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Game Death Note Mafia

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Well I missed it then cos I saw the detailed post today and liked it.

Or more like when I faked having my brother join a game so I could have half a hope at catching the scum team and then proceeded to have an almighty meltdown???

stop this shite or I’ll lynch you myself


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Well, I think Ultra is just Town now. Hope he gets out of the Flower tunnel today and catches scum.


I don’t think it’s a natural thought process at all - for one thing we’ve got 2 days, for another some of his voters have moved away from lethal since (dragon, flower)

lethals not going to get quicklynched, and a decent chance not lynched at all.

I find it more likely it’s a move to ingratiate himself to you Tbh
you dont think he believes i could get lethal lynched? what lol


Anytime you'd like to answer my question that would be lovely though. I note that's the second time this game you ignored me.

Is Odo still a null for you, Poyser? Cos as I said yesterday I find it really interesting that with all of his content (Ultra discussion, Dragon discussion) you couldn't arrive on somewhat of a lean there


I don’t think it will be a straightforward lynch, numerically speaking
that may be so, but i dont think it invalidates what he says even slightly. i 100% think he believes i could get lethal lynched. what he believes is the key, not what is actually likely to happen. fwiw i think theres probably a more than decent chance lethal gets lynched here?


Anytime you'd like to answer my question that would be lovely though. I note that's the second time this game you ignored me.

Is Odo still a null for you, Poyser? Cos as I said yesterday I find it really interesting that with all of his content (Ultra discussion, Dragon discussion) you couldn't arrive on somewhat of a lean there
I'd have him as your most likely partner put it that way
but in terms of play I've had him as town leaning, which I think is pretty obvious considering we've been voting the same way and have similar reads lol


I told you to do useful things today

this isn’t useful
I've voted Dragon and made a soft case surrounding why (he had a case on me, I refuted it, he dropped it really quickly and gave a comment on how he feels I'm town now. Said he wouldn't get stuck tunneling me this game yet ISO'd me for a vote).

I've asked Poyser where he'd go once I flip town.

If that's not deemed useful, well, I'm not sure what else I can provide for the thread.


I've voted Dragon and made a soft case surrounding why (he had a case on me, I refuted it, he dropped it really quickly and gave a comment on how he feels I'm town now. Said he wouldn't get stuck tunneling me this game yet ISO'd me for a vote).

I've asked Poyser where he'd go once I flip town.

If that's not deemed useful, well, I'm not sure what else I can provide for the thread.
In your own words, why does that make dragon scum out of interest? And why didnt you apply similar logic to tpein if you feel hes no longer pushing you?

I dont think you will flip town tbh, but if you do then I'd have to go back to evans. if you're scum then I'd look at odo


I'd have him as your most likely partner put it that way
but in terms of play I've had him as town leaning, which I think is pretty obvious considering we've been voting the same way and have similar reads lol
Or you're buddying up to him? :HaydenP:

Seriously though, thank you for answering.
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