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Game Unranked Archived Fairy Tail Mafia - The Dawn of Fiore [Main Game Thread] (Game Ended - Zeref Dragneel and Acnologia have won the game)

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Professional Troll

Vote Lynch Hans Tweetenberg

Let's get this fool
But then he changes it 🪦


@John Wayne do you still want to lynch ratchet? can you give me some reads outside of that?

@Psychic do you really just think flower is scum or are you mad she put you in a duel?
The reason I sus her is because I don’t think town Flower would be as dimwitted as she is right now. I clearly lost in the Games, if I was mafia, do you think my teammates will let me get away with just using one hit?
wdym by target? are you indie or something?
Flower is not 100% confirmed town btw. She’s trying to split the votes up between me, hime and Xadlin(possible scummate). Do not listen to her. Her reason for targeting me is sus as fuck. Like saying me losing in the games makes me scum somehow.
apologies will respond now during my break

due to my low activity i dont know much. cant really claim anything since i dont wanna be modkilled.
i can mostly do thing s duering night so cant do much during the day phase.
I voted psychich since i saw people vote for them. Im not a detective, im usually only go for my abilities adn try to be more involvedm but due to finals i cant really do that.
You voted for me because I was the other wagon at the time, you’re just trying to save yourself. If Xad flips scum, Flower is probably his scummate.
This looks like an extremely lazy attempt from you. You don't suspect anyone else?

Can you stop OMGUSing everyone for a second? :jerrykek

Me too, I don't see the whole fuss after ISOing him, it's a handful of posts of nothing.
Not OMGUS ing Xad. Lol, does it look like I’m omgusing everyone that voted for me? By that definition, I should have also voted for Kobe and BLD. Xad’s flip will give us alot of info.
Good post, I wonder if you'd take all this effort as scum :expepe

It's possible both are his scummates. RDK was pushing away from the TAT lynch and Tweet was... Tweeting

Looks like my train has a delay, so I can be around for one more hour. Why is everyone rushing to a Xad lynch now?
Yeah you’re teammate is getting lynch, you know the one that you told to vote for me.
So the main choices unless I missed any were Tweet, Xadlin, and Psychic? Anyone else?
Seriously, have you been reading anything I have said? Flower’s reasoning for dueling me is sus. She’s probably teammates with Xad. If Cad flips scum than so is Flower. Don’t split the votes and let scum get a power up.


Divine Departure
Not OMGUS ing Xad. Lol, does it look like I’m omgusing everyone that voted for me? By that definition, I should have also voted for Kobe and BLD. Xad’s flip will give us alot of info.
It does look like that, cause while I was online you went for Flowa and Xad who were suspecting you.

What info does it give us? What do you conclude if he flips town/scum?


I'm not familiar with other nf or wg mafia meta, but those little prods are often done by scum from our sites.

Did he go onto disagree at all with your town read or just ask why it was there? If its the latter it could also he done to help others see TAT as town.

Also I'm underwhelmed by Ratchet. This role.stuff better be important.
Doesn't make sense for Tweet to challenge me that early on a read for TAT, when IIRC, there was little to no bandwagon or potential lynch yet forming on TAT. He would just be drawing attention to the fact otherwise, no?


Professional Troll
Bruh, I was literally asking what's happening, I haven't read shit.

Since Xad was on the table still since D1, and I was a Xad voter D1 this makes no sense to me.
Yeah but both times you sheeped. So it isn’t like you are “casing” Xaldin and on a tunnel.

It’s just something I noticed that felt sketchy when I saw the vote count.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member

Day 2 - Vote Count 5 (up to post #2150)

Tpein ->
RDK > Tweet
BPD -> Aurelian > Psychic > Xadlin > Tweet > Xadlin > Tweet
Magic -> Magic > Tweet
Flower -> Psychic > Hime
Hime -> Tweet
Psychic -> Flower > Xadlin
Kobe -> Psychic > OLU > RDK > Tweet
Natalija -> Hayumi > Tweet
Tweet -> Xadlin
Juliet -> Xadlin
Ratchet -> Xadlin
RDK -> Xadlin
Xadlin -> Psychic
Prof -> Xadlin > Tweet
Sworder -> Tweet
Mango -> Mango > Xadlin > Tweet

Tweet = 9
(Hime, Magic, Tpein, Kobe, Sworder, BPD, Prof, Mango, Natalija)
Xadlin = 5 (Tweet, Juliet, RDK, Psychic, Ratchet)
Hime = 1 (Flower)
Psychic = 1 (Xadlin)

Not Voting: Dofla, RAEM, Aurelian, OLU, Hayumi, JW, Ruffles, Chuck

Please let me know if I made any mistakes.
Votes displayed may not represent actual votes in play.

[Vote End Day] is enabled today.

Day 2 and Grand Magic Game 2 ends in 2 hours

does the tags even work?


Professional Troll

Day 2 - Vote Count 5 (up to post #2150)

Tpein ->
RDK > Tweet
BPD -> Aurelian > Psychic > Xadlin > Tweet > Xadlin > Tweet
Magic -> Magic > Tweet
Flower -> Psychic > Hime
Hime -> Tweet
Psychic -> Flower > Xadlin
Kobe -> Psychic > OLU > RDK > Tweet
Natalija -> Hayumi > Tweet
Tweet -> Xadlin
Juliet -> Xadlin
Ratchet -> Xadlin
RDK -> Xadlin
Xadlin -> Psychic
Prof -> Xadlin > Tweet
Sworder -> Tweet
Mango -> Mango > Xadlin > Tweet

Tweet = 10
(Hime, Magic, Tpein, Kobe, Sworder, BPD, Prof, Mango, Tweet, Natalija)
Xadlin = 5 (Tweet, Juliet, RDK, Psychic, Ratchet)
Hime = 1 (Flower)
Psychic = 1 (Xadlin)

Not Voting: Dofla, RAEM, Aurelian, OLU, Hayumi, JW, Ruffles, Chuck

Please let me know if I made any mistakes.
Votes displayed may not represent actual votes in play.

[Vote End Day] is enabled today.

Day 2 and Grand Magic Game 2 ends in 2 hours

does the tags even work?


Doesn't make sense for Tweet to challenge me that early on a read for TAT, when IIRC, there was little to no bandwagon or potential lynch yet forming on TAT. He would just be drawing attention to the fact otherwise, no?
I get what you're saying I just don't necessarily see it as a challenge. Him questioning it without a follow up is more likely just going to lead you to give some reasons as to why Tat is town, which then makes him look better. The intention doesn't have to be for you to reconsider your stance as much as make others consider your stance as to why he's town.
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