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Game Ranked EastEnders Mafia

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Leprous Monarch
Anyone wanna talk about Ratchet? I'm kind of following the roots here in that I think maybe only a handful of people in the entire game are reading him as town. Woof.
I wanted to lynch him, POE is closing in on him and among the active players he's the one I have least reason to read town

The X

Enlightening line of questioning, absolutely stellar.

Yes, I'm scum who is presumably faking a post restriction for the purpose of deceiving you but for some reason forgets to do the thing he is intent to do as a strategy to manipulate you.

No other possible explanation. Woof.

Why are simple questions becoming so difficult for you to answer? What's your consequence for breaking your PR?


Probably yeah
To copy and paste what I said that everyone has ignored so far:

We have 16 players left

the split I’m guessing is 10/5/1

If we mislynch it’s 9/5/1

If the SK doesn’t hit right it’s 7/5/1 in day
With 13 players left potentially including a town Lethal and scum Phenom they will have the required votes to lynch Lethal and its game


A few people have vaguely hand waved at me without understanding the predicament and said stuff like “we’re not lynching the DV just cos he’s the DV” but nobody has managed to list a feasible scum team without Phenom


Leprous Monarch
A few people have vaguely hand waved at me without understanding the predicament and said stuff like “we’re not lynching the SK just cos he’s the SK” but nobody has managed to list a feasible scum team without Phenom
Im down to lynch him but wanna see how this gram thing plays out


one interesting point - it’s likely one of the vanilla claims are concealing the tracker- obviously that was intended as claimable seeing as we don’t have a watcher :mjpls


Why are simple questions becoming so difficult for you to answer? What's your consequence for breaking your PR?

There's nothing difficult about answering, what's difficult is bridging the gap in understanding that leads you to incessant stupid questions that don't lead anywhere. There's no way for me to answer this meaningless question without a meaningless follow up from you. If you can't get that shit isn't important now, you're not going to get it the more we talk. Woof.

The X

check a player and if they have killed a player up to and including the night I check them, I get notified accordingly

fwiw the kill has to have gone through, failed attempts don’t show

and yeah, it won’t catch an II player
That feels like a lot with a cop in the game.
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