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To Aru Majutsu No Index Feats/Discussion/Analysis Thread - One Othinus To Rule Them All


V.I.P. Member
Always expect some kind of crazy twist that turns the whole plot as we know it upside down for almost any volume but this right here, especially the build up leading to it, is up there as one of my favorites in the whole series.

Alice just became one of my favorite characters for this volume. And even before that, she was basically a nicer, less bratty Index that made for fun interactions with poor Touma buying rations while on a tight budget


V.I.P. Member
By the way, in case the second method of Maidono calc was valid, to whom would it be scaled?

I guess the Saints, Mugino, Gunha, Misaka (base) and Kakine.


V.I.P. Member
Can someone remind me how fast we treat Flaming;Sword as again?
We never gave it a velocity, we have the quote that it has infinite acceleration but it was not accepted.

You can give it PS from Crowley since he wasn't going to react in time and it took a miracle from Lilith to reverse the cause and effect.

Now how fast is Crowley? I guess with the bible and all those PU should be scale from Alice throwing her things dozens light years away and Mathers surpassing (pre-NT22) Accelerator's processing speed that we gave him the one to calculate LO's mind (we didn't take the calculating the movement of each particle of AC because the number is ridiculous and seems to be an outlier).
So it would be thousands of times faster than light.

If you're feeling lucky, you might be able to argue that it's faster than Othinus's arrow, the stars that Othinus threw, and that Coronzon's incomplete ritual would destroy half the universe which would give it trillions to quadrillion times the speed of light but you would have to find a reason for it to scale.

Could be scale it that because that attack is more powerful than the ones mentioned but that is my assumption.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

I mean, is it really an outlier for top tiers to be that fast?

Nerfed Magic Gods should be superior to Othinus, of whom was capable of reacting to her own attacks, which you just mentioned, of course.

And Aleister/Coronzon/Accelerator/Aiwass (etc etc) are all capable of fighting them just fine, for the most part.

To be honest, it being an outlier isn't enough to disqualify it as a feat.

It'd only scale to top tiers anyway, I think.
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One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
There's also the matter of how Flaming;Sword actually functions at its core: it's a "mass" of energy that descends from the top of the Sephiroth and zig-zags down all the way down to the bottom of the Sephiroth in a very short timeframe (if any timeframe at all, which could be further supported by the fact that it's released from infinite acceleration, not that it has infinite acceleration, according to the spell's chant).

Surely that would get some pretty crazy numbers, no? (well, if we assume that it'd be a quantifiably fast feat, of course)

And at the very least, it's compared to Gungnir in both the sense of sheer destructive power (albeit focused on a single target) and its nonsensical speed that no one present was capable of reacting to after it was fired (so maybe you could argue that it's superior in that sense).

That's how I see it, anyway.

Because of that, I think it's reasonable enough to scale it to Gungnir instantly destroying all of the Phases Othinus created.
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V.I.P. Member
I mean, is it really an outlier for top tiers to be that fast?
Octillion times FTL for Accelerator pre-bullet

If current Accelerator does something like this again we could see if it is something at the level of the top tiers but at the moment it is a very colossal and contradictory number.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Hey, just because it sounds funny doesn't mean it can't be true.

I mean, Flaming;Sword is compared to Gungnir and Accelerator was capable of reacting to and then tearing it apart. Sounds good enough to me


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
I'm going to be re-reading NT eventually but I swear there was a quote mentioning nerfed Magic Gods actually being capable of reacting to the Big Bang Bomb as it's actually occurring (as opposed to simply the hand signs that Aleister performs for the spell)..


V.I.P. Member
If you find it that would be great, we would have a good upgrade there


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
If you find it that would be great, we would have a good upgrade there
Either that or I'm thinking of the quote where Aleister still can't kill nerfed Magic Gods (i.e., they shouldn't be immortal at this point) even with an exponentially amplified Big Bang Bomb (which could add up if you consider how Othinus can create/destroy an infinite amount of Phases but even then nerfed Magic Gods should be superior to her )

Well, regardless, it's significant either way.


V.I.P. Member
Komaba and now the debut of Will of the Misaka Network herself in Imaginary Fest

So that’s how she sounds with her funny tic of talking like a computer even when she’s quite emotional at the same time
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V.I.P. Member
Komaba and now the debut of Will of the Misaka Network herself in Imaginary Fest

So that’s how she sounds with her funny tic of talking like a computer even when she’s harmless emotionless
I guess they gave her that tone of voice to make the difference between the other Sisters noticeable.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
He was.
Thing is Touma managed to avoid a direct hit from those wings the whole time. He got hit by plenty of the shockwaves and debris in that fight but always managed either dodge or divert getting directly hit by Accelerator

I know I'm talking about the final clash where. Iirc it's implied that Touma got hit, Accel does the whole "how are you still standing" thing before getting punched.

I surprised pax forgot


Will, my beloved

Here's some outside info on Ain that OT3 talks about and the series of zeroes Qliphah mentions.
Found it in page 42 of A Garden of Pomegranates by Israel Regardie, that Mr.OMG told me I should read so thanks
Obviously we can't use it for powerscaling and whatnot; it's just better than having literally no idea what Kamachi is basing things off of.

Guess Gabriel would use the equivalent of NELAPR

What Coronzon and Heaven Canceller's rants are likely referring to
"THE NAME" is the Tetragrammaton, Y-H-V-H, placed alongside the Flaming sword barrier ("FLASHING SWORD").
Crowley's correspondence table, Liber 777, just repeated that the Flaming Sword travels down the four worlds and cuts the bonds of the target directly. Still don't know what the latter means.
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