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Game Unranked Archived Fairy Tail Mafia - The Dawn of Fiore [Main Game Thread] (Game Ended - Zeref Dragneel and Acnologia have won the game)

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It isn't I agree.

But if you're going to fake sus your teammates you'd aught to fake sus them as actual.mafia and not a third party indy. Why? Because it makes the distancing more effective and actually gives credibility to you not being with that faction. Why start the phase calling your teammate a hostile indy? Like it wasn't mid phase or used to slyly defend them making weird or scummy posts. She starts the phase like that.
she didnt start the phase like that tho
iirc shed been doing that since mid dp1


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member

Day 4 - Vote Count 1 (up to post #4122)

Hime ->
Tweet > Prof > Tweet
Tpein -> Prof > Tweet
Dofla -> Prof > Tweet
Psychic -> Prof > Unvote > Tweet > BPD
Flower -> Prof > Tweet
OLU -> Prof
Sworder -> Prof > Tweet
BLD -> Prof > Psychic
Kobe -> Hime
Hayumi -> Tweet

Tweet = 6
(Hime, Tpein, Dofla, Flower, Sworder, Hayumi)
BPD = 1 (Psychic)
Psychic = 1 (BPD)
Hime = 1 (Kobe)

Please let me know if I made any mistakes.
Votes displayed may not represent actual votes in play.

[Vote End Day] is enabled today.

Day 4 and Game 4 ends in a little less than 14 hours and 40 minutes

does the tags even work?
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Hans Tweetenberg

Why didn't you
Because I had second thoughts about Raem after he got a bit more active. I'd ended up with a scum read on him actually but that was after I told people the duel could be tied. Didn't even really think about his alignment when I asked about tying the duel, it was a spur of the moment thing I just went for without thinking.


Off the top of my head I don’t have an answer, I need to catch up on the very eod from last dp. I wasn’t present for the voting switch ups around that time but things worked out in our favor with the lynch so can’t complain. I am a little surprised about the Melkor kill tho, I didn’t exactly hard Town read them tbh.

Also off the top of my head, I think Kobe still needs some pressure. I don’t like the comments I’ve been seeing that “His wagon formed too quickly”. Like no, not really. The T sword train was much much quicker and at the end of the dp, Kobe still had the least votes out of the three main wagons. Don’t think he should be in the clear at all. Still did nothing to make me lean otherwise last dp.
This post reads weird ngl.

It reads weird as you don't even acknowledge xaldin while talking about the main wagons.


Okay well I don't want to read day 1 right now so I'll take you around your word.

What do you think of tpein.
slight town read

i do think the whole sheeping thing with u was kinda weird but it also gave off the "idc how i look" townie vibes
he seems interesting in solving and ive agreed with some of his posts


slight town read

i do think the whole sheeping thing with u was kinda weird but it also gave off the "idc how i look" townie vibes
he seems interesting in solving and ive agreed with some of his posts
Hayu could be purple. Thoughts? If you follow that quote and see her exchange with Kobe she gets quite defensive about not trying to bring attention off anyone. At the same time they never mention xaldin by name.

Also I'm going to see if tpein ever actually brings xaldin's name up in dp2. He's been quite active and involved thus far so it would be weird if he didn't bring them up!


Eliminate the Balam Alliance and any hostile independents- from Tats flip
Ratchet is a hostile independent huh
so we are basically playing the death roulette here,
from what I understood, zeref and the acnologia guy can be hostiles, both evil asf, these guys wont have to much in comon with town
IDK i probably wont go for an indie lynch this day phase, but it is good to keep this in mind

we can try a lynch on xadlin, I dont like how physic handled herself also, Magic has a point on checking the wagons last dp, haans is looking sus for switching from tats, rdk switched also, but he explained that he just went for his main sus, Natalia has a good point on Tats interaction with Hayumi, there is too much going on.....

Tsworder is not purple.


Hayu could be purple. Thoughts? If you follow that quote and see her exchange with Kobe she gets quite defensive about not trying to bring attention off anyone. At the same time they never mention xaldin by name.

Also I'm going to see if tpein ever actually brings xaldin's name up in dp2. He's been quite active and involved thus far so it would be weird if he didn't bring them up!
i def think hayumi is sus
they r def slipping under the radar and not doing a lot, pretty sure nat or someone else brought this up earlier and i agreed with it
idk abt them being purple, would have to check their posts


from what i saw tpein said two posts prior to rdk's vote flip that people would likely now try to change tat's wagon now that it was in the read after someone(i think flower) broke the tie. in that same moment rdk flipped his vote, hence the suspicion.

again i think that's a fairly straight forward thought process.

That's not really my point. If he's town, we can assume he's uninformed, yet his posting end of day was unduly confident on TAT being scum. He would, after all, have to be uninformed about the thread, otherwise he would know RDK was within reason (from his position, at least) to pursue a Xadlin lynch. Scum typically will only commit to a bus on a player when they can tie someone else to them, to make the best of losing a mate. I see that behaviour indicated here, and frankly I have an easier time reconciling it.

I remember this discussion now. It was about tpein bussing Tat which is what ratchet thought they did to then go onto to call town players scummy for either flipping off the wagon or not voting tat.

However given xaldin flipped scum too we can also say that tpein was protecting his teammate and making it so anyone that voted xaldin after tat took the lead would.be called as scummy. He even called out @RDK for doing so. After the flip tpein mostly only focused on people that went after xaldin, which is also what I was doing tbh but that was more in connection with tats flip. The fact tpein was pre-emptively accusing people of being scummy for not staying on the tat wagon isn't the best look.

All that said even as purple he didn't know tat would flip red but then at that point I assume he could just go after me or stats he thought I knew what I was doing like he did with the first mini game.


i def think hayumi is sus
they r def slipping under the radar and not doing a lot, pretty sure nat or someone else brought this up earlier and i agreed with it
idk abt them being purple, would have to check their posts
Pls do check their posts!

I want to lynch red today but I want to narrow out who is likely purple and who is guaranteed not purple to ensure town has an easy road to victory! Do not let claims take precedence over play!


Why you wanna lynch Ratchet over Tat or kobe
Why tat or kobe but not xaldin. WHY TPEIN. XALDIN WAS AN OPTION TOO.

You cant say it was becauss you were confident in those two over xaldin because you said you were 15 pages behind and just sheeping me so why did you neglect to include xaldin.
Well he has 5 votes.
Other has 4.
He is in a place to get saved rn.

Especially with people comfortable with a Xaldin lynch

Vote Lynch: Xaldin

Why you do this after we just said scums gonna try to derail from him.
If he does flip scum you gonna get blasted.
*rolls eyes

Switching from TAT when he becomes viable lowkey scummy AF.
Idk why he does that...


Let's entertain two possibilities.

1. Xadlin and TAT are teammates: TAT voting Xadlin EoD would ensure no lynch, and they gain one more day. There is no reason not to do this.

2. Xadlin and TAT are not teammates: TAT could have again voted Xadlin to save himself - but the long duration during his wagon developed is concerning. Surely, his teammates gave him the instruction not to vote? Why else you wouldn't save yourself?
^more reasoning as to why kobe is never either scum here and just town.
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