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Game Ranked EastEnders Mafia

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I think a survivor duo sounds legit. Haza hosting an unconventional mafia game isn’t a surprise to me


Page 1 fluff with a miller claim, spec, and Pein sooking about a referral.

YEah up to page 5. Xenos looks bad and shaken. Not sure I like the pile on though as some seem...opportunistic? for their votes. Poyser got a slight town lean on but not concrete. Pein always in some sort of nonsense


Says survivor (allegedly), yet feels the need to research 2 other characters who might make sense for a duo to fit the claim?

What complicated fuckery are they trying to pull here?

Vote: Flower

The X

The way everything went down, I don't think it's likely for them to have switched up their immunity claims. Sure they could have done that, and maybe my perception is off because I wasn't here for it in real time, but it seemed to have escalated pretty quickly, so I don't favor them making that adjustment on the fly.

Even if they really did switch, it buys them one phase and that'd be it. It wouldn't change anything about them definitely not winning this game, so all they'd do is troll town which idk why they'd do that if they don't have any stake in who out of town or mafia wins.

Probably reading too deeply into this, chances are this is as simple as it looks.
Didn't you just call me out for over analyzing? What's this post, Tweet?

The X

Like it’s just seemed so performative rather than a genuine attempt to solve. You see the posts tweet brought up where he’s replying to her after she’s outed herself and is still trying to act like he’s proving she’s not town or arguing in bad faith lol. It’s pointless because we already know she’s not town. He’s acting like her saying he’s scum after saying she’s town is some big gotcha when she’s already admitted she’s not town and was town reading him to try and stop him from pushing her.

he’s also stayed pretty bullish about wanting to talk about it too, and he justified it with well I think she’s wolf. I pulled him up on that and he backtracked a little by being like “oh well I haven’t tried to think it through, I just think she’s bad for town” but then later on he doubled down by saying he’s leaning she’s a wolf. I don’t think that thinking she’s a wolf makes any sense at all if you think about her actions for even 10 seconds kek. Which is why I think he’s just being disingenuous

If she does flip wolf then obviously it’s fairly unlikely that they’re aligned as their interactions make no sense as teammates, but if she does flip indy which is the most probable outcome then I think he looks pretty bad due to his actions around her
This might just be Poyser power wolfing if Flower really is somehow just an indie.
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