Poisson's ratio from the concrete...
As the elastic modulus increases, the material becomes stiffer and brittle. But compared to steel, concrete is more brittle, even though the elastic modulus of steel is 200 GPa and that of concrete is between 25 to 50 GPa.


For design of concrete structures, the most common value of concrete Poisson’s ratio is taken as 0.2.
50GPa and 0.2
K= (50e9) pa / (3*(1-(2*0.2)))= 27777777777.8 pa or 27 GPa
V1= 80265.6 m³
Maidono Hoshimi’s Telekinesis could crush that 50-story skyscraper to the size of a softball.

The size of a standard Softball is 12 inches of 30.48 cm of diametre

V2= 0.014827 m³

∆V= V2 - V1
∆V= 0.014827 m³ - 80265.6 m³ = -80265.585173
∆V/V= -80265.585173/0.014827 = -5413474.41647

∆P= –K * (∆V/V)
∆P= –(27777777777.8 pa)* (-5413474.41647)= 1.5037429e+17pa

∆U= –∆P*∆V
∆U= –(1.5037429e+17pa) * ( -80265.585173m³) = 1.20698804e+22J or 2.8 Teratons of TNT

That the number is very large does not surprise me because everything that has to do with compressing something into a tiny volume requires a lot of energy, in a way it is what happens when a star collapses, it is compressed until it becomes a neutron star, What I am not sure is if that formula is accepted here since I have only seen one user in FV to use it, and a consensus would be needed on the use of that formula.

This is not exactly a low and a high end, but calculating that feat with two different methods.

Maidono's telekinesis Method#1: 235 Kilotons of TNT
Maidono's telekinesis Method#2: 2.8 Teratons of TNT
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V.I.P. Member

What do think of this feat, Mugino grabs 2000 Dianoid spears that were thrown in all directions with her arm.

They are described as bullets, if compared to a bullet I think it could be a 4 digit Mach feat or even more but I don't know if there is any better info about the speed of Dianoid spears.
Does anyone remember something more precise about that?


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

So I just got notified of this quote existing and uh.... :rock


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
The issue is that I don't think Coronzon is ever spelled like that throughout the series:hm

Maybe it's just a typo and I'm overthinking this.