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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition




Tsukihime Re is fully translated? Cool, now I gotta find time for that too

Maybe part 2 will have gotten partially written by the time that occurs

Nah, who am I kidding, I’ll be 1 foot in the grave before that happens :maybe
Bruh, seriously, stick around, i need your input on something.

In like 5 minutes.
I knew having absurd amounts of Magical Energy to function damn close to a Black Hole was possible since U-Olga, but they really are laying it thick on how truly powerful Arcueid is at what like 50%? Not even a full 100% of her power.
Makes sense too as U-Olga was that strong and she was still pussyfooting and not showing her real strength either.





Ok , so a little context here.

Basically, the bodies that TAs have also act as their limiters, as in they're aloud only to draw the energy from the Planet that they absolutely need. In battle context that translates to the +1 that we know . That is what allows them to act as incarnations of the Planet. And they're only meant to act as such.

They are not allowed to use their powers from their own gain.

They also can't actually use all the power of the Planet at once cuz their bodies can't handle it.

If they go Luminary, then the limits ar off and they can use all that power but if they do it for any other reason than to reset the planet, the planet kinda cuts them off and they become able to die which is something that i theorized earlier .


V.I.P. Member




Emphasis on "smaller scale" VSB and Shiny the Alien.
First scan is already the kind of hype given to Void and what Goetia wanted to do, but without needing to take the extra step to throw himself back to the beginning of time to do it.

Tilting the axis is a nice bit feat, how much over how long is what would determine how impressive a bit feat

Feel like I'm missing some context with the compression to 10^-35 meters across :hm



Ok , so a little context here.

Basically, the bodies that TAs have also act as their limiters, as in they're aloud only to draw the energy from the Planet that they absolutely need. In battle context that translates to the +1 that we know . That is what allows them to act as incarnations of the Planet. And they're only meant to act as such.

They are not allowed to use their powers from their own gain.

They also can't actually use all the power of the Planet at once cuz their bodies can't handle it.

If they go Luminary, then the limits ar off and they can use all that power but if they do it for any other reason than to reset the planet, the planet kinda cuts them off and they become able to die which is something that i theorized earlier .
Sounds fair to me from what you provided *shrugs*


Now, i'll also post this in video format cuz it's too much a hassle otherwise.

Long story short, through some shikanery Shiki and Broa manage to cut Luminary down to her core and this is the description :

Space itself is being overwritten.空間が上書きされる。
All of heaven is ablaze, giving out a dazzling light.全天が燃えている。目映い光を放っている。
This is an impossibility.それはあり得ない。
Or at least, to behold this scenery from Earth is an impossibility.この惑星から見上げる景色ではありえない。
The universe is intrinsically dark.宇宙とは本来暗いものだ。
Even if stars counting in the infinite let out their light, the density and time of it is insufficient in illuminating the infinite extent that the universe possesses.無限の星々が光を放っていようと、無限の広さを持つ宇宙を照らし上げるには、密度と時間が足り ないからだ。
The universe as seen from earth is but a mere 13.8 billion light-years of information. You cannot illuminate the dark, cold universe with a such a scant light source.地球から見る宇宙とは、たった138億光年分の情報でしかない。その程度の光源で、暗く冷たい宇宙を照らし 上げるコトはできない。
However―hypothetically speaking―under the assumption that the expanse of the universe is still meager...だが―――もし、まだ宇宙の広がりが僅かであると仮定したら。
Under the assumption that ■■■■■■ exists...■■■■■■というものがあるとすれば。
The deep crimson cosmos, that which is the newest, most distancing, is emitted.何よりも<未|あたら>しい、何よりも<移|とお>ざかる、真紅の<宙|ソラ>が放出される。
This is a conceptual universe:これは概念の宇宙。
Domains which the lifeforms on Earth do not recall;地球の生命は記憶していない領域。
Laws which are yet out of reach from humanity's observations;人類の観測では手の届かない法則。
The cosmic hollow reaching into the furthest depths; infinite yet most minimal of all.無限にして最小の、最奥に至るソラの空洞。
Within that torrent, I fall at a speed not found within reality, as the one, sole exception.その奔流の中、ただ一つの例外として、俺は現実にはない速度で落下していく。
Contending with the planet's gravity: the first cosmic velocity;惑星の重力に拮抗する第一宇宙速度。
Breaking free of the planet's gravity: the second cosmic velocity;惑星の重力から<脱出|のがれ>る第二宇宙速度。
And last, ridding itself from even the influence of the sun's gravity: the third cosmic velocity.そして、太陽の重力からすら飛び立つ、第三宇宙―――
Multitudes of stars; multitudes of beginnings, pass me by.数多の星、数多の始まりが、通り過ぎていく。
Events that you would not see even if you expended the entire lifespan of the human species, pass me by.
Irrelevant. Uninteresting.
Right now, I only have my eyes set upon that particular radiance...今の俺には、あの輝きしか目に入らない。
"So there it is!"「アレか―――!」
I determine my landing spot through way of gravity manipulation,引力操作で着地点を定める。
falling onto the Luminary's heart just 200 meters below.200メートル直下の、光体の心臓に向けて落下する。
No counterattack comes from the Luminary.光体からの反撃はない。
It is only natural that it would be defenseless; it has quite literally been stripped naked, after all.無防備なのも当然だ。文字通り丸裸にされたのだから。
Though that said, seeing as only the central part has been dispersed, this situation will not hold out for long.とはいえ、霧散したのは中心部分だけのところを見ると、この状態も長くは持たない。
The Luminary will no doubt soon reconstitute.光体はすぐに元に戻るだろう。
That 'heart' will have to be dissected before then.その前にあの“心臓”を解体する。
With this speed, I will not be able to come to a stop at the heart.この速度では心臓に留まる事はできない。
The contact will be for no more than an instant. All I'll be able to manage is to pass it by as I am falling down.接触は一瞬だけ。落ちながら、すれ違う事しかできない。
I prepare for contact...―――接触に備える。
I hold my right hand near my chest, gripping my knife...―――ナイフを握る右手を胸の位置に構える。
To call it a heart might not necessarily be improper...―――心臓、というのはあながち間違いではない。
I cannot see its points nor lines of death.死の点も、死の線も見えない。
The boiling pulsation of life;わきたつ生命の鼓動。
The source of everything yet also the cemetery of stars to which all will in the end return.全ての源にして、最後に還りつく星の墓所。
It heats up while all the same time cooling down; almost as if a celestial egg of sorts.それは熱しながらも冷却されている、天体の卵のようだ。
As I am currently, I cannot kill it...これを殺す事は、今の遠野志貴にはできない。
Nor is it necessary for me to kill it.そして殺す必要もない。
In consequence of its perfection, it will lose its value by the faintest scratch.完全であるが故、それは僅かな傷一つで価値を失い。
If it's just to wake her from her dream, then the measly hand of a human will prove plenty.



Basically, it seems that the core of Arc is a Celestial Egg which can be thought of as the origin of the universe.

Shiki basically goes through all creation when striking the Egg so it can be either something literal or akin to something like the Root itself.
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V.I.P. Member
What do you make of this @ChaosTheory123 ?
My first thought it Nasu needs to do better research on the size of the observable universe (93 Billion Light-years, not the estimated age of the universe) :maybe

This is a conceptual universe:これは概念の宇宙。
Domains which the lifeforms on Earth do not recall;地球の生命は記憶していない領域。
Laws which are yet out of reach from humanity's observations;人類の観測では手の届かない法則。
The cosmic hollow reaching into the furthest depths; infinite yet most minimal of all.無限にして最小の、最奥に至るソラの空洞。
Within that torrent, I fall at a speed not found within reality, as the one, sole exception.その奔流の中、ただ一つの例外として、俺は現実にはない速度で落下していく。
Contending with the planet's gravity: the first cosmic velocity;惑星の重力に拮抗する第一宇宙速度。
Breaking free of the planet's gravity: the second cosmic velocity;惑星の重力から<脱出|のがれ>る第二宇宙速度。
And last, ridding itself from even the influence of the sun's gravity: the third cosmic velocity.そして、太陽の重力からすら飛び立つ、第三宇宙―――
Multitudes of stars; multitudes of beginnings, pass me by.数多の星、数多の始まりが、通り過ぎていく。
Events that you would not see even if you expended the entire lifespan of the human species, pass me by.
Irrelevant. Uninteresting.
Right now, I only have my eyes set upon that particular radiance...今の俺には、あの輝きしか目に入らない。
"So there it is!"「アレか―――!」
I determine my landing spot through way of gravity manipulation,引力操作で着地点を定める。
falling onto the Luminary's heart just 200 meters below.

^This seems like the most important bit of the exposition though. Not sure if its the Root specifically, but he is definitely observing cosmic phenomena he'd otherwise be unable to observe from Earth due to the fucky nature of this Celestial Egg. IIRC, while the scale was more personal for Shiki, this kind of view of reality was what she experienced in her time connected/within the Root. It's been a bit too long since I took that scene in for comparison though. Do recall Ryougi did not retain any of her memories of her perception within the Root, so if Tohno's retaining this at all I'm wondering if the discrepancy could be reconciled.

Not sure how to treat this, but I'm not so sure the Root is specifically what we're being shown.


Hilarious it's announced by the time the Fan Translation is done though.

I fucking called this shit, if they could translate LB6, they can translate the Tsukihime Remake and Fate/Stay Night Realta Nua, no excuses anymore, thank you!
You know? We made jokes if they translated Witch On The Holy Knight just for the movie Aniplex wanted to do...
Now, people are making jokes if they are translating the Tsukihime Remake... just to justify Arcueid's existence to roll for her at next anniversary.

So the English Release of Samurai Remnant is the 29th of September... doesn't seem that far off at all from the Japanese version.
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Poor Tsukimates.. just one year after they completed this shit. Although, still better than Mahoyo dropping right at the end of its fan translation.

There's a possibility that they're also gonna release new shit so... here's hoping for a new route or ending for Arc.


V.I.P. Member
Why not. Been wanting to read Tsukihime since my only exposure for the longest time has been that bad JC Staff anime.

Is it a Physical release?
Poor Tsukimates.. just one year after they completed this shit. Although, still better than Mahoyo dropping right at the end of its fan translation.

There's a possibility that they're also gonna release new shit so... here's hoping for a new route or ending for Arc.

Hopefully, I don't think people will want to put in more for the Red Garden(?) side of the game or wait longer for that too.
And yeah, the Arcueid Arc needs another ending for certain, it's too 1:1 with the original Tsukihime and no other option.

Is the Type-MOON English release meme finally dying? :rock

I hope so, we need the original F/SN for that to be true.


V.I.P. Member
I feel like their saving that for some time in 2024 since that will mark the 20th year benchmark since Fate debuted its original VN in 2004


V.I.P. Member
Hopefully, I don't think people will want to put in more for the Red Garden(?) side of the game or wait longer for that too.
And yeah, the Arcueid Arc needs another ending for certain, it's too 1:1 with the original Tsukihime and no other option.

I hope so, we need the original F/SN for that to be true.

I'd obviously be happy with that, though a FSN remake would also be appreciated :maybe

Pretty sure Nasu has a full schedule to get through before that's on the table, though :catsad


V.I.P. Member
I'd obviously be happy with that, though a FSN remake would also be appreciated :maybe
Other than the Fate route and some of the more edgy sexual assault bits sprinkled into the narrative, I’m not really sure there’s much to touch

Even then, the Fate route was more a product of needing to be exposition heavy to establish the setting.

Mind you, no need to consider me, I feel comfortable recommending Mahoyo Tsukai no Yoru to non-fans while I place a giant asterisks on the rest of the library :maybe
Pretty sure Nasu has a full schedule to get through before that's on the table, though :catsad
Nasu’s third AI variant will still be writing side stories before the main meat sees new light :maybe

Nasu himself will die long before we ever see Tsukihime 2, let alone an FSN remake or a story about the war that took place to shut down the Fuyuki grail permanently.