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Game Ranked EastEnders Mafia

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What does the bolded in this post say, Poyser? It says if Flower flips indie, which is something you believe in, I am going to look pretty bad. How do you make this massive post, say that I am going to look bad if Flower flips indie (which you think is the most probable outcome), but then add me into the town core?

First of all, simply saying you’d look bad if she flips indie isn’t the same as saying you’re a wolf if she flips wolf lol. There’s a clear difference in the sentiments. But here you go, I’ll help you out

I’ve literally just skimmed, think we should lynch xenos first given flower is evidently trying to protect him, but there’s no need to rush.

I’ll be free tomorrow so I’d prefer not quick hammering

I’d also say BPD seems almost certainly town, he’s night and day from WWE

That’s probably true about BPD. I have a bit of a problem with the way he handled flower though

What did he do that you have a problem with?

Like it’s just seemed so performative rather than a genuine attempt to solve. You see the posts tweet brought up where he’s replying to her after she’s outed herself and is still trying to act like he’s proving she’s not town or arguing in bad faith lol. It’s pointless because we already know she’s not town. He’s acting like her saying he’s scum after saying she’s town is some big gotcha when she’s already admitted she’s not town and was town reading him to try and stop him from pushing her.

he’s also stayed pretty bullish about wanting to talk about it too, and he justified it with well I think she’s wolf. I pulled him up on that and he backtracked a little by being like “oh well I haven’t tried to think it through, I just think she’s bad for town” but then later on he doubled down by saying he’s leaning she’s a wolf. I don’t think that thinking she’s a wolf makes any sense at all if you think about her actions for even 10 seconds kek. Which is why I think he’s just being disingenuous

If she does flip wolf then obviously it’s fairly unlikely that they’re aligned as their interactions make no sense as teammates, but if she does flip indy which is the most probable outcome then I think he looks pretty bad due to his actions around her

But at the same time, Odo does have a point that he’s way different than he was in WWE where I’d have classed him as more timid than usual, so I’m not really sure how ti reconcile him atm

Nah I’ll just push you by talking to others if that’s what I wanna do lmao

jury is still out on you tho! This feels like terrible town BPD if I’m honest with myself

You’re making shit points and arguing in bad faith, it’s pretty standard for your town game


You don't think I'm spurring discussion??
Well no you are, but I take exception to being accused of lurking when I have over 40 posts in this thread, and also I feel like every last post I make needing to drive the thread in a divergent direction is a pretty unfair standard to hold me to. My comment wasn't meant to imply you weren't.


How come? I'm right here. I've been mentioning you. I even have a vote on you. But now you say this? Why aren't you pushing me then? Why did you make zero comment on my vote on you?
I did make a comment about you and I pretty much spelled out I don't trust you. I find the likelihood of you being town also less the more you have your back and forth with Poyser but I want to see how this Xenos and Flower thing resolves first.

I absolutely have no faith you are a townie as of right now.

Your vote on me doesn't scare me.

Are you sure you aren't being opportunistic and just jumping on the most sussed person rn?
do you have any individual reads on pegg?
The most sussed people right now are Xenos and Flower with BPD trailing behind them, no?
Who is "pegg"?

The X

Well no you are, but I take exception to being accused of lurking when I have over 40 posts in this thread, and also I feel like every last post I make needing to drive the thread in a divergent direction is a pretty unfair standard to hold me to. My comment wasn't meant to imply you weren't.
If you take exception to what I said and it lights a bigger fire in your belly, I have succeeded.

The X

I did make a comment about you and I pretty much spelled out I don't trust you. I find the likelihood of you being town also less the more you have your back and forth with Poyser but I want to see how this Xenos and Flower thing resolves first.

I absolutely have no faith you are a townie as of right now.

Your vote on me doesn't scare me.

The most sussed people right now are Xenos and Flower with BPD trailing behind them, no?
Who is "pegg"?
Please tell me why you don't trust me. You're town reading Poyser so hard that me engaging with him makes the likelihood of me being town go down?

Except you're doing shit with the Flower and xenos situation. This is a forty eight hour day phase and you just want to sit and wait until that situation resolves? You say you don't trust me but have no interest pushing anything and instead are happy to do nothing?

The X

I suss Flower, xenos, and Poyser this game, they all town read me.

I engage with Flower this game and Tweet tells me to stop.

I engage with Poyser this game, Fang calls me scummy for doing that.

I'm trying to solve the game but there seems to be lots of people that don't want me to try.

I somehow get sussed for this.

Got to love town.


Black Pegged dragon.

Xenos/Flower are done.
No more discussion needed on that.
I don't trust him.
Recapping earlier posts and skimming back: any my gut feelings so far on who is what.

Town lean:

- Poyser
- Oneiros
- Ratchet
- You

Null lean:

- Gramma (haven't focused much on his posts)
- Goth Boy (everything he says is NAI)
- Imposter
- Ekko (surprised he wasn't rushing to defend indies like he normally does with the Flower/Xenos thing)
- Doddsy

Scum lean:

- BPD (even before the Xenos thing happened and Flower stepping in, he was certain those two and TAT were scum; gives me wolfish vibes)

Rest haven't said much for me to give anything on like CP or Ratchet.

The X

Oh right, forgot Flower was LYING about town reading me hahahaha.

@xenos5 what the duck is up? You've gone quiet and cold since Flower revealed for you.


I did make a comment about you and I pretty much spelled out I don't trust you. I find the likelihood of you being town also less the more you have your back and forth with Poyser but I want to see how this Xenos and Flower thing resolves first.

I absolutely have no faith you are a townie as of right now.

Your vote on me doesn't scare me.

The most sussed people right now are Xenos and Flower with BPD trailing behind them, no?
Who is "pegg"?
Could you elaborate more on what flowe/xenos flips mean for you? They’re almost certainly not mafia given flowers play?

The X

I don't trust him.
Recapping earlier posts and skimming back: any my gut feelings so far on who is what.

Town lean:

- Poyser
- Oneiros
- Ratchet
- You

Null lean:

- Gramma (haven't focused much on his posts)
- Goth Boy (everything he says is NAI)
- Imposter
- Ekko (surprised he wasn't rushing to defend indies like he normally does with the Flower/Xenos thing)
- Doddsy

Scum lean:

- BPD (even before the Xenos thing happened and Flower stepping in, he was certain those two and TAT were scum; gives me wolfish vibes)

Rest haven't said much for me to give anything on like CP or Ratchet.
You town lean Poyser can Poyser has me in his town core. Shouldn't you want to discuss that or have an issue with that?
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