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Game Ranked EastEnders Mafia

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Also I don't see anything wrong with CP's posts tbh. I don't know who it was that said he looks different here, but how exactly?
(I should probably start quoting posts that ping me instead of just winging it lol)


I'm also going to assume @Imposter is town here because him going after Flower looked like legit wolf hunting to me. Would love some reads and activity from this slot to help town.
I'm gonna need some time to get caught up today but if it helps I was feeling good about T-Pein, Poyser, TAT on D1. Oneiros too obviously due to the claim. I lean town more than anything on you now. I didn't before that long back and forth with Poyser but you both seemed a little riled up and that felt more town/town and you still managed to focus efforts elsewhere during that


Well that explained nothing lmao

What I mean is that CP has opportunity to go for Gram and Poyser would be on board but he decided not to and seems to prefer his own direction. In the whatevergame I forget which one it was, scum CP went for Gram after he lead a mislynch so him refusing for the moment looks good for him.
this is so level 1 tho lol. how much of an easy time would he have when trying to push aurelian vs gram?

i also dont really believe this is what you meant when you said you liked it either lol

Hans Tweetenberg

this is so level 1 tho lol. how much of an easy time would he have when trying to push aurelian vs gram?

i also dont really believe this is what you meant when you said you liked it either lol
Yeah you're right, I obviously meant that I was very impressed with him pushing my town read


Hans Tweetenberg

Like I can believe that you're unimpressed with the take, but the part where you follow up with complete nonsense just to discredit 100% of the post instead of 50% is where you make yourself scum in my eyes.


Like all your posts are making a statement and then when being pulled up on said statement you make up some explanation that doesnt really jive with what the original post looks like, but you're acting as though Im the one with the problem lmao

like idk maybe you should consider saying what you mean the first time or something


Is Goth Boy going to contribute anything or does his game just revolve around greetings? If ever someone has been FROZEN IN WOLF CHAT it's a prime example here


What makes you so certain?

If someone has a role that can resurrect or revive a player in the night action, I'm pretty certain the host would have a write-up after the night phase concludes. But what your saying sounds more like a day phase thing.

@RDK assuming successful actions happen during the day, there would be a write-up, or no?
This is just a silly reaction and spec. Craig literally explained the similarities to his role in Elden Ring and you try and spin some nonsense about revival?


The prevent all kills role was a bit of a silly play with an exposed SK *but* it does prevent the SK getting a shot off as well as the wolves so there's that. I mean, do we ultimately just lynch Xenos today or get something decent out of it at the end? Like this Poyser v Tweet this seems very juicy


Yeah this is indeed pointless because I just told you about ONE THING I liked about CP and you keep saying that I can't say that for reasons of "because I said so woof". I got no read on him beyond that because he's barely played the game.

By the by, do you think there's any way that I'd be viewing CPs suspicions of Gram favorably if I had any sort of favorable read on Gram?
so you dont have a favourable read on gram but you like that CP didnt go for him anyway lol
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