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Game Death Note Mafia

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probably big man or ultra. big man because shading you was his only non-lethal content and ultra because he has pushed you a lot but is now keen to just sit on odo and not explain anything or try to actually get him lynched

You think Flower is scum and I'm her partner? I thought Gram was her partner, and they were distancing. Which is it, exactly?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
part 2 - EoD 1 and start of day 2

Poyser town here. Scum Poyser just lynches me.
I'll take this legacy at face value, tho seems lethal turned on poyser in day 2 when he started pushing him. i still consider poyser townie for other reasons

not confident he's scum here. how bad would a no lynch be?
too scummy to be scum suggestion?

hmm one thing I will say - I don’t mind lethal being a Guinea pig for the death note, wouldn’t be the worst state of play
not sure how does this help town. u r projecting being uninformed, but in weird ways

Look into Ultra next day. Lynching Lethal just makes scum finding L and N easier if Lethal is Town.
dear lord what is this
tiara single handedly making gram look better

- day 2 start -

Smh what was all that shuffling about last eod we should've just lynched tiara
this slot can go tbh, specially if tiara is town. i need tiara to push this hard from her PoV, considering shes on the fence on him anyway

So that means that he’s mafia then.
I think Lethal is scum and I would lynch him.
zero analysis on lethal from psychic

People who refused to hammer lethal.

Big man.

If lethal flips scum one of these 100% scum.
considering lethal flipped town, its possible they wanted a no lynch as that helps mafia stall momentum more. big man and gramma r the most guilty ones for this

I'm too tired, so my Flower case proper will have to wait until tomorrow.

But a couple of key points:

- Her "getting drunk" and then dipping out of the thread right when she started to get pressured was fake as fuck
- Upon her return to the thread she slipped by pretending she didn't know what happened when she posted in a drunken stupor. Yet she still apologized for writing a reads list.
- Flower hates hates hates getting suspected as scum and a lot of her play D1 involves attempts to clear herself (This is by her own admission, with her constantly saying "I would never do X or Y as scum")
- Gives out a healthy amount of town reads, but has 0 process in her scum reads and jumps to conclusions or only making pushes that feel extremely safe
- Has been avoiding me like the plague besides the last comment she made EoD to look into me

I would like some discussion and pressure on this sussy little slot and then later I'll formalized some of what I'm talking about.

[Vote Lynch Flower]
i still agree with this, however, seems flowa is strongly hinting N or L now. she might be trying to draw the real L or N to come out

How can you be so wrong?
Also Ultra, you going for me over Pein was so bad. Pein was, according to you, a safe vote just like Lethal because none of them is the lynchpin. Yet you have no idea if I‘m a lynchpin or not and vote me anyway.
safe doesn't mean he is scum. look at lethal. you can address ultra's points directly instead. it seems like he has been living rent free in ur head for the rest of the day

Should I? I made my points clear. Lynching me is a bad idea, there‘s nothing more to say.
what do you hope to accomplish with this exactly and why r u still alive?

This is intriguing as Flower's drunk antics did stand out as fake as shit. I am looking forward to more of the other points explained a bit more detail.

Consider my support here as well for the moment

Vote Flower

I am a bit surprised the late push was on Lethal tbh. Probably would have been better to get the hammer either way, I am leaning towards him being town but I think there's a good chance scum was pushing that through if he is town. Would also have provided good info on those who didn't hammer the lynch but could have.
probably the worst vote on flowa till now, from someone who town read her before nontheless

Yeah, this is lame.

Vote Lynch Pein.

Should have done this last day phase.
Because you can‘t exclude the possibility you just slipped. Everyone should be voting you.
you are really getting desperate here arent u lol

What should I even reply to points implying I was faking being drunk? This is such nonsense I can‘t even. The sad thing is Ultra is probably Town from this, but god, he needs to get his game together if that‘s what he uses to make a “case“.
fake drunk is only but a small point of his mini case. u haven't addressed the meat of it. he certainly does not scum read u just for faking drunk. you fully know that.

What about the remaining points?

agree with ur questions re: flowa, but why unvote so soon??

Tbh Ekko is pretty high on my list atm. In one post he speculates I might be a lynchpin, then the next post he joins my wagon like he doesn‘t care.
Vote Lynch Ekko.
I already said, Ekko implying I could be a lynchpin and voting me in the next post is sth I can‘t understand from a Town pov.
i have already explained this. as did others. scum this game will want to hint/claim N or L. you acting like you are one does not mean JACK. in fact a townie wont do it. a scum will.

Doesn’t make sense to me. I’m town, look at my role pm and I don’t know what a lynchpin is either. Never played s game with one before. It’s odd you would sus him over that.
Also Pein already said a lot about his role. I’m quite sure he’s town.

vote: flower
another post with rly no solving behind it, but i appreciate the vote on flowa. this however looks terrible if flowa is town and flowa needs to push psychic for it

I also now know what a lynchpin is.
I think Flower might also be town, unless scum knows what a sample of our role pm looks like.

scum shud have a sample of our roles yes. does this now change ur read on flowa? can i ask u to dig a bit deeper into analysis, please?

I could quote some posts and stuff but as it stands, my vote will be going on flower today

The EoD play around lethal doesn’t add up to me unless I introduce an element of image consciousness to it, and then she came out all guns blazing on tpein this phase until he clarified she was his lowest priority and provided an explanation he’d already given yesterday. Again same issue, there’s no conviction in what she’s doing and crucially, she didn’t try to persuade anyone else - my impression is that she felt going on the offensive would be the best look as there’s no real danger she’d be quick lynched anyway
i don't recall u ever pushed for tiara despite this post. i have not read everything yet but i don't recall u doing so from what ive seen. there exists some form of equity between the 2 of u. can u say what scum motive does going randomly on the offensive achieve? it's only making her look bad


Leprous Monarch
I want enough time to drop my kekko case

I'll drop it if I'm alive tomorrow lol

Ekko you seem definitely not scared

I'd rather prove Ekko is bitch made when he kills me before I can lynch him.
[Vote lynch Gram]

I am not going to elaborate on this

Whatever the lynch can I formally request that we don't hammer halfway through the fuckin day again thanks
awkward pulp fiction GIF


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
For whatever its worth, Flower has quite clearly been hinting at being a lynchpin. Though I think that did ONLY start after she started getting votes so not sure how much it is worth
shes still alive. what does this mean? not even an attempt on her life was made?

I caught that but I’m fairly sure it’s not the case, if my deductions right

obviously I don’t want to elaborate at this point
i think elaborations r gna be needed. i wanna be on the same page on what u r eluding to here

know that if u and tiara r town, mafia already knows what r u guys eluding to. if anyone is town and is hinting something, mafia has TMI of it being true, to certain extent


Leprous Monarch
Yes, you have established that I haven't dropped a case yet. Point?
if you have a case in the works why vote gram to start today? why say "whatever the lynch will be"? why not try to actually influence the game if you think someone is scum and have reasoning to back it up?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
See? All Ekko does this game is throwing shades at me. And except for that he‘s done nothing all game.
what have u done this game? what has anyone done actually? we still have no scum lynch

fk outta here lol
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