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Game Ranked EastEnders Mafia

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The X

There's nothing difficult about answering, what's difficult is bridging the gap in understanding that leads you to incessant stupid questions that don't lead anywhere. There's no way for me to answer this meaningless question without a meaningless follow up from you. If you can't get that shit isn't important now, you're not going to get it the more we talk. Woof.
What happens when you break your PR?


I mean, it is what it is. You're telling me your certain that Poyser is scum, and you're turning down an opportunity to explore his motive. You don't have to agree with me, but dismissing out of hand what his possible motives here is not helping your case, implicitly, since a case relies upon a foundation of good evidence and a convincing narrative. If you're not even going to try, why should I take you seriously?

As for the PR subject - and to be clear, this is not in the context of me specifically but in general, I am neither confirming nor denying I have a post restriction - here are 5 reasons why what you're asking is pointless and fucking dumb:

1) Post restrictions usually do not need any prior justification for existing other than flavor. So it's pointless to inquire about their purpose.
2) It's also pointless to ask why or why wouldn't a host would include one, not just due to point 1) but because they have little to no mechanical impact
3) Why would you ask me, as a player, to justify the role I was given, or to explain the punishment or lack thereof for an implied violation of a post restriction, when both of those things are in the domain of the host?
4) Why would you assume the violation of a post restriction requires a specific given punishment that you should be aware of?
5) Why is any of this shit even alignment indicative, or relevant?

I gave a response to Tweet on this earlier, if you care so much @Black Pegged Dragon. Otherwise, you're dismissed.


interesting - how do you differentiate between him and goth exactly?
They’ve offered about the same, but the biggest wagon of the last three days has been on OLU but I don’t recall a single vote on Goth Boy (bar mine) despite him being high on everyone’s PoE.


Very defensive over your PR and I don't understand why.

I'm not defensive, I am telling you if these are the lines you suspect me on there's no answer I can give that will satisfy you because it's such a dumb fucking hangup to begin with. You want to have a prolonged argument that will lead nowhere. You're not even attempting to present your thoughts on the matter, you're only asking stupid question after stupid question. Sorry, but this is not an effective use of my time. Can't speak for you. Woof.


Sporadically breaking a PR he keeps for 95% of the time won’t affect anything, it could be game breaking rn to modkill him and it’s not tremendously relevant. It’s just adding clutter to the thread which people won’t read.

The X

I'm not defensive, I am telling you if these are the lines you suspect me on there's no answer I can give that will satisfy you because it's such a dumb fucking hangup to begin with. You want to have a prolonged argument that will lead nowhere. You're not even attempting to present your thoughts on the matter, you're only asking stupid question after stupid question. Sorry, but this is not an effective use of my time. Can't speak for you. Woof.
Didn't you question Craig as being the cop? Why is me questioning the validity of your PR such a big issue?


Thoughts on 17/4/2 with Phenom as a double voter?
Still feels too weak, but if it is 4 then phenom basically has to be one of them

I’d rather assume 6 than 4, and phenom doesn’t really fit in 6 unless lethal is his partner (whether lethals role is legit or not doesn’t really matter in that case - and I’m reasonably satisfied lethsls town anyway)

The X

I'm just asking questions and you're breaking down Ultra. These are just really simple and easy questions.


Leprous Monarch
Still feels too weak, but if it is 4 then phenom basically has to be one of them

I’d rather assume 6 than 4, and phenom doesn’t really fit in 6 unless lethal is his partner (whether lethals role is legit or not doesn’t really matter in that case - and I’m reasonably satisfied lethsls town anyway)
6 mafia with 2 sks? So the game is more than 1/3 non-town? Nah fam
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